21yearsofdigging ago

Well,many of you may disagree but Paul Haggis is next and I personally don't believe it is Scientology behind his charges. I know personally of women that were stalked by him and so far, no link between the women accusing Haggis had any dealings with that crazy cult Scientology. Haggis tried to countersue the women for defamation of character but the New York judge threw that out. Haggis is going to have a hard time now,with the Weinstein case setting a precedent.Haggis is also a thief and those in the know understand that he had a habit of taking other people's scripts and putting his name on them. Haggis used the Scientoloy goon squad to clean up his messes and I thin they got fed up with that.

I am very excited about this Weinstein decision and although it isn't dealing with pedophilia it does disclose what Hollywood scumbags do and the fact that they hire companies like Black Cube to terrorize it's victims, whether that be women who came forward about being raped or children that have spoken out as adults or even writers that have had intellectual property theft and ended up gang stalked and destroyed. Black Cube,for those that don't know,is a private investigation agency made up of 'ex' MOSSAD agents whose job it is to follow and harass,death threaten and plant any and all kinds of dirt on their victims so as to discredit them.Many victims end up committing suicide. Bring on the pedophiles and expose their tactics of destroying their credibility.

3141592653 ago

Just seeing all this. Thanks for all the in-depth info. Didn't know about Haggis.

carmencita ago

BREAKING - Tom Hanks and Wife Rita have just tested positive for COVID-19 in Australia.

3141592653 ago

So they CLAIM. Just makes me think of Harvey and his fake walker aka pathetic attempt to try to get sympathy

justregtoasku ago

all part of the psyop

eurgh the hanks and corona

pretty tired of it all really

carmencita ago

I surely hope they are needing cover. Did they perhaps flee the country for another reason? Yes and then they hide in quarantine. Didn’t we hear recently that Hanks will be next? Can’t wait.

carmencita ago

This moron said the sex was consensual. Not on their part. No. But on his. He says he doesn’t understand.

I am totally confused. I think men are confused

Just because you want it Harvey doesn’t mean you can take it. You may have consented but they did not.

3141592653 ago

Yup. The double digit rape stories ive read against him... Are violent and horrifying. I dont believe for second he was confused. I do, however, believe he is evil.

carmencita ago

These sickos want us to believe they are weak and frail when that is far from the truth. Power is what it’s all about. Now he will have none. I am hoping.

worldofmadness ago

Watch him commit ''suicide'' in the near future which in reality means that he's been sent off to Israel to be reunited with his buddy Epstein.

3141592653 ago

And Ms. Maxwell

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Dead in 10 days, yet accomplished nothing. Still thousands of child rapists in Hollywood and we are acting like Harvey is the only one.

Get fucked, nobody cares. At this rate, 1 per 4 years, nothing will never happen.

3141592653 ago

Get fucked... Care to explain? YES- this is not enough. YET- i see progress. After HATING Woody Allen for decades and no one listening to me, now he's nearly blacklisted. Nickelodeon's former Dan Schneider? No, he's not locked up and is still rich. YET, with our work here, we Finally saw his permanent removal from Nickelodeon. People say the MeToo movement was a cover-up or psyop whatever, and i will continue to vehemently disagree. We have seen major progress since MeToo began. And i believe- no...i KNOW... There is more coming. I'm not saying it's enough or happening fast enough. Again, ive gone 20 years abhoring and speaking out against Polanski and Woody Allen, watching it fall upon deaf ears. In the last year or 2, I've seen the most progress and awareness-building I've witnessed in my lifetime.

KatTheHun ago

In a private prison for the affluent. Where he can get all the tennis practice he wants or as much television or wait... the food ya find at a 5 star restaurant. Wow. What a win for him.

3141592653 ago

I hear ya. I hope not, but dont doubt it. Actually though, doubt he'd partake in the tennis. Lol

Podge512 ago

Swinestein didn't kill himself.

3141592653 ago

Good one

lopus ago

YES!! :)))

think- ago

Another one bites the dust 💃

Another one bites the dust 💃

And another one gone, and another one gone 💃

Another one bites the dust… 💃

Hey 💃

Oh take it 💃

Bite the dust 💃

Kinda dusty! 💃

Hey 💃

Another one bites the dust 💃

Another one bites the dust oww 💃

Another one bites the dust hey hey 💃

Another one bites the dust eh eh 💃

There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man 💃

And bring him to the ground 💃



3141592653 ago

Sorry.. Just gotta add: this maybe topped your last comment that i honestly called "best comment ever"

think- ago

Aww.....you are cute! Thank you! ❤️

3141592653 ago

Thank you!!

3141592653 ago

So great

think- ago



Vindicator ago


think- ago

😛 🙃 💃

EricKaliberhall ago

'Swamp Takedown' flair is activated.

3141592653 ago


3141592653 ago

Look at the monster trying to gain sympathy with his walker, and now wheelchair. I hope he dies in prison.

siegnagel ago

He will, like Epstein, then go and live in Israel along with Leon Brittain and Grenville Jenner.

3141592653 ago

I don't know those last 2 names. Pls share more, or will look into it soon...

justregtoasku ago

Pedo jewish foreign sec and mp who faked deaths to escape pedo charges in kosher uk

3141592653 ago


justregtoasku ago

Don't know why you'd be downvoated. This is the truth

3141592653 ago


Napierdalator ago

So the real question will be: "did the cadaver from Weinstein's cell have dick and balls?"