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letouejil ago

So breaking down what this so called filmmaker is saying, it's the "judgment" of others that makes sex with a child into a bad thing. This is disgusting!

kestrel9 ago

That's the same argument the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) pedo activists have been pushing in order to justify molesting kids as a natural, victimless sexual preference

notdivided ago

And the same thing the "false memory foundation syndrome" board members propagate.


Lena Watson in "The Trouble With Being Born" Panama Film / Berlinale

First you see a ten-year-old girl in Elli who spends the summer with dad at the pool. Then a storage medium for memories of the child that this dad lost ten years ago. Then a very elaborate sex toy, the special equipment of which is particularly easy to wash off - in a not too distant future, child androids can obviously fulfill various wishes from adults. With the tilting, confused, deeply strange looks it is in Sandra Wollner's "The Trouble With Being Born", a kind of "Blade Runner" for the Austrian suburbia, is far from done. The highlight of the Encounters series shows a filmmaker who is already entering her second long film into much more risky realms than the majority of German-language filmmaking can do. Hannah Pilarczyk

kestrel9 ago

Several things stood out to me about Sandra Wollner's comments in this interview

it’s basically a film about a child-like android that can be programmed to do anything you want – all the darkest things you can imagine. And yet it just doesn’t care; it wants what it’s programmed to want...

One could make that argument about filmmakers as well. In my mind she's like an android, a product of a culture that has pedophiles projecting their desires into every form of influence that they can. She's become so devoid of a truly human response to what is clear to the audience (this is why they walked out), that she can only approach the topic of pedophilia and child rape as an empty vessel, the child does not exist. She projects terms like 'a point of view' and 'wants and desires' onto a fictional android, who is programmed, yet never addresses the actions and ill intent of the programmer. She doesn't give the back story of the father who molests his daughter, and then uses a doll image of his dead daughter as a sex toy, demonstrating that he has as little regard for her humanity in death as he did when she was alive. The daughter was not a sex toy, she was his victim, the fact that he can have sex with a likeness of her after her death makes one wonder what such a creep did to her real body after she drowned! (That's the reality of society we live in when it comes to pedophiles and necrophilia.) The daughter's image in a doll is not value neutral, and a director presenting the story of the doll this way (dehumanizing the daughter) is a bigger story on the state of 'virtualization of values' in our times then the end product (her movie).

[Interviewer]: Even though this particular android wants, as you said, what it’s programmed to want, some still don’t seem too happy with its “performance”. Why?

People aren’t happy with Elli – after all this time, I still keep referring to her as a girl – because every dialogue you can have with her, or with this object, is basically a monologue. Then again, it’s more the idea of a robot than an actual technical creation. We are not showing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence; it’s not about science fiction or what could possibly happen in the near future. I just wanted to reflect a certain aspect of our current reality. Also, when people talk about projecting their inner self onto an android and having it out there in the world forever… To tell you the truth, I find the whole concept of eternity rather unsettling. It scares me, frankly – this idea of just reliving and reliving, what would that even mean? I am not sure I am a fan of that.

The story is that (a character) the ten year child is dead, her image is created to be used as a sex toy. Wollner can't see that she's created within her story an example of "just reliving and reliving" of a state of dehumanization. She's herself is a symptom of a sick society.

Wollner in her own words, is unable untangle a virtual reality, a tape recording, from life.

It’s basically the story of Pinocchio, and what I was interested in was an anti-Pinocchio. I didn’t want her to have this wish to become a human, which is usually their biggest goal. Elli only wants what was programmed inside her. If she were programmed to dream about becoming a human, that’s what she would want. But that would just be cruel, and it’s obviously not happening here. I found it striking: there is this android, and she doesn’t mind if a 50-year-old man takes her to bed or if she stays with an older lady, serving as a projection of her dead brother.

Neither Pinocchio nor 'anti-Pinocchio' are humans and cannot be humans (btw Wollner misses the point of the Pinocchio story entirely, a fairy tale with an evil imp character possessing a wood figurine marionette and The Fairy with Turquoise Hair ). Unlike Wollner's Fairy tales serve more purpose than the aim of her movie does.

So, reality check is needed for Wollner. Programs don't 'want'. Yet, Wollner can't break down the obvious. Let's simplify that: a toaster can serve up toast to a pedophile just as easy as to someone who lost a sibling. Talking about the story of either (the pedophile or the sibling) from the so called 'perspective' of the toaster is pseudo intellectualism, a mind fart. If anything, Wollner presents a false equivalent, something that pedos and their supporters are prone to doing.

I wanted to show our world from the perspective of someone who is not human, from the viewpoint of an object that doesn’t judge and isn’t trying to find the meaning of life. It just is.

Objects don't have perspectives, and it's disingenuous to pretend they do in a context that dehumanizes a child victim of rape. It only serves to protect the pedophile mindset by objectifying reality wherein they don't even have to pretend to care about the subject as having consequences on real people or a real society, any action "just is".

A programmed machine does not have a perspective and Wollner deludes herself in thinking that one can, on the one hand, give a machine a 'perspective' and on the other hand, claim that there is no perspective. There is certainly a perspective, but it's a human perspective as all movies are because movies are intended to be viewed by humans, not androids.

kestrel9 ago

I had to edit part of my comment, as I only saw the previews of the movie, and the scene of what looks like a drowned girl, and of the father carrying the drowned girl through the woods/meadow, I assumed the daughter had drowned. Apparently she 'disappeared' but does make an appearance in the movie: is impossible to trick our brains into not seeing the final images — which are mostly graphic only in inference — for what they appear to imply: the violation of a child.

This is further complicated by the appearance later on of the real Elli (Jana McKinnon), an older girl who resembles the robot version, and is presumably the source of the memories that the robot repeats. And even then, Wollner and co-writer Roderick Warich’s are scarcely half done: New, knotty themes of gender identity, human fallibility, and the whispery presence of a ghost in every machine also develop.

Great. So is the flesh and blood version of the father's perversion okay with him using a sex doll version of herself for his perversions, or are is the concept of which pronoun to use and dead naming the only objection? /s

'The Trouble With Being Born': Film Review

Reviewed at Berlin Film Festival, Feb. 25, 2020. Running time: 93 MIN.

Production: (Austria-Germany) A Panama Film production, in co-production with The Barricades, ZDF/Das Kleine Fernsehspiel, Filmakademie Baden-Württemburg. (International Sales: Cercamon, Dubai.) Producers: Lixi Frank, David Bohun. Co-producers: Andi G Hess, Astrid Schäfer, Viktoria Stolpe, Timm Kröger.

Crew: Director: Sandra Wollner. Screenplay: Wollner, Roderick Warich. Camera: Timm Kröger. Editor: Hannes Bruun. Music: David Schweighart, Peter Kutin.

With: Lena Watson, Dominik Warta, Ingrid Burkhard, Jana McKinnon. (German dialogue)

carmencita ago

Watch. They will defend this movie as a deterrent for Child rape. They will say the sex doll will be enough for the pedo and a Child will be saved. I’m sure of it. We have posts on sex dolls here.

Mind_Games ago

Unless you're willing to hunt down these "writers, directors" and supporters..then shut the fuck up.

Petulant crying helps noone and does nothing.

kestrel9 ago

You don't have a clue in this case about this woman.

Mind_Games ago

I do have a clue. I'd slice her throat and move onto the next one...just like the rest of them.

Shillaxe ago

Keyboard warrior .

Mind_Games ago

Yawn. Back to your crayons and legos , kiddo

Shillaxe ago

Well, go on complaining about people doing nothing ,while you do absolutely....nothing.

Now, go back to your corner and resume eating paint chips.

Mind_Games ago

Your lame entrapment tactics need work.

Shillaxe ago

Don't be skeered , everyone knows you'd slice necks , even the @fbi .

Mind_Games ago’re a moron. Hope that works well for you.

Shillaxe ago

Still,I have to wonder how many throats you've slit, creep.

Mind_Games ago

That you would spend time wondering about it , is laughably stupid.

How many donuts did you pound down today ? Don't let your husband catch you with powdered sugar on your lip.

Shillaxe ago

So you just spout garbage , got it cupcake , back to your hole now...go, bye bye.

Mind_Games ago

Awe Pooh, no honey here :(

Starve, bitch.

Shillaxe ago

🖕 😎 🖕

kestrel9 ago

Once again, a person that doesn't read before assuming they know something. It gets old. (Maybe not as old as you, but old nonetheless).

Mind_Games ago

Once again, a moron who uses a false platitude to try and gain back power lost by someone telling the most obvious truths.

You should prepare yourself, the world is awakening.

kestrel9 ago

Whatever prospect there could have been to have a conversation with you about obvious truths expired with your persistent toffee-nosed posturing.

Mind_Games ago

The sad part is that instead of using that hook to go fishing, you waste it on here...doing nothing.

kestrel9 ago

Guess that makes two of us.

Mind_Games ago

Yeah, clearly my comment history would indicate that my “anti-Semitistic” comments could lead one to believe that I’m a hooked nosed kike lol.

Your crayons miss you.

kestrel9 ago

So you're a garden variety troll after all. So much for giving old goats benefit of the doubt. You need to get the last word in? Go ahead, no one cares.

Mind_Games ago

"You need to get the last word in ?" = "please keep speaking to me"

carmencita ago

Not only does the movie portray pedophelia but when the girl runs away she is picked up by a motorist who gives her to his Mother as. replacement for the brother she lost 60 years ago. Tricky. It touches on transgenderism. They really want to touch all the bases. Yuck.

BeeBop71 ago

Wollner has no values or moral center. She's a jew.

MaxBlock50 ago

In the near future we'll likely have realistic sex bots. What do we do when people order sex bots that appear 10 years old? Should that be illegal?

letouejil ago

What do we do when people order sex bots that appear 10 years old?

I vote for shooting them.

kestrel9 ago

Child sex dolls are already available in the world but not legal to be imported into some countries. I would ask if people would care if someone made it look like their dead 10 year that they were molesting. Is that where society is at, no one gives a shit what degenerate people do. Then society is no better than mindless programmed bots.

MaxBlock50 ago

Giving a shit and making it illegal can be 2 different things. If an act or item can be illegal without a damaged party, then anything can be made illegal.

Angelis_Solaris ago

The United States Constitution does not protect freedom of expression. The courts devised that phrase and have been using it for the last 100 years to subvert a protection of words (freedom of speech) into a protection of actions and behaviors (expression).

MaxBlock50 ago

How would you prove "it corrupts the morals of the people"? Ambiguous language will always favor government tyranny.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Becuase it goes against the Bible's teachings and the teachings of Jesus Christ. That's what our founders based the Republic on. God's Law is the highest authority and it is man's duty to uphold it. No laws contradicting the Ten Commandments (i.e. saying you can steal your neighbor's property or kill them) or the teachings of Jesus are valid laws because they do not derive just authority from anything.

Vindicator ago

Child sex robots are damaging to all children, because they feed the perverted addictions of pedophiles, increasing the demand for child pornography that harms real children.

kestrel9 ago

^^That is why it's illegal to import them in some countries, because while they don't legislate what a pedo feels, they still care enough about the children to recognize the broader societal consequences of CP in all forms and enabling the behavior/addictions. (Although in the UK that's a bit problematic and untrue considering their record of protecting elite pedos/murderers)

Otto- ago

Similar for regulations around viewing CP, or "simulations" of CP, like cartoons, CG, comics. It's illegal in some countries to "obtain" or store them as polaroids or files, in other countries by viewing or searching terms, and it's largely ambiguous/unspecified in the rest of countries. I know the slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy, but this is one case where it seems pretty pressing; the more people opt for realistic depictions of child abuse via literature, drawings, computer animations, physical models, interactivity, AI, the more degraded and pertinent the lines of the crime become, and so the obligations to regulate it.

Honestly, thinking about the extent to which people increasingly simulate things in their reality, the more my mind implodes with distorted frustration & confusion. I'm finding it harder to comprehend now, like I'm from an older generation despite being from the 90s.

kestrel9 ago

Great comment thank you.

In the US the simulations and cartoon depictions of CP, rape, gang rape, sex trafficking, are not regulated. That's why parts of Voat have it and there are people here who have no issues sexting each other over this shit. (I reported it but never went back to see if anything became of it). There comes a point where people need to wake up from their wicked ways, there's no law to babysit them into doing the right thing by condemning the sexual exploitation of kids, even in forms that they don't believe "hurt anyone". This includes trans movement and Drag Queens.

Angelis_Solaris ago

There are laws against what they are doing, but they haven't been enforced in many years. Pornographic depictions are not protected under the Bill of Rights or the Constitution of the United States and were illegal in the founding era. These people are outside of the law and justly belong in prison.

kestrel9 ago

I'm adding this info which supports the illegality of loli cp

Note that the person had a prior conviction of having cp

A 53-year-old Richmond man yesterday became the first person convicted under a 2003 federal statute that makes obscene cartoon drawings as well as photographs an illegal form of child pornography.

Dwight Whorley could be sentenced to more than 1,000 years in prison because a jury found him guilty of 74 counts of child pornography charges in U.S. District Court. Those counts include the obscene cartoons and charges of sending and receiving obscene e-mails describing sexual abuse of children.

Whorley used a computer at a Virginia Employment Commission office in Richmond on March 30, 2004, to view obscene Japanese anime cartoons that depict female children being forced into sexual intercourse with adult males.

The new statute is "designed to increase protection against the sexual exploitation of minors," the U.S. attorney's office said. It makes it a federal crime to produce, distribute, receive or possess for distribution "obscene drawings, cartoons, sculptures, paintings or any other obscene visual representation of the sexual abuse of children."

Whorley was under court-supervised release after serving time on previous child pornography convictions when he was charged under the current indictment. Authorities said he was arrested in April 2004 after he printed out some of the obscene cartoons in the VEC office and someone noticed.

The indictment accused Whorley of 20 counts of receiving obscene materials, 20 counts of receiving obscene visual representations of sexual abuse of children, 14 counts of receiving child pornography and 20 counts of sending and receiving obscene e-mails describing sexual abuse of children.

Whorley's maximum possible sentence is 1,160 years in prison and a fine of $18.5 million. Judge Henry E. Hudson scheduled sentencing for March 10.

Besides viewing the cartoons on March 30, Whorley used a VEC computer on two earlier dates in March 2004 to receive digital photographs of children engaging in sexually explicit conduct, the U.S. attorney's office said. The 20 obscene e-mail messages described, among other things, parents sexually molesting their children.

In January 2003, he had served his sentence and was on supervised release when he violated the terms of his probation and was taken back into custody, according to the U.S. attorney's office.

He was sentenced to an additional 12 months to serve and was released in January 2004. Whorley again violated probation and was arrested in April 2004, which led authorities to the current prosecution.

Whorley was prosecuted by Assistant U.S. Attorney Sara E. Flannery and Damon A. King, a trial attorney with the U.S. Department of Justice's Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section. The case was investigated by the FBI and the justice department.

"With this conviction, we have removed a dangerous repeat sex offender from the community for a long time," said Paul J. McNulty, acting deputy attorney general as well as U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia.

Assistant Attorney General Alice S. Fisher of the criminal division in the U.S. Department of Justice called Whorley "a relentless trafficker of child pornography."

She said the justice department "will continue to protect citizens from obscene pictures of child pornography by punishing those who violate our law and engage in these abhorrent offenses."

Whorley's previous conviction on federal child-pornography charges was in 1999. He was sentenced to 46 months in prison to be followed by three years of court-supervised probation.

@puttitout All these behaviors (except for the prior convictions to our knowledge) are/were taking place on the loli cp subs on voat. This appears to be illegal behavior (at least in Richmond Virginia). Providing a platform for illegal behavior is a violation of voat's own rules. I haven't checked the subs to see if anything has happened since I reported many of the posts as violating voat rules (nor do I intend to as I've seen as much of that sick shit as I can tolerate, even for reporting it.) In addition there are subs where written cp fantasy also is posted. I don't know if the case in Richmond is isolated but it is something to consider.

@crensch @Vindicator

Angelis_Solaris ago

"This appears to be illegal behavior (at least in Richmond Virginia)."

As a federal crime, it is applicable to all states, yes?: "first person convicted under a 2003 federal statute that makes obscene cartoon drawings as well as photographs an illegal form of child pornography."

kestrel9 ago

In Whorley's case he broke the conditions of a prior charge (he was under court supervised release and was a repeat offender regarding cp, not cartoons.). So his case involves violating probation and 14 counts of receiving child pornography, so it's unknown whether the possession of the cartoon depictions alone (without possession of cp as well) would have resulted in a prosecution.

I found this too, where there was a conviction despite there not being any cp involved, but that is because his lawyer advised him to plead guilty.

Nevertheless, Handley entered a guilty plea. According to Threat Level, it was simply because his attorney had exhausted all other options:

"It's probably the only law I'm aware of, if a client shows me a book or magazine or movie, and asks me if this image is illegal, I can't tell them," says Eric Chase, Handley's attorney.

Chase says he recommended the plea agreement (.pdf) to his client because he didn't think he could convince a jury to acquit him once they'd seen the images in question. The lawyer declined to describe the details. "If they can imagine it, they drew it," he says. "Use your imagination. It was there."

The manga collector faces up to 15 years in prison for possessing comic books.

Handley is the first person to be convicted under the controversial Protect Act, which makes drawings of fictional characters into potential child pornography.

How did this happen?

In 2002, the Supreme Court struck down the so-called Morphing Law, which held that fictional cartoon or photoshopped images depicting minors having sex would also be treated as obscene (Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition). Under that decision, last week's conviction of Handley could not have happened.

But in 2003, the Protect Law passed, which held that "a drawing, cartoon, sculpture, or painting" showing children in sexual situations could be ruled illegal if local community standards consider it "obscene." This is particularly relevant given that Handley was tried in an area, Southern Iowa, where average community members may not be aware of the styles and content of typical manga.

So 'community standards' play a part in determining the legality of the images? How does this translate into an online community such as voat? I would say that one could argue that the attacks of trolls and lolicon cp collectors against subs where the vast majority of users are AGAINST the images and consider them obscene, those actions, those images, could be considered illegal and one would think would be enough to get a sitewide ban of those users. Since the 'community' of perverts that have their depicted cartoon child rape subs isolated from the rest of the voat, they could argue that the same images are legal unless those users are in possession of cp or have prior records/convictions of possession of cp. (no way to know). That's how I'm reading the case cited in the link.


kestrel9 ago

Here's some info on the laws in various countries.

US laws are not quite cut and dry.

There was this case though:

In October 2012, after being reported by his wife, a 36-year-old man named Christian Bee in Monett, Missouri entered a plea bargain to "possession of cartoons depicting child pornography", with the U.S. attorney's office for the Western District of Missouri recommending a 3-year prison sentence without parole. The office in conjunction with the Southwest Missouri Cyber Crimes Task Force argued that the "Incest Comics" on Bee's computer "clearly lack any literary, artistic, political, or scientific value". Christian Bee was originally indicted for possession of actual child pornography, but that charge was dropped as part of a plea deal, and was instead charged with possession of the "Incest Comics"

I'm not sure if that covers anime cp. In New Zealand a man was arrested for having pixie porn (not human depictions).

One can see that the subject is problematic, we don't want 'thought crimes'.

Auckland University associate philosophy professor Tim Dare said "the justifications for punishment are likely to be worries about the tendency of the images to promote harm to real people in the future, or a concern for what the interest in the images tells you about their ‘character' ".

Clark himself argued that the law led to the absurdity that he could, in theory, be convicted of possessing objectionable images of stick figures.

Clark admitted he was interested in the images but he said it was for their artistic merit and as "a bit of a laugh". He did not find them sexually arousing, he said.

Tavinor said there were ethical issues that complicated the case.

"The ways a person entertains themself is not morally negligible. This is probably an additional factor in the current case because as well as worrying about the effects these activities might have on children, we also naturally make moral judgments about the character of the person in question.

"But for the purposes of law it is probably important to distinguish between these because convicting someone for their moral views is very dangerous."

The subject is further complicated by the problem of cp with real individuals that runs rampant throughout the world, sex tourism, child prostitution (all illegal) and which loli cp porn advocates point out when justifying what they consider a legal and victimless form of sexual depictions. So the issue speaks to that of a degenerate culture, we see the sexualizing of children through the media and commercialism, through transgender movement/drag kids fad.. all legal and all public and in our faces. Kids toys have babies dressed like hookers, dolls that appear like dead sexualized zombies, all legal for children to buy and play with. So as much as the loli rape porn on voat bothers me, it's hidden behind the NSFW setting, it's hidden within subs, (until trolls used it to attack QRV sub, that's how I found out about it). It's up to the Voat management to make that call on a this free speech site.


Angelis_Solaris ago

"But for the purposes of law it is probably important to distinguish between these because convicting someone for their moral views is very dangerous."

This is absurd. No one is being convicted for their "moral views." They're being convicted for their actions and behaviors, i.e. distributing cartoon cp and creating cartoon cp. Someone with such moral views should not be on the streets, as they are compromised, but it's their actions and behaviors that are punishable.

3141592653 ago

One sentence in and already beyond W. T. F.

tokui ago

Stephen Miller is jewish.

It's a robot, you retards. It's called a story, with acting.

Pls ignore all the graphic depictions of murder and rape in movies, though.

Keep hugging your binky called "there's a pedo out there somewhere", while the western world is completely burning down.

Fucking worthless moralfaggots.

KillerKap ago

whole lotta jewish faggot bullshit right here. you think we cant spot your faggot cuntery you dumb kike? get raped you faggot.

3141592653 ago


Phuk_Hugh ago

I love what they do to people like you in prison.

tokui ago

People like me never go to prison.

People like me are whom you retards call on to defend you from illogical injustices.

There'd be no America without us, just blithering slaves of jew manipulation - you.

KillerKap ago

jew lawyer faggot checking in. get fucked you piece of shit. you will end up in a gutter bleeding and eating mud right before you die.

Phuk_Hugh ago

cool story bro.

All I have seen of you so far is pedo-apologetics.

tokui ago

I don't defend undefinable notions. That's a liberal thing.

I attack moralfaggotry.

Phuk_Hugh ago

pedophilia/pederasty are VERY defined, and you are defending their normalization. When did you decide that sexual relationships with children was 'moralfaggotry'?

tokui ago

You're hewing to a narrow, jewed, modern liberal twist on relations.

Traditional relations involve marriage between a menstruating female and an established male provider & protector.

Many traditional cultures still practice the above, the healthiest biological combination.

Instead, people are desensitized to 30 and 40 yr old brides, shrink from an arbitrary demarcation set at 18yrs. These are unthinking moralfags, useful bots of their own white genocide. They are the enemy.

3141592653 ago

This language is sounding like donkey or r u sure, known pedo shills

Vindicator ago


3141592653 ago

Thanks for the back-up

Vindicator ago


Phuk_Hugh ago

I am 'hewing' to the notion that sex with a 10 year old is evil. You consider that notion 'a narrow, jewed, modern liberal twist on relations'. The rest of what you wrote is poisoned by this sentiment.

tokui ago

I don't share your cuck values.

Phuk_Hugh ago

I make children, I don't fuck them. How about you?

tokui ago

For the record, nearly 100% of pedophilia involves a father & daughter.

Phuk_Hugh ago

While I am sure this the case in your household, it is certainly not the case in mine.

tokui ago

They always deny, of course.

3141592653 ago

Case in point??

Phuk_Hugh ago

They wouldn't have to if you would leave them the hell alone and get some help, you demented fuck!

tokui ago

I'm the only sane goat here. You're filled with obvious estrogens polluting your ability to reason. Rationalizing has strong ties to child abusers, obviously.

You would benefit from rereading and analyzing my words with a clear mind.

Phuk_Hugh ago

to what end? your positions are idiotic at best. It's like you are working from a script. Do you have to check with your manager when I use a word that's too big?


Why did they walk in in the first place?

Pcpoet09 ago

every one has a difrent point to witch they will except things. my guess is they did not realize that a real child would be involved..

kestrel9 ago

Good question!

Terraeri1 ago

Strange, might be just a coincidence, but the recent CDAN suggests there are about to be audition videos of Speilberg and kids from the sets of AI and Jurrasic Park where he is asking them innapropriate questions..... AI was originally supposed to be along the same premise as this, a child sex robot. But what sparked my interest is that the Screen writer for AI is an English Sci Fi writer named Ian WATSON. Same name as the child in this film.

The only info i can find on this poor 10 year old Lena Watson is that it is apparently a stage name. I cannot find reference to who her parents are


In the end, Wollner found Watson because her parents were known by a friend of a friend.

3141592653 ago

Did Kubrick say AI was supposed to be about a child sex robot?

tokui ago

CDAN. We'll soon see.

3141592653 ago

That's where I saw it mentioned too. Thanks.

Micheal84 ago

Alefantis had a buddy in Berlin, they even had a restaurant over there.

carmencita ago

Pedos will be flocking to see the movie and get turned on and leave and do what. After what you described it leaves nothing to the imagination. They will tale the next step. Ugh. This really makes me sick.

Noraaa ago

Isn't how pedos think of children though.. like rag dolls

worldofmadness ago

Sandra Wollner is jewish. This is expected, the jews are at the forefront of pushing pedophilia and they are the ones in control of our media, so expect more and more pro child rape propaganda from this race of filth. This is a jewish agenda, their aim is to make society as degenerate and deprived as possible by pushing everything that is evil and abhorrent using their control of the media. This needs to be talked about more and we need to tell it like it is if we are to ever remove the jewish control of the media, people need to know who to focus on and go after. Because if we do not, we will just see more and more of this filth.

redwing14 ago

the movie won a special jury award, and best poster design. I guess the movie industry likes it..

silentwatcher ago

probably because the majority of the movie industry are pedophiles themselves.

3141592653 ago

The Catholic Church.