volunteerwork2020 ago

Some sketchy places in Myrtle Beach. I have some experience dealing with them.

Groff ago

It took an entire lifetime for me to get to the point that I can no longer respect the police. They really are pigs running wild. The problem of growing wild pig populations, in most states, tends to permit year round open hunting season.

carmencita ago

Another slap on the wrist by LE protecting the pedo elites. They will not bite the hand that provides them their sick perverted needs.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Police especially are low intelligence, corruptable as fuck, jewish agents.

Pcpoet09 ago

no! I think that we all know who the low I Q person is. come-on admit it your IQ is below 85. its easy to see from what you just posted....don't be embarrassed lots of neo-Nazi anti Semites are in the same boat. that's why you all gravitate to believing this shit and fallowing psychopaths