Podge512 ago

It makes even more sense now why Buzzfeed's considered opinion on child rapists is, "...practice tolerance, not bigotry."

Vindicator ago

Hi there @RedCoatTurnCoat. Great catch. Do you suppose you could add some of the info people added to the comments here along with a brief statement that this is pizzagate relevant because it involves blatant censorship to suppress exposure of the elite pedo agenda, per Rule 1? A Buzzfeed pedo succeeds in censoring one of the few media outlets that shares pizzagate research.

I noticed the same day this happened, ZH also published a story on the scope of the worldwide child rape industry (not just the expose on the corona virus stuff Broderick used as cover.)

Thanks. I will give you the 24 Hour Grace flair, so you can edit.

BTW...good to see you posting :-)

RedCoatTurnCoat ago


EricKaliberhall ago

Good job with the edit @RedCoatTurnCoat, I will remove the 24hr Grace flair and give this submission the Share flair.


@Vindicator <= This is me pinging Vin... Hope that answered your question.

Vindicator ago

Thanks Eric!

Shillaxe ago

Every single comment is a roast , that guys public career is over.

derram ago

https://archive.ph/b4O26 :

Ryan Broderick on Twitter: "Mr. President, can you please pass legislation legally defining the difference between us good-natured hebephiles and amoral pedophiles?"

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

Very very glad this is archived, @derram.

we_kill_creativity ago

I just got back from a 5 mile run and don't have the energy to look it up...what's a Hebephile?

i_hate_sodomites ago

Apparently just another word for pedo, but liking them just a tad older (although still pre-pubescent - that's an absolute requirement, e.g., no hips or breasts, etc.). I didn't know what the fuck that was either so I looked it up for you.

plancktonne ago

99% of people questioned said it is someone who adores Hebrews. They are rare on the Internet.

kestrel9 ago

A sexual disorder, people sexually attracted to prepubescent kids. Some may like them as OLD as 13. So the whole puberty blocking insanity would (in theory) create an older set of teens with immature genitals that would attract the hebephiles.

carmencita ago

When I read about puberty blockers I got it right away. These sickos can’t wait til these blockers are avail to them. I want to throw up.

RedCoatTurnCoat ago

Someone with an illness that can only be cured with a fast acting lead pill.

spiffyaintit ago

Or a mini nuke, just to make sure they're properly eviscerated.

Mutti ago

Yep. Lead pill.