justregtoasku ago

Wasn't he divered to mossad sorry hospital in his way to rikers?

fogdryer ago

Rikers island !

They don’t want another Epstein so he will get special

Treatment! Like who cares. He should have been convicted

For the more serious crimes!

siegnagel ago

So it seems Harv's a tranny, dick sewn on, no balls and a vag. Wouldn't surprise me at all tbh anymore.

knockoutcheesepizza ago

Let’s wait til sentence. Then will be clear

siegnagel ago

Mere distraction from the real sick fucks in Hollywood. Sure the slimy ugly bastard has probably done some very unsavoury things, but it's nothing compared to Spielberg, Spacey and the rest.

Vindicator ago


GritD2 ago

What day is the camera maintanace scheduled for?

Benkitchen105 ago

today Mardi Gras. The Fat fuck

torpoolocc ago

Are we just going to sit here and NOT talk about how his attorney is a tranny that has made a career defensive the same shit? Because she's a fucking dude.

4696294512835103 ago

The date of his sentencing is interesting. 311 has been related to the occult, Crowley, and disasters such as Fukushima, but the following blog author explains the number 311 as it relates to the Bible.

In my research, I have discovered that the 3:11 verses from Genesis to Revelation have a clear message for the Church about the moment that I sense we are in right now, which I refer to as the "311 moment". I will first explain what I think these Scriptures are saying to us, and then you can read the Scriptures yourself to see if it is true. If I were to summarize the message I think is found in the 3:11 verses, it would be as follows:

We live in the day when we are going to see rulers try to force everyone to worship the image or be killed. The enemy tempts us with all forms of idolatry. But the Lord says, "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me." Refuse to bow before idols. Flee from idolatry. https://signs-ofthe-times.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-311-moment.html

It's as if the numbers the occultists are using for profane purposes are now being used again them. Buh-bye, Hollywood! Enjoy your 311 moment, Harvey!

carmencita ago

Will he be the first one from pedowood to get a stiff sentence? I’m not holding my breath.

Benkitchen105 ago

It's a distraction from the real abuse

carmencita ago

Ugh. Probably. But I’m hoping things keep going. Nygard just had his offices raided. But yes there is way worse and deeper stuff going on.

darkknight111 ago

He faces up to 25 years.

carmencita ago

Oh Thank God. Oh. I noticed he didn’t need his walker after he left court. Miraculous Healing.

EricKaliberhall ago

'Swamp Takedown' flair is activated.