fogdryer ago

This is so wrong

They are releasing folks from death row and from prison

, they are exempting some rapists from consequences. Days a lot and nothing good.

Taking our rights and returning rights to the evil

Shillaxe ago

ITS THE JEWS , everytime ... oh wait, nevermind .... he's white. 😂

kazza64 ago

i fucking knew this was their end game

MilitaryTribunals ago

These laws are for the future when politicians/hollywood satanists are found guilty of crimes.

Jock_Sniffer ago

It helps to explain why gay activists and drag queens are so obsessed with reaching out to our kids. Gay activists were behind the original gay-straight clubs when they first started firing up on our high school campuses. Then the clubs were opened up at the middle schools. And now drag queens are reading to innocent elementary school kids at our libraries. They'll never stop until WE stop them.

numina18 ago

Nice for all the CA pedos in Hollywood.

dingus44 ago

I don't give a shit. So long as it stays there. Let that fucking state implode and burn.

KatTheHun ago

It is an introduced bill they'll use illegals to vote it in. Ain't a law yet.

watts2db ago

then the registry is worthless

carmencita ago

While this makes me extremely sick it does not surprise me. We knew this was coming. When they elected Harvey Milk (a child rapist) things started going downhill. Let’s hope this starts a huge protest that puts an end to this idiot bill. What about a freedom to not be raped bill for Children.

Heisenberg123 ago

Obama gave him ( Harvey Milk ) medal, lmao.

carmencita ago

Not surprised. I think many of those medals were given because they had something in common. It’s like being Knighted by the Queen. They are all in the same club. Busy handing out medals to their friends.

Doglegwarrior ago

what the fuck? all child molestors are gay to me. if its a same sex pedophile that is a faggot a homosexual there is no difference just the age is all... if you fuck around with 80 year old same sex or molester a 6 year old same sex your a fucking faggot homosexual piece of shit... now they gonna lessen the charges.. what the fuck.

Rottenmonkey ago

When in California scheduled to fall into the Pacific? Not soon enough. 😞

Pipefag ago


bobdole9 ago

Ah, the same piece of shit who decriminalized the transmission of AIDS without notifying the other person. What a winner!

Podge512 ago

Every Single Time

Call_Of_Goat ago

"if you accept the LGBT they will go after the kids"

Philhelm ago

That turned out to be true.

spudsmcz ago

Should read: Weiner

"Wiener Introduces Legislation to End Discrimination Against LGBT People Regarding Sex Offender Registration"

think- ago

Age of consent in Cal. is 18. The 'case on case' decisions judges can make already apply to cases of straight adults having

'consensual sex' with children aged 14 -17, when the adult is not more than ten years older than the child iirc.