BeyondTheMatrix ago

Ok, then what? The disgusting book is still being sold on Amazon with these stupid a** enablers praising the sick weasel and his work. Hey, this is coming from someone who used to truly enjoy his films but is so sickened by the fact that people have actively ignored the abuse he has inflicted on children.

Vindicator ago

How about our new "Cheers!" flair? :-)

Wally777 ago

You're not supposed to question Jewish Privilege.

SumerBreeze ago

jewish privilege is not only about being able to molest children without consequence, you antisemite!

BushChuck ago

I'd have some respect for them if they quit their jobs.

Staging a walkout? Are they employed by a high school?

think- ago

I beg to differ. It takes a lot of courage to protest against your employer.

BushChuck ago

That's because you're a cuck soy faggot.

think- ago

Go and troll somewhere else, honey. :-)

BushChuck ago

Go learn how to cook, bitch.

think- ago


MadWorld ago

XD I think you are not supposed to trigger trolls and goblins.

think- ago

;-P I will dedicate my new post to him :-)

Due to the walkout of their staff, Hachette dropped plans to publish Woody Allen's memoir. :-) :-) :-)

justregtoasku ago

Oh that's good news