Babylon5 ago

May be a good time to revisit Dr. Pong. A part of the PizzaGate investigation that has gone silent for a while.

Angelis_Solaris ago

That's the worship of sexual experience at work. Something very similar happened here in American with Dr. Alfred Kinsey. See this documentary where Kinsey's contemporaries admitted to encouraging pedophiles to collect data on child "orgasm" (shuddering in pain):

EyeOfHorus ago

I found the Voat pedo right here:

GritD2 ago

It's how they breed.

Now, what has happened to the victims?

carmencita ago

The wiki is in German. Not much info like when he was born and his life history. I did find he had adopted 3 sons which is horrifying.

carmencita ago

Vile and shocking in 1969. But 2003? Wasn’t Polanski over there then? I’m sure he was crossing his fingers. Surely all the well known pedos were hopeful this would pass. It would surely have opened the floodgates to more misery for Our Children 👶. Those poor homeless Babes suffer enough without sexual abuse from perverted sick pedophiles.

volunteerwork2020 ago

I remember seeing something similar happened in Sweden in the 90s.

numina18 ago

Sounds like Mengele to me.

Simonbelmont27 ago

Deserves the ovens

PizzaGateDiscovery ago

So sick! Continued until 2003!