WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

He was a rapist and pedophile. He died. End of story.

bungled ago

Maybe Trump had kobe killed

racmo ago

the more you know....

WTFChuck ago

What in the actual fuck?!

volunteerwork2020 ago

They love their numerology.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Beast, eh ?

volunteerwork2020 ago

Beast as in animal as in goy as in cattle.

3141592653 ago

w.t.F. was that?!?

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

What is found to be a sexual predator in 1997. Sick of the celebratory schitt.

Oh_Well_ian ago

the woman he 'assaulted' fucked half the Denver Nuggets Basketball Team, at least 10 Rockies players and an assortement of NBA and MLB players who just happen to be passing through.

High risk individuals always cross paths.

3141592653 ago

  1. How do you know any of that is true?. It most likely isn't and sounds like a Typical artist's excuse
  2. DNA evidence and a partial confession from Bryant?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I know because I know a number of professional ball players and all confirmed this girls identity.

She agreed to have conventional sex and he forced anal sex on her.

Kobe was not what he seemed and neither was this woman.

SearchVoatBot ago

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3141592653 ago

You just made it clear he anally raped her. Horrible.

Oh_Well_ian ago

honestly... if my own damn sister fucked celebs and athletes for thrills, I would have next to zero sympathy if one of them stuck it in her bum.

There is an entire world of athletes and their groupies ruled by degeneracy and narcissism.

3141592653 ago


You are no better than the enemies we are fighting here then.

You sound like a rapist.

Please, please, please, do not speak to me again.

Oh_Well_ian ago

fuck off, you fucking idiot.

3141592653 ago

Rapist pedo.

Oh_Well_ian ago


3141592653 ago

He is alleged to have raped a young women who was working in a hotel

separationordeath ago

youtube.com/watch?v=3m2d7QAIX8Q this poor rape victim.

carmencita ago

One of my first thoughts after the Breaking News was my wondering about another elite star being sacrificed. What was he caught up in even worse than what you are posting? Sex Trafficking of teens from other countries to play basketball. Yes this is done for college basketball. Idk exactly but this looks awfully fishy to me. Why did the clear that pilot to fly when the sheriff said even their own planes were grounded due to bad weather. He was def involved in some bad doings. Including Children.

Does anyone remember the sex scandal and he had to give his wife a huge diamond to placate her. Yep it was a thing. Quite a few years ago.

Btw the link you posted is horrid. Good God.

NinaSparrow ago

That was one of my first thoughts too. I didnt know about the sex scandal & diamond a few yrs ago though, wow.

About to watch this video now, uhhh not looking forward to it. Geez.. yea he was too much of a star not to be involved in some seriously shady stuff 😔🙏

carmencita ago

You should read The Daily Beast account of the rape. Chilling. He was a scumbag. His wife settled for a huge purple diamond. I just know he didn’t stop with that girl. They have to continue to feed their egos.

There is a Kobe Bryant Found. and the wife is part of it. Maybe she’s involved in the shady stuff too.

NinaSparrow ago

Thanks, I'll look for it. A purple diamond? Wow, even then it feeds his ego being it's a Lakers color. Just wow.

Yea I wouldnt put anything past any of these people.

carmencita ago

She learned all too well how to play the game after receiving that diamond. Read the Daily Beast article about the rape. I knew from the news but not in such detail. Just beyond disgusting. What he said about Shaq O’Neil as well. So many are into the rapes.

NinaSparrow ago

Yea I read it. Its disgusting.

carmencita ago

I had read it years ago and watched every news item I could. But I had forgotten how detailed and raw it was. It hit me in the gut all over again. Ugh.

3141592653 ago

Yes I will never forget the rape allegations against him, and all the details of it

carmencita ago

There is so much more the MSM is not talking about. They have conveniently forgotten his past and have now crowned him as a saint it seems. This hoopla makes me sick

3141592653 ago

You're totally right

carmencita ago

I’m getting sick of the day after day of it. Wish I had more time to dig into him. I just know there is stuff out there.

tech-adm ago

The puppet is a literal snake AKA Satan. Black Magic for toddlers, WTF are they trying to push on our kids?

kazza64 ago

what the fuck did i just watch .... the r kelly initiation video ?

HennyPenny ago

Yelp reviews of his Mamba Sports Academy critical of it's money angle


It's founder and CEO runs a money lending company allegedly known for high interest debt traps

https://www.linked in.com/in/chad-faulkner-92030628/


Piscina ago

It doesn't even pretend to be anything than what it is: an invitation to satanism.

CarpenterforChrist ago

Good find. This is simply satanic. Peddled towards children none the less. The occult seems to be going at it full force. Jesus will be returning soon. Get your heart right with Him. God bless!

fellowkikepeople ago

Hey kids, satan gives you power!

tury ago

And not a single fucking link to a video, picture, article, or anything.

Good job you fucking kike.

Mad_As_Helll ago

Eh there’s a link to a YouTube video right there asshole

tury ago

It wasn't there before. I take it back, you're not a kike.