3141592653 ago

So horrible

ShaneE11183386 ago

Howard stern was always going to "scores"

carmencita ago

Thank you for this post. Hope that people eeill be reminded to spread the word about this Sinful Event. Many fans bring their Children to the game not knowing what’s going on behind the scenes. A large protest across the street would tick them off.

Chad_Stethoscope ago

Super Bowl PSA from JoyCamp:


There are between ten and twenty-thousand sex slaves in America at any given time. Forty percent of those are children. The Super Bowl has become the largest nexus for sex trafficking in the entire world.

The More You Know

Alt link:


carmencita ago

We’ve done posts on here before re the Super Bowl. The fans will be cheering and howling for their saintly stars while the Children are brought in for their disgusting pleasures. To add to the glory this year one of the commercials will feature drag queens. Nice family sport had gone down the toilet.

We are not allowed to post info for petitions but I’m sure you can find it online. I plan on saying the Rosary during the Bowl.