Mommyplayer571 ago

I saw 8 pages of menu and GPS requirements for enrolled clients, But not a picture of the failing pizzas.

Angelis_Solaris ago

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” May justice be done upon these vile folk and may we be protected by the saving power of Jesus Christ.

tokui ago

That's kinda expensive for damaged goods.

4696294512835103 ago

I wouldn't know. How much do you think fresh pizza goes for?

Oh_Well_ian ago

The 'leftovers' email was proven fake. But I don't doubt the gist of it's assertions.

40KFTAGLView ago


blacknighthigh ago

I was under the same.assumption. From my understanding shortly after BigFish hacked their page, this fake nonsense was released to.muddy the waters. I would love to be proven wrong but i think this is fake misinfo 'leaked' to take away credibility from bigfishs hack

theHare ago

There was also mention of leftover pizza in the stratfor emails which are also on wikileaks.

4696294512835103 ago

You're right! Thanks for the reminder.

wtf_is_happening ago

No comment on "pizza" (although I believe you're onto something) but unfortunately zero hedge's twitter account was banned today.

sore_ass_losers ago

In order to avoid detection (in some cases aided and abetted by the police) and cater to male buyers’ demand for sex with different women, pimps and the gangs and crime syndicates they work for have turned sex trafficking into a highly mobile enterprise, with trafficked girls, boys and women constantly being moved from city to city, state to state, and country to country.

I’ve posted on this topic in the past, but provoked no discussion, people probably thought I was just being a racist. Here goes again.

Being a pimp is a traditional role model in the black community, celebrated in rap and hip-hop. The pimp will befriend a woman or girl, pretend to be her boyfriend, then break her spirit and pimp her out, beating her up to keep her in line. When you look at actual arrests of Super Bowl traffickers they turn out to be black pimps. Similarly the gangs they mention are primarily black street gangs.

Now I’m not saying there aren’t nefarious traffickers of all ethnicities. For example I wonder if the Asian Massage Parlors are run by the Triads. I’m sure the Russian mafia would be involved in this lucrative crime.

Anyway, how does this relate to high level elite pedophilia? I’m not sure. The article does distinguish between the Super Bowl type operations and Epstein’s. It hints at police protection, but the linked article is mostly about police officers being pimps or johns. It talks about higher level Crime Syndicates, but provides no details.

Do these circles intersect?

Fetalpig ago

Who wants to watch skave ownwd costumed grown men run around a stadium and pregame with your psnis and 4 year old....seriously kill them.

allahead ago

4696294512835103 ago


3141592653 ago


Smells_Like_Tacos ago

This shit needs to dealt with asap, I am sick of it resurfacing with no apparent action taken.

ArielQflip ago

Kill them all!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Don't you think it would be better to simply wait until the anonymous internet poster with the secret plan gives them enough rope to live out their natural lives?

ArielQflip ago

No. It's not about Anons you stupid filthy dumb Ultracrepidarian! You will rue the day you said that.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Ultracrepidarian. Definition: one who is presumptuous and offers advice or opinions beyond one's sphere of knowledge. The meaning of this word comes from a story in antiquity, in which the famed Greek painter Apelles one day heard a cobbler criticizing the way he had rendered a foot in a painting.


4696294512835103 ago

It makes me sick that I have to breathe the same air as them.