Vindicator ago

Thank you for the submission, @4696294512835103. As is, this does not meet our evidence requirements to demonstrate a possible connection to elite child abuse (Rules 2 and 1). We need actual research into members of the board of directors, executive team, or major donors/sponsors that call their purported mission into question. The last thing we want to do is smear a good, highly rated charity that is actually helping kids.

The one possibly questionable thing I saw in a quick perusal of the site is their "Village Movement" which is taken from the African Proverb

“It takes a village to raise a child.”

I believe Hillary titled one of her books this, and I also recall Trump referenced her "taking villages" in Haiti during the Al Smith Dinner just prior to the election in 2016. To make this a legit research submission, you can dig up the links to those two facts and include them.

I would also look up both the founder and the CEO Emeritus guy and see what their track record was, and why they stepped down. Looking into what politicians those folks contributed to would also be good. That is public record. After you add the two Hillary links I mentioned, I will change the flair to "Help!" to encourage additional digging.

I'll give this our 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit. Thanks

4696294512835103 ago

No problem. It looked images looked suspicious to me and wanted to see what others thought. Good point with the village comment! I'll see if I can piggy back on that.

kestrel9 ago

I would also consider looking into the marketing agency that produced this picture and the photographer). Compassion International I believe to be a good charity and their model of operation seems to make it hard for pedos to operate on the whole imho. Many of the students are still with their families and receive financial assistance from 'sponsors' who tend to be evangelical Christians from what I understand. Doesn't mean it's not possible to infiltrate their operations, but just saying, consider other reasons why this picture could have been made the way it was. Did someone actually want to make the charity look bad? I don't know but I'm thinking out loud. I looked into the charity and have read about good results for kids, especially regarding assistance with education (i.e. from one study, those kids tend to stay in school longer, they tend to have a much better rate of attending college). CI partners with local churches to help kids on the local level from what I understand. A lot of different partner in each country I'd imagine. If anything, look at countries that are close to child trafficking routes/adjoining countries (Uganda and Ethiopia both border Kenya which has a big child sex tourism issue going on.)

4696294512835103 ago

Excellent thought! I hadn't considered that angle. It would be interesting to know who approved the pictures for the homepage, too. As long as I've been researching, if there's anything I'm convinced about is that no child charity is 100% clean. It appears they have all been infiltrated by pedos at some level.

The reason I was drawn to this charity is because I read where a donor was able to visit the child they had been supporting for years. Not saying this guy is a pedo, but hearing this raised questions in my mind about how many other donors have made trips to meet the child they support, and it wasn't for innocent reasons.

kestrel9 ago

I read where a donor was able to visit the child they had been supporting for years.

Yes that is something to consider. However, most pedophiles have specific age groups they target, would they really take the time to investment years, and then money for international travel, to get to meet a child with no guarantee of getting time alone with the child? (assuming that the majority of local Churches are honest and not participating in pedo supporting activity, and all while the pedo would have to maintain a strong Christian public face). There is, however a case I heard of where a child was sent to visit the sponsor, and the sponsor was shocked and disturbed that the young child traveled alone with no chaperone coming along, and the child did not speak English. That case seems like one of negligence, where most local communities would not have that happen, but that is another weakness of the system to keep in mind. It would be impossible to pin that on CI however, they set up the revenue stream to support kids, they don't oversee the relationships that develop via the pen pal systems. The letters are supervised and vetted and translated by an adult at the local level. There's just a lot of hoops to jump to actually get contact with a kid, seems like there would be greener pastures for pedos.

I'm convinced about is that no child charity is 100% clean.

I can't argue with that position, pedophilia is too rampant. Anywhere you find kids, pedophiles will try to take advantage or infiltrate, gain trust, etc.

Vindicator ago

Can you please add the two links I mentioned to the text of the article, so we don't have to remove this? You should be able to find them in our archives if you use SearchVoat. Thanks.

4696294512835103 ago

Thanks for the reminder. I just added them. I still have to do more research, but finding the time is difficult. Hopefully by the end of the weekend.

Vindicator ago

Flair removed. :-)

ticketyboo ago

That tear in his shirt made me do a double take. That's definitely staged.

4696294512835103 ago

Thank you! Definitely not natural.

314159123456 ago

It looked very strange to my eye, which was immediately drawn to “it”. Looks fake.

ticketyboo ago

100% sickening. And sad :(

tokui ago

Are you gay? You have to be gay.

Vindicator ago

Do you support sex with minors, @tokui? It sure appears you do:

You said a 4 year old girl gang raped in intensive care unit of hospital wanted it:

You said Latourneau wasn’t a pedo, and boys having sex with adult women is natural:

You promote legalizing incest:

Maybe you should skip v/pizzagate.

4696294512835103 ago

I'm a woman fighting the proliferation of pedos and psychos. What are you doing here?

tokui ago

I think you're in your office cubicle in תל אביב fapping to fantasies about dirty niglets.