plancktonne ago

As far back as memory goes there were lewd jokes about pedo Catholic priests and altar boys, and pedo scoutmasters and boy scouts. Also raunchy jokes about pedos and other perverts at the BBC. Like Weinstein these things were open secrets snickered about by everyone and otherwise ignored.

Strangely, there were few rumors of pedos in Hollywood. That gossip was mostly about who was gay and who was not — the who-was-not pool was very small. The pedo stuff only became common knowledge in the last 10 years.

With the Boy Scouts the propagandists are once again dragging out the tired old, "It was only a few bad apples. It would be a shame to destroy such a wonderful organization."

Vindicator ago

I find myself wondering, sadly, whether the BSA was, like the Mickey Mouse Club and all the child actor shows since, created as basically a feeding ground for pedovores. The fact that the elite have always recognized Eagle Scouts as a special mark of leadership among those who arise from the struggling masses makes me go hmmmm.

On the other hand, they may have deliberately infiltrated and corrupted the organization to take it down from the inside so it would be able to oppose them, as ample evidence suggests happened with the Catholic Church.

carmencita ago

It’s like what the Vatican is doing to the RC Church. Load it with pedos so they have to pay out. Voila. Bankruptcy. They want to kill all that is good in this world. Boys need a place to learn the things boys need to know and be with each other. Without girls. The same goes for the Girl Scouts.

It’s really sad what has happened to the BSA.

Vindicator ago

Girl Scouts supports Planned Parenthood, now.

carmencita ago

Everything to do with Children is being hijacked. Not when I was one.

Disgusting. They don’t want girls to be girls or boys to be boys. Then they rape them and add the Planned Parenthood info to poison their minds further. It’s time for parents to take over and make sure they learn the old time skills. This is so sad.

Vindicator ago

Nauseating, in fact.

carmencita ago

Yes and Gone are the days when Kids could have good clean fun.

Anti-Stupid ago

Sounds like their plan worked

carmencita ago

Paul Ryan was once honored by the Boy Scouts.

Wonder what he has to say about them now.

Call_Of_Goat ago

LGBT community outranged over their gays molesting little boys

Oh wait a minute......

Reymrgapurple ago

Someone Doesn't want boys motivated and active.