Aasb ago

Oh, France. This is a many years old german documentary about SRA in France with english subtitles. It has graphic descriptions but whoever is interested in this subject I recommend watching it.


At 2:11 the subtitles fail to translate that Yanick Lanuvelle(one of the accused perpetrators) is a retired elementary school teacher.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Any connections to Dutroux?

21yearsofdigging ago

Connect him To Polanski,that would be great then finally bring down that piece of s$it

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

So glad you spelled out what YSL wrote abut in La Villaine LuLu. The ones I found were a cleaned up image. Rather like a naughty teeny bopper type. YSL and his partner entertained many at their “den”. No more protections please for these nasty perverts.

Vindicator ago

Made this into a Twitter thread, as promised. :-)


think- ago

Thank you!!! :-)

Vindicator ago

@think-, your Nasty Lulu link is messed up. Can you edit? I'll put this on Twitter. :-)

think- ago


Vindicator ago

Thanks! So sad the archive I made of that original /pol/ thread didn't catch all the pics in it. So much stuff there!

think- ago

The 4chan threads get all archived by the site iirc, you might find it at archive4plebs.com.

think- ago

Will do, thanks!

Vindicator ago

He bragged about this publicly in his 1985 memoir, yet only NOW these institutions are reacting? That makes no sense, even with the woman's book. I wonder what has changed?

think- ago

He bragged about this publicly in his 1985 memoir, yet only NOW these institutions are reacting?


I wonder what has changed?

Well, public opinion has changed - Epstein's crimes have been widely discussed in France; one of Epstein's accomplices is French - alleged sex trafficker Jean-Luc Brunel -, and Epstein had ties to the French elite. He owned a flat at posh Avenue Foche, and was in France frequently.

carmencita ago

When you have Macron as President married to his pedophile teacher wife this is not hard to believe.

Wondering if Roman Polanski is caught up in this as well.

think- ago

Oh, there is a reason Polanski fled to France...

carmencita ago

Loose morals all over Europe. I refuse to use EU. But when you have a man leading his country with a wife that was his teacher who asked his parents if they could get married when he was 16. Well. This sounds like an R Rated drive in movie. And all the way before Mitterrand as well. Yes no wonder Roman hands fled to France.

veteran88 ago

Crusify and burn these faggots

redwing14 ago

why write about it in his book? these people are insane..

think- ago

Because he thought it was cool to brag about it, and all his elite pals also thougt it was cool. Even the former French President.