21yearsofdigging ago

Wish there was a meme for Frank Giustra because we know how much he enjoys our attention. I have my own issues with Brad Pitt who for years has been protected by his buddy Geffen and his ex agent and partner in his production company Plan B.That guy's name was Brad Grey and he was up on charges of raping a young actor(charges were dropped). Pitt has a machine around him as all the big stars have. They torment and kill those that could potentially hurt them by telling the truth. Fuck you Brad Pitt, Phony Christian piece of shit. Pitt also had Scientology covering for him as he was involved with them up until 95 or 96.You know he will get the Academy Award this year and he deserves to be outed as a creep who hides behind people like Geffen.I know he dated under-aged girls when he was 26 -27.Juliette Lewis was 16 when they started dating. He also dated an actress who was 15 before.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Brad Pitt is as fake as they come. His 'secret' initiations into Hollywood speak for themselves.

3141592653 ago

Are u saying Brad Pitt had rape charges against him ?

21yearsofdigging ago

No,not saying that but it is telling that he is always overlooked and it is known that he dated underage girls.Why does he get a pass?

3141592653 ago


FreeRebel ago

One ZIP file please!

Drunkenmoba ago

Whenever you upload something the pedos dont want to magag it goes down.

Vindicator ago

The meme links aren't working for me, either, DK. Can you reload them to catbox? Once you do, I'll sticky this. It's a great idea!

darkknight111 ago

The deed is done. Got some new memes in the mix too.

Vindicator ago

Excellent. Stickying now. :-)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I made archives for OP of most of the memes, last year. If you can figure out how to turn them into catbox files, let me know, haven't figured out how-to-do, yet.

https://archive.is/parVN - Pedo Predators are Real

https://archive.is/kG4OF - Media lied.

https://archive.is/nwkMo - Spielberg’s associates.

https://archive.is/GieYS - Ask Steven Spielberg.

https://archive.is/DUbS8 - The fire.

https://archive.is/ugYzR - CDAN

https://archive.is/nEOz1 - Revolvers can’t be silenced.

https://archive.is/eH4lL - Rate of decay.

https://archive.is/YsG2E - VA

https://archive.is/OthNH - Most victims die.

https://archive.is/u0mMD - Ask Chris Columbus what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

https://archive.is/v21Nk - Ask Henry Winkler what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

https://archive.is/Tvm4A - Justice is coming.

https://archive.is/CyNN5 - Dr. Stiles chimes in.

https://archive.is/TnRMO - Ask Arthur Annecharico what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

https://archive.is/fAt5J - Ask Gene Abravaya what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

https://archive.is/tS1a5 - Rocky Road

https://archive.is/cAYRh - Giardia STD.

https://archive.is/sxC52 - Red Shoes.

https://archive.is/l7pK9 - David Brock

https://archive.is/MbW2u - Spielcide

https://archive.is/y4yLs - Dorsey

https://archive.is/wGvFI - Zuckerberg

https://archive.is/vMksE - Schmidt

https://archive.is/pdDj8 - Collins

https://archive.is/yvP0t - Tom Hanks

https://archive.is/AJoGz - Ask Edgar Bronfman what happened to Judith Barsi.

https://archive.is/zQgaT - Spielberg’s agent.

https://archive.is/h3t2U - The Podestas know.

https://archive.is/r5nwF - Ron Meyer

https://archive.is/rnfdY - Ask Rob Reiner what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

no archive - Annisa Jones.

no archive - Vic Morrow

no archive - Dan Schneider

no archive - R Kelly’s Prison Bitch level.

no archive - Chris Cornell

https://archive.is/emWQk - Ask Richard Vane what happened to Heather O’Rourke.

https://archive.is/huVSp - True objective of MeToo. Flash this meme straight to her face every time she so much as opens her mouth on social media.

https://archive.is/7OfHO - CNN helped cover up the truth about Heather.

Vindicator ago

Typically, to make a catbox url, you save the image to your computer, and then upload it to catbox. You don't have to have an account there to do so.

Thanks for the archives. :-)

argosciv ago

save the image to your computer, and then upload it to catbox

Not necessary, Catbox accepts upload-via-url.

You might DM derram to find out how he programmed his bot to do it.

A 'bot' would do this via the api functions provided by Catbox and Voat;

  • Read image url from Voat submission/comment via Voat api.
  • Submit image url to Catbox via Catbox api.
  • Await response from Catbox (upload-via-url is usually very quick if successful).
  • If response successful, post the returned Catbox url to Voat, in a comment or submission, via Voat api.

Concept is simple enough, it's just a matter of writing up a script (time consuming, requires come background knowledge in 'coding') which jumps from Voat api, to Catbox api, then back to Voat api. Note that the Voat api requires user authentication to be used for this purpose – unsure if that's the case for Catbox.

22406300? ago

If the links/files to be uploaded are already available, you can use curl/wget from command line.

Upload files in current directory:

find ./ -type f | grep -i 'jpg$\|jpeg$\|png$\|gif$\|pdf$' | while read f; do r=`curl -s -F "reqtype=fileupload" -F "fileToUpload=@$f" https:\\catbox.moe/user/api.php`; echo "$f ==> $r"; sleep 1; done | tee -a upload.log;

Upload urls from url file:

cat urlfile.txt | while read f; do r=`curl -s -F "reqtype=urlupload" -F "url=$f" https:\\catbox.moe/user/api.php`; echo "$f ==> $r"; sleep 1; done | tee -a upload.log;

Scrape archive.is/xxxxxx urls to be uploaded:

cat archiveis.urlfile.txt | while read url; do wget -qO- $url | grep -io $url'/[a-z0-9]\{10,\}\.\(jpg\|jpeg\|png\|gif\|pdf\)'; sleep 1; done | sort -u > urlfile.txt

Sample outcome:

https:\\archive.is/cAYRh/eda804fe1534bb72d2e46a52524b70e0437253d6.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/3w6gt6.jpg
https:\\archive.is/CyNN5/db56a5d4e420799da9cd6a2b8cb98bb7c5ae206b.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/fc5gpu.jpg
https:\\archive.is/DUbS8/d66b50cc97cc31180e183e1bcaa705f21a75badb.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/clpu2k.jpg
https:\\archive.is/eH4lL/6daabab18b94922db875249f153649c17f20581d.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/yrqdcw.jpg
https:\\archive.is/fAt5J/55d07933a69d92560445c43673d98c57ff6aece1.png ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/6kp7ur.png
https:\\archive.is/fAt5J/65edffe62ff48eadeb9594747e6088db197e9ba8.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/wkaiai.jpg
https:\\archive.is/GieYS/dd9103b7ec836d03c72f65775be8cb8125bdc82c.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/axvrjg.jpg
https:\\archive.is/kG4OF/bc89129b8fc3145ecf807e2dd802cd6cb636ebba.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/an7j5f.jpg
https:\\archive.is/l7pK9/c35913469cee200e5966caecd0f173a7b1e1f897.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/6chm8x.jpg
https:\\archive.is/MbW2u/3679a4e075cfd9396ac7e0e7488cc33be574602b.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/3m7qcd.jpg
https:\\archive.is/nEOz1/a574dd847472f41548ebf0d9c41b6c644a7bc96f.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/gtm0e7.jpg
https:\\archive.is/nwkMo/1a2289fd569f4f737a86a5df96230879638e596b.png ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/1qyiep.png
https:\\archive.is/nwkMo/ba1d495c3f7daea08d54aacdaab8981ec85702dc.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/oivbjb.jpg
https:\\archive.is/OthNH/6e6549d4380f8cf93433a21e7cdd78beea80f982.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/f9bn2g.jpg
https:\\archive.is/parVN/75c8ae0031800157f24daa7e97a003f592ab5905.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/1r45z2.jpg
https:\\archive.is/sxC52/51b2301c2684da751e53123ca0cee8678e2fd7db.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/fel8vd.jpg
https:\\archive.is/TnRMO/608928f6d040793b69327c96f52fa8c460ae5e31.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/5ejc1n.jpg
https:\\archive.is/tS1a5/1fe4fc4504d1cf0edf1b419d3732ae3a07113c76.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/n56hir.jpg
https:\\archive.is/Tvm4A/1b5cf1a0943600e9179b35982e56a0d0feabf3b2.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/7134v7.jpg
https:\\archive.is/u0mMD/11e8098ef50c2b9d0aee4acc7b7c3b0c7f7f431e.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/l5fhi6.jpg
https:\\archive.is/ugYzR/0dbef1388da166ea9c7ec6ee2e8939edcd607928.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/nwi0jq.jpg
https:\\archive.is/ugYzR/232f4c670e7f9ffa78ec91a801c8ba51865539c4.png ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/nmd28o.png
https:\\archive.is/v21Nk/1ade7c10522a50218c780165a6095932e217e5e1.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/anccyq.jpg
https:\\archive.is/vMksE/b9241641ebf6af455d75595312724fd872caad2e.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/p42vzz.jpg
https:\\archive.is/wGvFI/d5acfafcd21cdd5e1021efc474eea0e7da2ec18b.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/o8buji.jpg
https:\\archive.is/y4yLs/6eea22e547d26be354ae37a6f9cecdc8729fa961.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/io8sx7.jpg
https:\\archive.is/YsG2E/5db6d455ce7ceb759fc66f093ba55b8e5d826981.png ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/g4h79p.png
https:\\archive.is/YsG2E/9e5a90de5fcdbaa8be0705b29cbcd7f30daf033d.jpg ==> https:\\files.catbox.moe/gd8eut.jpg

argosciv ago

Interdasting, anon.

Feel free to message me from another alt, if you ever even find this reply. Otherwise, again, indersasting. I have a few too many projects on my to do list, but others may find this useful with the appropriate background knowledge.

Props to you for the self deletion before even @SearchVoat could nab your username.

cc: @Vindicator

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have the archives on an external hard drive, still can't figure out how-to.

Vindicator ago

If you're thinking of mass-uploading to catbox, I would try to contact the folks who run the place and ask them. You might have to make an account or pay a subscription fee, though. :-( I do know that archive.org (the Wayback Machine) has a paid service which allows you to have them back up your whole website.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm not interested in mass-upload, at this time. The only things i have ever been able to download to catbox have been from pic files on computer. used to be able to comvert imgur to catbox, once in awhile, seems i forgot how i was doing it.

Vindicator ago

You might DM derram to find out how he programmed his bot to do it.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I don't think DMs work, no one ever replies. Probably just a glitch.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

The F#c#book link contains many of the memes, but would be nice not to have to support Sugarmountain with clicks.

fightknightHERO ago


you dumbshit, magaimg has been shoah'ed ages ago

use catbox like a non-retarded person

Fried-Laptop ago

dont forget to make polls on twatter & Fakebook for the most worthy candidates to recieve a Molly award!

SuiteMadameBlue1976 ago

What a fail. Now millions of people will never know how fucked up Hollywood is.

capnflummox ago

None of those links are loading, dude...

darkknight111 ago

Should be fixed now.

Nadakai ago


Benkitchen105 ago

the time is near

22350472? ago

I can't see any of those memes. "error 522: Connection timed out". MAGAimg hasn't worked for me for ages. Catbox.moe is where it's at.

darkknight111 ago

Memes transistioned to catbox.

Joe10jo ago


darkknight111 ago

Updated platform for memes complete.

EricKaliberhall ago

Share flair is activated.