This summer, Shannon and Pogson set a Guinness world record for the largest box of doughnuts: 666 pounds.

Rondiggity ago

Don't forget: Portland has an extensive underground tunnel system that has been used for human trafficking for over a hundred years. Sailors docking in Portland would go to a bar and end up going missing because they would wake up in these tunnels.

I don't know if there are maps or anything of these tunnel systems, but if we can find one, see if this tire shop is near a tunnel.

3141592653 ago

Shanghai tunnels


I'm going through his facebook time line, and there's satanic pedo references and pedo innuendo all the way down. He even namechecks high level satanist Kenneth Anger's Puce Moment. Also PANDA, Polar BEAR, PURPLE PeaNUTS. POE (satanist Featles favourite) PETER PAN etc.

RealEaster ago

How is Troma films connected to Racine?

How are James Alefantis and Susan Sarandon connected to Racine?

Who created the Art in Embassies program and why?

Who is Argosciv, what was their “series” about, and why would the corrupt pizzagate moderators partner with someone who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

Comment /v/ProtectGoats/3614498/22167643 deleted

Your comment /v/ProtectGoats/3614498/22167643 has been deleted by: @argosciv on: 1/18/2020 4:33:34 PM

Description given: Rule Violation in v/ProtectGoats: Other; Description: Long-running propaganda and anti-Mod campaign.

Original Comment


Why did argosciv create a long standing ‘series’ of submissions about Racine, Wisconsin - the ROOT of Corruption?


Why would the moderators of Pizzagate partner with Argosciv who openly admitted to Satan worship and blood drinking?

Why were Srayzie and others manipulating, blackmailing, doxxing and threatening users on Voat?

Why did @esotericshade have ALL of their submissions and comments removed?

Why did @letsdothis3 delete their account?

Why did @SecondSoberThought create a series about Racine, Wisconsin full of lies that culminated in death threats that were acted upon in real life against @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

What happened to @Jem777 after she returned to Voat to meet with @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why were teams of assassins hired to murder @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

We are the reason why Voat closed and changed its rules.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

We are the reason why 8chan was shut down.

What MAP leading to the ROOT of All Evil was found on 8chan?

What did the Anon before Q say about Racine?

We exposed all of the moderators of Pizzagate and Great Awakening.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting involving Paul Ryan and the reason he resigned.

Why did Trump sign The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles in Racine, Wisconsin?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

3141592653 ago

How is Troma connected to Racine?

Heisenberg123 ago


Ok ... That's kinda obvious, isn't it?

carmencita ago

Tres? What kind of name is that? I suspect he loses every gf after 3 yrs cause they either find out he’s gay or a pedo and a slimeball.

3141592653 ago

Shady AF

carmencita ago

Sure is. Remember Franklin Graham showing up at Voodoo? Son of Born Again Christian Leader Billy Graham. I’m sure he really just wanted a donut and a cup of coffee. That place just screams Pedo.

YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, everything starts with P except hot dogs. Pretty telling right there.

Splooge ago

(((Voodoo Donuts))) regularly uses known pedo symbols on their packaging and food items.

3141592653 ago

And child coffins

Splooge ago

Yes, they regularly make use of (((Satanic))) imagery as well.