Peter Nygard's Headquarters Raided in Sex Trafficking/Pedo Investigation (pizzagate)
submitted 5 years ago by darkknight111
Breaking news. Peter Nygard’s headquarters has just been raided in an ongoing sex trafficking pedophilia investigation. BTW Prince Andrew has ties to this bastard too.
carmencita 5 years ago
Nygard says he’s not surprised by the raid and investigation. Yes he shouldn’t be because he knows they are on to what he has been up to. We aren’t surprised either. 10 women. Hope this goes to court like Weinstein.
carmencita ago
Nygard says he’s not surprised by the raid and investigation. Yes he shouldn’t be because he knows they are on to what he has been up to. We aren’t surprised either. 10 women. Hope this goes to court like Weinstein.