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NoBS ago

I searched "sean speaks" and the newest post was 8 months old.

Found it using name and title of video

Not sure why the link was not included and this should NOT be age restricted. I believe these videos should be studied and dissected by junior high schoolers to continue to the next grade and before graduation.

seanspeaks ago

I originally posted the link to the video and it was removed by a voat user (@EricKaliberhall) who said I broke rule 6 - no links allowed. This is the message he sent me.

"Hey @seanspeaks,

We appreciate you sharing this link, but unfortunately we no longer accept 'share a link' posts on this sub. Please see the new Rule 6 in the sidebar.

Please repost this link as a 'discuss' post, along with a brief summary of how it is related to our investigation. Or repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thank you."

I think this sums up how compromised voat is when you can't even include a link to a video/documentary from any individual who is just trying to offer a fair non-bias analysis and share their perspective on a very real scandal.

I do agree everyone should be able to see this content but I have my own reasons for age restricting the video. If you do not have a account and wish to watch. Copy the link and write "nsfw" infront of the (y) in the link and it will open a new video where you can watch. hope this helps.

Vindicator ago

Hi Sean. You misunderstood. We require links for every submission, but don't allow posts made with the "Share a Link" button due to CP being direct-linked a while back. The users voted to no longer allow it. Please add the link to the submission, so we don't have to remove it for Rule 2. I'll give you our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit. Thanks

NoBS ago

The helll you say Mr. Pedo-mod-protector. You perverts impose the rules depending on how bad the info can hurt pedophiles based on red tape.

Censorship use as a weapon to retard knowledge while jumping through hopes to justify fascist control of the narrative.

Blowing smoke up our ass is your only option to enable censorship and call it a good thing.

Pedo-protecting mods must really think we are all stupid. In a way you are right.

Vindicator ago

The users voted for the rules, NoBS. So claiming I am censoring with imposed rules is, in fact, complete BS.

NoBS ago

So "emotional" mod rule is now considered reasoned logic? Are you really this ignorant or are our CIA spooks hiring extremely intelligent psychological agent saboteurs.

Please don't answer and you will not have to do the hearts and mind thing you have mastered so well.