think- ago

There is an article by Whitney Webb about Bill Clinton and the BCCI. It alleges hat that BCCI trafficked young girls to Arabs (clients of the bank).

Also, she alleges that BCCI is a CIA front iirc.

think- ago

Mnuchin is connected to Burkle.

YogSoggoth ago

Mnuchin seems to have a very big smile often, like he knows something. He has all the usual hallmarks of a bad guy, but no real damning evidence. Still on the fence with him.

think- ago

Mnuchin allegedly was tied to Brunel, Epstein's fellow sex trafficker.

YogSoggoth ago

I know. Very intrerestink. Allegedly, I was a track star, and out ran all the others, without trying.

allonthesameteam ago

Great digs.

21yearsofdigging ago

I won't make many friends on here with this but does anyone else recognize that Trump is obsessed with keepin America healthy economically but he doesn't seem to care much about other things, such as the abuses in China in their workforce. Slaves being paid a pittance for 14 hours work a day. I mean, we all had and have so much hope with Trump but then he ignores real serious issues all the time, justifying that he is getting jobs for Americans. He softened and reinstated the Patriot Act which has been used to target innocent people, citizens, that are put on a watch list for no reason. I am not slamming him but for people like me, he has nothing. Have him get the Clintons(which is why I was pro Trump during the last election) yet I am still waiting for him to really nail the child abusers, the infested state of D.C. and Hollywood. I can't imagine having a cabinet where I know certain people in my inner circle are pedophiles and yet, I'll just look the other way if we can benefit financially. Like....really?? Take your best shot at me if you have to but tired of 'hope' or false 'hope' we have in him exposing the evil. Lots has been credited to him from Q but so far, not the BIG take down.

3141592653 ago


NextVoatAccount ago

The Truth is easy to recognize. That is why The Truth is banned.

Trump is a Freemason Jesuit member of the Pilgrims Society who made The Deal for the real Agenda beyond 21 and 2030 in Racine, Wisconsin.

What is the significance of the other Seven Wonders of the World, and what is the Path of Souls?

The Deal was signed with a family of Satanic pedophiles in a building designed by Satanic pedophiles with a company closely linked to China to create the global model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Community Policing with the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability).

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are both members of the Knights of Pythias connected to Racine, and neither are dead. Who are Damon and Pythias?

The Rothschilds are directly in Racine. Their other name is Bauer. Who is Kristin Bauer van Straten, what roles does she play, and what religion does she practice?

That 70’s Show was set in Racine, and part of the programming for the Global Interfaith Alliance with Scientology, Unitarianism, OTO and Kabbalah.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Why was The Truth targeted, censored and banned, closing the entire Voat site down?

What is The Parousia?

kestrel9 ago

If you don't mind I'd like to stay on the topic of the post, as Trump discussions tend to overtake submissions. Maybe make a post about it?

21yearsofdigging ago

Sure but I was addressing this "In addition, 20% stake share in the bank by Trump’s cabinet member also received aide to resuscitate the bank" which is in the post. You have to know that Trump knows what some of his cabinet is up to, and that is pedophila which is what we at Pizzagate are all concerned with. The ends do not justify the means. That's it, end of story

Vindicator ago

Nice roundup K9. I wish we had more detailed research like this on the financial shenanigans of these creeps. Weird that Burkle's son died. That's not suspicious at all (cough).

YogSoggoth ago

Burkle sounds like a sound one would make before leaving to the pearly gates .9 days is safe to talk about it!

kestrel9 ago

Just want to put this here for those who are unaware about Mary Jacoby and her dad Jon Jacoby (Jack Stephens ties) and her husband Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS

Systematics and Alltel is where Obama's uncle Cecil "Max" Goeldner also worked as Computer Systems Analyst. Cecil's daughter (Obama's cousin) married a Saudi, Abdullah Al-Ahmadi, who was/is a Civil Engineer and a manager with Saudi Aramco. Here is Obama's cousin Abdullah in a photograph with Prince Alaweed (who financed Obama's Harvard tution):

kestrel9 ago

Thank you. I'm looking into the Arkansas/Riady/Stephens/banking/Indonesia/China/HongKong/Panama/Carter/Clinton plus so much more (in no particular order: Pakistan/AbuDhabi/Obama and his mom/uncle/Promis software/alltel/Suharto/BCCI/CIA/ too many names/places to list. It really is all connected. During this I came across the Amalgamated Bank article. If we had the mother of all timeline posts, even a new person would find it evident just how connected it is. China and Carter, Mochtar Riady/Jackson Stephens & Arkansas is a good jumping off point for digging.

Vindicator ago

The mother of all timeline posts would be amazing. I feel like it would have to be created and hosted elsewhere, though, to really be usable. Voat's platform is too limited, not just graphically but in terms of character limits and formatting as well. A timeline that linked to each relevant bit of our research would be amazing, though.

Have you run each of the names and corporations from this current research through Wikileaks and that the Panama Papers to see what pops up?

kestrel9 ago

Right now I'm finding timelines already put together. This one has good info (US related) to1998: The BCCI affair -- CARTER, REAGAN, BUSH, CLINTON, BUSH, AND BCCI (scroll down to it)

At the end of it:

The BCCI scandal cheated depositors out of over $10 billion worldwide. Many of these were lower income people now being paid off at 15 and 25 cents on the dollar for damage done by a illegal operation willingly used not only by hundreds of drug dealers and other criminals from various countries but by the intelligence services of five nations (including the CIA) and at least one government, Pakistan, seeking to finance its nuclear weapons development.

Things always moved a little too smoothly in the BCCI investigation, leaving scores of unanswered questions and, so far as can be determined, hardly anyone to blame. One exception, Swaleh Naqvi, BCCI's number two man, was given a mild sentence -- over the objections of Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau. He later told prosecutors that he had never explained to Altman and Clifford who really owned First American.

Ironically, in the Palestinian Time-Line just before this one on same site, final entry:

1999: Ehud Barak, a former Israeli chief of staff, is elected prime minister and a new peace effort begins with the help of Bill Clinton

What a scam.

Vindicator ago

Great research

kestrel9 ago

BCCI deserves it own sub tbh.

The BCCI Affair

A Report to the Committee on Foreign Relations

United States Senate

by Senator John Kerry and Senator Hank Brown

December 1992

One part from the above report: THE ORIGIN AND EARLY YEARS OF BCCI

This link has been posted on voat before but is always worth a look

auchtung ago

Reminds me of the Franklin Community Federal Credit Union run by Larry King.

carmencita ago

Larry King worked with Susan Buffet at the Savngs & Loan. What a funny coincidence since Warren remains untouched. Last heard he was singing with a touring Children’s Opera group. They never stop.

auchtung ago

What the fuck? I know they mentioned Buffet in The Franklin Coverup, but I didnt know that. Do you have any good links?

YogSoggoth ago

I saw that one. It was "at the otherend of a 22 sonmething. Quick video."

think- ago

You might want to look for old v/pizzagate posts mentioning Buffet on

carmencita ago

I’m can’t use my laptop til next mo and my cell skills are sad. I saw it about 1 or 2 yes ago. The probably a lot of the stuff on Warren and Susan has been scrubbed. Especially him. There is other stuff I read but won’t print here. Too controversial and I don’t have the link. I will tell you to read Democratic Underground.

kestrel9 ago

In the end they're all connected imho

auchtung ago

Most likely, seems most unlikely they would not be.