TippyHome ago

But, we knew this in 2016. Remember the investigator who realized that there were strong signals from underground of WiFi networks and he was asking what he should do to try and expose. And then, we never knew what happened to him.

tech-adm ago

From the Podesta emails: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/30231

"Hope you're doing ok. I'm dreaming about your hotdog stand in Hawaii..." Obviously speaking in code.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for posting this research.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

And thank you for continuing to make this forum a valuable place to share research such as this.

fogdryer ago

What I had read was that China found Hawai’ a great place to pick up and unload the children. 😔

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Hawai'i definitely has some strange goings on:


Hawaii is a source, destination and transit country for sex trafficking. Women from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Russia and parts of Eastern Europe are trafficked to the island and forced into prostitution. Many are moved on to cities on the American mainland after a few months

Lots of info in this in-depth AlJazeera investigative report from 2016:


There are about 150 brothels on Oahu alone that we know about [not including those in private homes]. For each brothel, there are between three to 15 girls, mostly from Asia and some youth victims. This doesn't include the street prostitution and online scene.

In 2017, Hawai'i's House Speaker, Joe Souki, submitted a bill to legalize prostitution.


The bill was introduced on behalf of trans activist, Tracy Ryan. Ryan states:

Prostitution is the way that transgender women have traditionally made their way in the world, not everyone but lots of them.

Edit* The bill died in committee.

carmencita ago

The fact that it died in committee speaks volumes. Who doesn’t want to protect the Children?

Those abusing them and those making a profit from it. A nasty business indeed.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

The bill that died in committee was the one to legalize prostitution.

carmencita ago

Oops that’s what I get for reading late at night. Many think legalizing it will cut down on stds etc. There have been quite a few posts on Hawaii and pedos. There was one place where a guy ran a distillery that was involved with pedos. I’m sure someone will remember. We had a lot of posts about it.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Yea. I didn't realize Hawai'i was such a hotspot for this sort of thing, but I guess it makes sense, being a remote vacation island frequented by many rich people.

TippyHome ago

So many homeless and living in the tent cities. Adults will push children out and make them get$ any how they can. And HI govt thinks they can do what they want.

carmencita ago

I’ve been racking my brain as to what that his name was owned the distillery. Maybe Dave. If it comes to me will post it.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Dave Flintstone. This seems to be the initial thread that got people looking into him and Island Distillers.


carmencita ago

Im sorry no offense but I don’t do Reddit since they kicked pizzagate off. If you do voat search there are a lot of posts as well. It gets crazy. Ties to CPP and a crazy eBay story as well.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Understandable. I completely stopped logging in, posting, and commenting on *eddit when they removed the PG sub. However, it can still sometimes serve as a valuable resource for info.

It was the source of that Dave story, which is why I linked to it.

Their Epstein sub is also doing some digging into the Florida State Attorney's latest document dump, which no one here has picked up on yet.

Epstein documents found here:
