Shillaxe ago

Looks as though Camp Aranu'tiq hires "interesting" types...

Steve Jaeger lives at the camp year round, his only accolade listed is working for Boy AND Girl Scouts .

Also one SJ Langer , a transgender AND FILM MAKER.

Nothing to see here folks, nada. 🍕💣

kestrel9 ago Trans + Sexuality / Sexualities and the Erotic in Trans Communities


Professional Children’s School

Friday night fundraiser for Camp Aranu’tiq featuring music from Silverton

Friday evening will feature food, drinks, and a fundraiser for Camp Aranu’tiq in the form of live music by the band Silverton (pictured above). Camp Aranu’tiq is a not-for-profit founded in 2009 that provides camps for trans and gender non-conforming youth, with programs for families. Camp Aranu’tiq seeks to build confidence, resilience, community, all while offering a place where campers can be their authentic selves.

Accommodating for Bodies by SJ Langer, LCSW-R

Accommodating for Bodies by SJ Langer, LCSW-R

How do we have sex with a body that does not function in the way we internally see ourselves? How can we position our bodies when parts are in the way or not there? This presentation will discuss the intersections between Trans* studies and Disability Studies and what we can learn from each other to accommodate for bodies that do not look or function in “traditional” ways. What is the psychotherapist’s role in exploring these aspects of the body and the psychological barriers which arise and complicate this conundrum such as gender trauma, sexual abuse and other trauma history? By using case material and research literature, this talk will explore the obstacles and creative solutions trans* people are inventing to more fully embody their sex lives.

Presenter(s) Bio:

SJ Langer, LCSW-R is a writer and psychotherapist in private practice in New York City and is faculty in the MPS Art Therapy Department at School of Visual Arts. He is also on the Executive Committee for the Psychotherapy Center for Gender and Sexuality at the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and created their Surgery Assessment Project. He speaks internationally on topics related to trauma, transgender health and clinical practice such as the last 2 and upcoming World Professional Association for Transgender Health Symposium, APA IPA New York, Philadelphia Trans* Health Conference, & Trans Temporality Toronto. His academic articles have been published in a variety of journals including his most recent Trans* Bodies and the Failure of Mirrors which is the co-winner of the Symonds Prize and will be published in Studies in Gender and Sexuality in 2016.

kestrel9 ago

Good find! Thanks!

beefartist ago

Drug companies? I think it is COMPANY in the singular...don't all these hormones comes from (((Teva))) pharma?

kestrel9 ago

Apparently over (((There))) they do.

kestrel9 ago

TBH I wasn't familiar with reality TV star "Jazz' but the name came up here:

In the case of any natal boys in that group of 32 they will grow breast tissue but their penis and testicles will remain sexually immature and the size of a pre-pubescent child. This will adversely impact their sexual responsiveness and reproductive capacity. There is a well documented case of a young boy in the US who was socially transitioned at age 3 and then later put onto estrogen. Jazz Jennings is the star of a reality show documenting the transition. Jazz is currently 17 years old with a 2 inch penis, has never experienced an orgasm and is struggling to find a surgeon to perform a vaginoplasty. Jazz’s small genitals will not give them enough ‘material’ to work with during the procedure.

How the hell does a 3 year old get 'socially transitioned'? WTF is wrong with these child abusers!

There is no way I believe this mother's claim of what her 2 year old said:

When Jazz was two, he asked his mother a question that left her numb and frozen. "[He] said, 'Mommy, when's the good fairy going to come with her magic wand and change, you know, my genitalia?" according to Renee.

That's some adult language coming from a two year old!

Guess where "Jazz" went camp as a kid..

Camp Aranu'tiq was founded in 2009 by Nick Teich, a transgender man who had been asked to stop working at a sleepaway camp as a result of his transition. He realized that transgender children would go through the same issue of being kept out of gender-segregated spaces and thought that they should have a place where they felt completely comfortable.[2][3]

The name "Aranu'tiq" is a Chugach word for people who were thought to embody both a female and male spirit, also known in English as two-spirit. In that culture, Aranu'tiq people were considered lucky.[4]

In 2015, Caitlyn Jenner visited and blogged about the camp, which was featured on an episode of her reality show, I Am Cait.[5]

carmencita ago

One thing making me really sick is how they are brainwashing Our Children and taking advantage of how kind and open hearted they are about and to others. They of course look at the transgendered classmate as an underdog of sorts and want to protect them from harm. Our Children were taught by us to be kind to all and to love others. They are using their live for others to achieve their sick evil goals. May they all rot in hell.

21yearsofdigging ago

You are so right.That is why Madonna and others like her are pushing this 'fake' love thing.It is not genuine and you are so right saying our children should love and be kind to everyone but that has been twisted

carmencita ago

I’m always so glad to hear from you. You have been through all the hell and high water. Yes the gamers that act as if they love their transgender Child are only doing it for their own greed. I feel so sad and sick just looking at their Kids.

kestrel9 ago

They (pedo elite) are evil and sick and never run out of ways to target kids' genitalia. The next stage will be the push to legalize a no age of consent law, where kids should be able to choose to have sex with adults because 'love'.

carmencita ago

“Love” the have conjured up in their minds. A chilling idea. indeed.

YesMoreTruth ago

@Carmencita and @Kestrel9

You both know where to point to when you are ready for the Agenda to end and the Revelation to begin:

Racine, Wisconsin - the ROOT of All Evil and the Bellwether of America that determines the state and national election.

Racine is where Jesuit Freemason Trump made The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World to enable The Model for The Agenda.

Why would Trump sign The Deal with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles?

Why is Racine Hillary’s global model for Community Policing, and who are the Pilgrims Society?

What did BIll Gates’ father do and how is Microsoft involved? What are viruses?

Why did Mark Zuckerberg illegally sacrifice baby goats? What is social credit?

Who is Mayor Pete’s father, who are the Knights of Malta and why did Mitt Romney choose Paul Ryan as his running mate?

Who are the Knights of Pythias, why are they linked to Boy Scouts and NASA, and what was the NXIVM that Frank Lloyd Wright created?