Vindicator ago

@Kofiannan, check your notifications and please fix the broken link. Thanks.

Vindicator ago

@Kofiannon, please edit this with the working links provided by @shewhomustbeobeyed, per Rule 2. I've given this the 24 Hour Grace flair. Thanks!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi @Kofiannan, The utube vid in your submission is no longer available.

I found this one, if you wish to edit. -


Vindicator ago

Excellent. Thanks for adding that.

flyingcuttlefish ago

twitter has a picture of GWB and Nygard .... it is in comments here -

carmencita ago

A really wild idea just occurred to me. Remember how when John Mc died and some said he didn’t die? How about Babs Bush. She was old but she was in good health. I never believed she really died. Then Jeffrey E. Slew of people don tv believe he’s dead. What if they already have the secret to eternal life and those people have been given the secret serum etc. If not yet then soon they will be disappearing for that exact reason.

carmencita ago

They think they are such a gift we can’t live without them. Leave now. We’ll never miss you.


Oprah is just as involved in all of this as he is.

carmencita ago

Yes she is. She and Gayle are pictured on Geffen’s yacht and she interviewed John of God then tried to scrub the evidence. What a joke. They are still trying to fool us like they are straight. Lol.

kazza64 ago

certainly starting to look that way

flyingcuttlefish ago

I wonder if there's a John of God cult tie to him ....

Witsend ago

Good find anon