think- ago

Josef Karma is probably not his real name.

flyingcuttlefish ago

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I will add yr subverse link there . . .

Vindicator ago

This is really interesting. I wonder if Savile's charm was because he was possessed. It would explain his hypnotic "powers".

kestrel9 ago

Don't forget about Savile and the Process Church

kestrel9 ago

He admits to once having a religious moment:

“There are times when I’ve felt God very close by me. When I was in the Holy Land, I never felt the need to go into a church because I was far too concerned with being in the wilderness. Now in the wilderness, down by the Dead Sea and at the place where the Good Samaritan looked after the chap who had been set upon by the robbers, I wanted to be on my own and I very much wanted to be with the stillness, with the quietness. I went down, early in the morning, to the area by the Dead Sea where they found the Dead Sea Scrolls. I was able to stand about, before the heat of the day, and look around. I was mightily pleased at that moment; I was able to be in the same area where Jesus Christ had walked and lived and worked out his mental application to the world. That gave me a chance to work out my mental application to the world in exactly the same way as he did. I weighed up form as he might have weighed up form; and I came to certain decisions as he must have come to certain decisions. That was a particularly religious moment. It was rather like totting up the score of life. I tried to see whether I had gone right or whether I had gone wrong in specific instances.

Generally, however, I felt I was facing in the right direction; at least I was not marching towards the forces of evil. I was wobbling in between the white lines a little bit, but coming back, as it were. I did not feel at all self-satisfied. It was just a moment of enquiry, a religious moment.” (God’ll Fix It, Jimmy Savile, published 1979, p.34)

It appears that at Qumran Savile finds some confirmation that he, in the same physical location as he imagines Jesus to have been, is “not marching towards the forces of evil.” Hmmm…maybe he should have glanced over his shoulder to check which side he thought he was leading in that case?

J99 ago

Thanks for posting that. I was never aware that Savile put that book out. The sheer gall of Jimmy Savile releasing a book called God’ll Fix It is staggering.

Vindicator ago

Clearly. "By their fruits you will know them."

kestrel9 ago

BTW I've been posting a lot of new posts on Savile for whoever is interested:

think- ago

Excellent. Thank you! :-)

loooooongtimelurker ago

fuckin hell I didnt realise he had his own sub - thank you for the heads up @kestrel9

kestrel9 ago

You're welcome.