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pmichel ago

just saw a well done video last night from one of my favorite channels, he showed clips from the first movie Speilberg made, Amblian, I believe and pointed out pedo things in it. It was low budget and silly yet it won awards and he instantly became a huge director, like it was a calling card to let hollywood, other pedos, know what he was into.

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plancktonne ago

That was interesting. Not the pedo clues but the quality of the film itself. I'd previously heard Spielberg had once made a movie that wowed Hollywood and expected it was something that at least hinted at Jaws. This movie, Amblin' was unbelievably bad, without even any dialog. Yet it received theatrical screenings and was shown at festivals.

"Jerry Lewis In 1968, screened Spielberg's early film, Amblin' and told his students, "That's what filmmaking is all about. "In his 1971 book, The Total Film-Maker, Lewis says, "[The film] rocked me back. [Spielberg] displayed an amazing knowledge of film-making as well as creative talent."" What BS. Unbelievably, on the basis of this movie, Spielberg was signed to a 7-year contract with Universal Television.

Which suggests that the YouTube channel "pocketsofthefuture" is correct in saying Spielberg's Amblin' must have been some sort of coded calling card to gain him entrée into upper level Hollywood.

Spielberg is quoted in his imdb bio as saying, "All those horrible, traumatic years I spent as a kid became what I draw from creatively today."

plancktonne ago

An afterthought: What if the pedo items in the guitar case aren't intended as general hints, but are specifically linked to something that had already happened in Hollywood, and would be seen as a direct threat to Hollywood elites. Without saying anything directly, Spielberg would wait for an "offer" in the form of a 7-year contract with Universal or equivalent and in return they'd have his implied promise to keep his mouth shut.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Yeah, that's pretty right on. Not only for Spielberg but anyone 'they' want to silence or buy off.

Unfortunately these days, many people will sell their integrity for several thousand dollars.

pmichel ago

the channel on you tube is pocketsofthefuture