Lansing-Michigan ago

"(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person" Is this part giving the federal govt immunity? Know there were about 4000 computers in the pentagon with child porn on them and nothing was ever done.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

This section is standard 'boiler plate' legalese. It is found in most, if not all, executive orders, memorandums, etc. The exact same wording can be found in many of Obama's executive orders.

Shillaxe ago

Has there been any digging into tRumps modeling agency, he brought many ,young,eastern European women to the states illegally, if it looks and sounds like human trafficking. ...

Vindicator ago

I'd like to see Trump audit the NCMEC.

Chad_Stethoscope ago


And I'd like to see the states do an open audit of their respective CPS agencies!

fogdryer ago

Can’t cuz the governors and senators are in it like

No name and Pam Bondi and mike pence

Vindicator ago

Amen to that!

Psalm67 ago

Just wondering, there is a submitter on here, Think, who has never had a single good thing to say about this President. Yet he’s don so much in the fight against human trafficking, the very thing people here care about! What gives with that guy?

carmencita ago

The first undertaking by the AG and other heads should be a thorough investigation of The Super Bowl. What occurs on that day is horrid and shameful to the whole of the United

Chad_Stethoscope ago

The office which will be in charge of the new human trafficking position established in the Executive Order:

Domestic Policy Council

The Domestic Policy Council (DPC) of the United States is the principal forum used by the President of the United States for considering domestic policy matters, excluding economic matters, which are the domain of the National Economic Council. The council forms part of the Office of White House Policy, which contains the DPC, the National Economic Council, and various subordinate offices, such as the Office of National AIDS Policy. The Director of the DPC is titled the Assistant to the President and Director of the Domestic Policy Council.

Established: 1985

Headquarters: Eisenhower Executive Office Building

Employees: 25

Agency Executive: Joe Grogan, Director

Parent Agency: Office of White House Policy

Web site: last active archive Jan 2017 [inactive under Trump admin.]

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Video of remarks by Pres. Trump at White House Summit:

Alt link: