Piscina ago

Statue of Moloch has been placed at the entrance to the Colosseum. The statute comes from the film set of 'Cabiria'. The movie was written by Gabriele Annunzio, who was an Illuminati member and 33rd degree Freemason deeply involved with sexual magick practices. He contributed to the screenplay, writing all of the intertitles, naming the characters and even the movie itself. He is responsible for spreading Fascism to Mussolini and Hitler. In 1919, he declared himself the leader of Fiume, Italy. The city became a haven for “all kinds of Illuminati misfits like occultists, futurists, practitioners of free love and, of course, satanists,”

in June, 1914, Cabiria became the first motion picture to be screened on the lawn at the White House, and viewed by President Wilson and his family from the porch and lawn chairs. the Babylonian “goddess” Ishtar would conduct human sacrifice at her temple, known as the White House.


ShaneE11183386 ago

Idk he looks "off"

Like his supply has run dry

kwakakev ago

Wearing a toxic green hoodie on his way into the Colosseum. I am surprised he has been able to walk around as long as he has with all that has come out with the DC hack and Pizzagate. It does look like he knows his day of reckoning is coming.

4696294512835103 ago

He looks like he's getting ready to drop a child's shoe so Hanx has a pic to add to his 'Lost Items' Instagram collection.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Is this a "Maxwell at In and Out Burger"-like Photoshop attempt?

Piscina ago

Looks like he's in Rome in front of the Coliseum

VoatOfRome ago

What is The Club of Rome and how is it connected to Racine, Wisconsin?

Why did the Podestas admit to getting their big break into art and politics after attending meetings in Racine, Wisconsin?

Who are the Knights of Pythias and Malta? What is the Sphinx Head Society? What is the Atlantic Council? What are the Committee of 300 and the Council of 13?

Who sponsored the US-Ukraine Business Council?

Who gave credibility to the Art in Embassies program?

Why is Sustainability the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030?

true_ethan ago

why are you talking like you are Q?

Would really love this info in a different format, one that intends to be informative.

QAnon117 ago

Coincidence that there's a statue of Moloch (demon of child sacrifice) right in front of the Colosseum right now?

FireWalkWithPodesta ago

I found a small shop on some alley in Rome which looked like they were selling cursed dolls or some shit. I went couple of times on different days to see if it was open but it never was. There was always lights and people inside but there was no way for normal people to get in.

Then there was areas and alleys which gave me 100% Hostel vibes. One alley for example, was dirty as all hell and there was broken glass everywhere for no apparent reason. No homeless people was seen around there either.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Anybody know where this is??


The Colosseum, Rome.

carmencita ago

Could be near his restaurant in Italy. Looks like a ruin in the background.

Vindicator ago

Looks like him all right. Anyone do a reverse image search to see if this pic has been posted in his past history? I find it weird his Facebook is still public.

Are_we_sure ago


Why wouldn't he be alive? The DOJ is not even investigating him. They dropped that back in September 2019

On a different note, there was a question here a while back about why the DOD would hire broadcast TV technicians at Guantanamo Bay. And that answer is being provided this week.

The Guantanamo court is in session this week as they are hearing pre-trial testimony on the interrogations of Khalid Sheikh Muhammad and others. The judge has to rule if this constituted torture. Only 8 reporters are allowed in the Courtroom at Camp Justice.

The other reporters have to watch on closed circuit TV in another part of Camp Justice.

Heisenberg123 ago

Because he could not have been reached by the media for over 2 years and if Q is not just psyop by gov but a legit operation with some disinfo then we don't even know if he is alive. This picture is bizarre, we don't even know who operates this account, could be anyone - even the government - if theories about Tony and Q ops are true.

think- ago

I don't see why he shouldn't be alive. He just went into hiding. We suspected that he might be in Europe; his brother has property in Switzerland.

jealoushe ago

nothing, but comes up as the colossuem

WTFChuck ago

Yes, that was my thought too. That's the colosseum in Rome.

kazza64 ago

worth having a look at his facebook friends

kazza64 ago

f*cking weirdos what is it with him and his brother always hiding behind hoodies pedophile justice if you ask me karmas a bitch