Blacksmith21 ago

Not suspicious at all.../s

think- ago

No, not at all, I bet he is innocent! LOL

Shillaxe ago

Since JE is Mossad , who stands to benefit from trashing the Monarchy, not that he's innocent but is this an attempt to steal the crown ?

siegnagel ago

Did anyone expect differently? Mummy's boy Andy has a free pass to do whatever the fuck he wants.

User_name1 ago

Surprise! Never saw that coming.

carmencita ago

Can we extradite a Royal? If so get his arse over here.

think- ago

Basically, any Royal except for the Queen, but this won't happen.

It's possible to sue him in the UK, but this would mean that British LE will cooperate, and I don't see this happen either.

Unless Prince Charles decides to throw his brother under the bus for good, but I doubt it.

carmencita ago

Ha! You are right. Fat chance. As outspoken they can be or taking away powers etc. they will never cross one of their own. Besides it would be hours of taking the 5th Amendment.

think- ago

Besides it would be hours of taking the 5th Amendment.


carmencita ago

I would enjoy seeing him squirm though. A Royal being asked all those questions about pedophelia.

AndrewBlazeIt ago
