rickman2 ago

From the Lenzer Firm:

Rao also served as a Deputy Associate Counsel in the Office of the White House Counsel from 2012 to 2013. While at the White House, he drafted memoranda for review by President Barack Obama, the Chief of Staff, and senior advisors, identifying legal, ethical, and policy issues uncovered while vetting executive branch nominees, including candidates for the Cabinet.

From Michael Gottlieb's LinkedIn:

Associate Counsel to the President and Special Assistant to the President

Office of the White House Counsel

Apr 2011 – Mar 2013

Washington, DC

Represented and advised the President and White House Staff on a wide variety of legal and legal policy matters. Regularly handled high profile and complex matters involving issues of constitutional and administrative law, criminal law, national security law, and appellate litigation involving the interests of the United States.

Notice how similar their positions and job descriptions are? Who is Michael Gottlieb?

Alex Jones, the proprietor of right-wing website Infowars, expressed regret for "any negative impact our commentaries may have had" on Washington restaurant Comet Ping Pong and its owner James Alefantis

The rare apology was the result of the work of BSF partner Mike Gottlieb, who is representing the restaurant owner.



plancktonne ago

Before the 2008 election a highly respected, black, progressive, radio talk show host remarked on the Clintons' army of private detectives and lawyers. He absolutely despised them. He was pro Obama and headed some "Anybody But Hillary" group. He wasn't specific, but it sounded as if he'd some run in with the Clintons and their private army.

kazza64 ago

i got banned for saying his name on twitter


when? maybe it’s a sign there something more to Mr. Rao...

kazza64 ago

during pizzagate you couldnt mention brian podesta or arun rao instant twitter jail if you did

Vindicator ago

Here is everything we've got on Rao, sorted oldest first: https://searchvoat.co/?t=Rao&df=2016-10-01&b=on&nsfw=on&o=on



Blacksmith21 ago

Damn. Rao worked in the human trafficking division IIRC?


When I briefly looked back into him the other day, I didn’t find anything directly stating he worked in a human trafficking division, just the Cecil graham prosecution came up. What is IIRC?

Blacksmith21 ago

IIRC = If I Recall Correctly.

"2) The name Arun Rao is connected through James Alefantis’ Instagram. He works for the DOJ and he is also responsible for prosecuting human traffickers. Many people have accurately pointed out between Arun Rao and Andrew Kline, this may be the most significant incident of the ‘fox guarding the hen house’ we have ever seen."


Psalm67 ago

Well done.