21yearsofdigging ago

You forgot to mention Skunk Works and the fact that Jon Benet is buried in Marietta Georgia, home of S.W. which is a division of L.M.

votesarestolen ago

Do you have more information on Marietta being the home of Skunk Works? I always thought Burbank and then subsequently Palmdale was where it was located, though there are certainly Skunk Works facilities in Marietta.

Piscina ago

From this interview with Stephen Singular:

I had gone online and looked at pictures of little girls, five and six-year-olds, the same age as JonBenet, who were being used for child pornography purposes. They were being tied up by their hands and ankles and being sexually abused, or laid out on tables or hung from ceilings. They were being treated violently, and ropes, scarves, and belts were used to tie them up. These photographic situations looked very similar to the conditions surrounding the death of JonBenet,...

Piscina ago

Donald Freedman, visiting professor at Loyola Marymount University (L.A.) and lecturer at USC made a film about the murder of Martin Luther King. He also worked for about a year and a half on the Ramsey murder for a two part series for ABC one of which is completed and the other of which will be completed if ABC wishes to complete it. I don't think it ever aired. In this interview Freedman states:

For several hours during the morning, a Boulder police detective was alone at the house while family and friends walked about and generally, completely co-opted the crime scene.

For the Director of the FBI in Washington, D.C. to restrain and stand down his own agents in the field; both the local office in Boulder and the bigger one in Denver or Lockheed Martin and their agents, without going to the crime scene, and being able to reassure their CEO's in Denver that they can stand down; their children can go to the park; their wives can go to the bridge club;----for these assurances to be made on which careers and budgets and lifetimes depend, there can only be one answer. They had to know, not only were there no foreign terrorists, but they had to know BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT that what happened neither affected the security of the United States of America or the security and profits of Lockheed Martin. That this was a domestic personal aberational crime of some kind or in any case a crime which, though located inside a home, may have repercussions outside in terms of circles of people who would not want investigations going on about child pornography, child abuse, or child sexuality.

Piscina ago

Details of the autopsy:

An autopsy of the body of Jonbenet Ramsey was conducted on 12/26/96 by Dr John Meyer, Boulder County Medical Examiner, and witnessed by Detective Linda Arndt of the Boulder Police Department. Dr Meyer told Arndt that JBR had injuries consistent with prior digital penetration of her vagina. Meyer later returned to the morgue with Dr Andrew Sirontak, Chief of Denver Children's Hospital Child Protection Team, who also examined the body and found the hymen "shriveled and retracted", among other old injuries to her vagina, and agreed that JBR had been sexually abused prior to the night of her death.

They observed, among other chronic injuries, a hymen that had been eroded over time and a vaginal opening twice normal size for a six year old. All stated they observed "evidence of both acute injury and chronic sexual abuse". Dr Cyril Wecht, a forensic pathologist, in a separate assessment, concurred.

JBR was taken to her pediatrician TWENTY-SEVEN times in THREE years. Five of those visits were for vaginitis, but Dr Beuf had never performed an internal exam. On 12/17/96 Patsy Ramsey called Dr Beuf's office three times between 5:00-6:00 PM. Eight days later, Jonbenet was dead. I do not believe an experienced mother of two would make three after hours calls in sixty minutes to her child's pediatrician for a routine cold or sore throat. I do believe it likely that JBR had yet another vaginal infection, and Patsy had finally become alarmed and was demanding answers - answers that could only be determined by a full pelvic exam, information Patsy would have shared with her husband.

Piscina ago

I firmly believe that her father John Ramsey was giving her out to his buddies to rape so that he could climb the corporate ladder. He was known to have trained her how to tongue kiss when she was tiny. He was preparing her.

Nancy Krebbs gave evidence that John Ramsey was part of a paedophile ring that had raped her repeatedly as a child. She gave details about this circle of men which included John Ramsey who would rape children during the holidays, so that their bruises would heal by the time they went back to school. If children cried during being raped, they would be beaten on the head so that bruises would not be seen under the hair. Garotte around neck was to strangle child so that close to passing out child would groan. This would turn on the rapists as it sounded like an orgasm groan. A 'specialist' would have to be in attendance at the rape to do the garrotting, as it was a fine line between getting the child to groan and killing her.

Autopsy showed signs of long-term sexual abuse. Patsy had found out what he was doing. John had promised to stop. But he didn't. Children urinating and defecating in pants and/or bed is also a sign of sexual abuse.

Patsy knew and died of a broken heart.

POdPatriot ago

You may very well be right on this one.

This book may interest you - Jon-Benets Mother: The Tragedy and the Truth! (could not post link, sorry.)

votesarestolen ago

I think you're absolutely right. JonBenet was chronically sexually abused, which is extremely unlikely to occur without the complicity of at least one of the parents, so therefore she was abused in the home or pimped out or both. And there is a lot to implicate John; as you note by citing Nancy Krebs' story and as I pointed out in this post, it seems that he was part of a child pornography racket using Access Graphics as a front. Also involved was John's oilman best friend Fleet White Jr., whose father Fleet White Sr. had Hollywood connections (confirmed to include Goldie Hawn, allegedly included Nicole Kidman too) and was accused by Nancy Krebs of being one of her main abusers. One thing I hadn't heard, though, is about John training JonBenet to tongue kiss him: do you have a source for that? That is incredibly disturbing if accurate, even given what I already believe about John.

Piscina ago

I remember reading it years ago. I'm now trying to find the source. It's difficult as when googling about this case nothing about any analysis from Singular or Freedman comes up; all that comes up are the different stories put out by L Lin Wood.

carmencita ago

May he die a horrid and violent death. May he go to prison so they can do to him what he perpetrated upon JB and all the others. This made me so sick I could barely finish.

Just vile.

BagofLies ago

fugg I looked but couldn't reproduce it...I came upon it researching the /222/ pedo/cult/club that was outted on masterchan. 2 is 2 young 2 die...montagraph...it all seems tied together one way or another. really very dark shit. It was a peek into the mind of a pedovore..I really wish I never did read it.

flyingcuttlefish ago

archived this - http://archive.is/ZXd6J

flyingcuttlefish ago

here is a real strange other item - Child Killing Cult in N. Michigan Tie to Father of JonBenet Ramsey


volunteerwork2020 ago

Also Cathy O'Brien is from MI

volunteerwork2020 ago

Oakland County Child Killer

ShaneE11183386 ago

Im so glad my pap was a white hat

He was 20 yrs miltary intelligence/interrogator/ head of lang. School at fort devens

He never once told me an answer i wanted.. "we knew a lot" he would say.

He died a month after 9/11 attacks

I remember vividly him sitting there crying when they displayed all the names that were killed

He said and ill never forget " im so emotional i feel like im gonna die soon" literally 2 weeks later he had a massive seizure.. but cause was unknown

Till this day i still think the blackhats got to him

Reason i said this is bc yes i see SO many intel/CIA familes have this intergenerational satanic ritual abuse going on

My 5th great uncle was also civil war general who became gov of PA and read the death warrant to the lincoln conspirators

I lucked out i guess


He never once told me an answer i wanted..

Thats a whitehat?

SO many intel/CIA familes have this intergenerational satanic ritual abuse going on

Thats luck?

Psalm67 ago

What an asinine comment. Why take him out of context and attack him for expressing thankfulness? What are you some kind of a nut?

ShaneE11183386 ago

When you have the highest security clearance and you dont tell me anything "secret" of course

And yes my family LUCKED out while others didnt

Do you just like taking snips of things or can you not think things through fully?


I meant no offense towards you or your family @ShaneE11183386 . Just trying to understand what makes someone a like a whitehat keep dark secrets, and why we feel lucky when not abused or involved in dark ritual. I am more displaying shock at the state of the world, than trying to say anyone did anything wrong. My apologies if it felt like an attack, I was fishing - albeit insensitively, for more information about what would make him an enemy of blackhats. That is in my opinion, how you can honor his legacy, on a research / information site.

I am glad you never suffered abuse, your grandfather was a good man, and you know enough to be here trying to help.

ForgottenMemes ago

Interesting. I'm sure this is totally unrelated but Boulder, CO is 10% jewish an unusually high concentration.

BagofLies ago

Read the 65,000 word letter sent to investigators from a/,the supposed killer, possibly bob hope. It's dark af and highly relevant to pedophilia

fogdryer ago

Tom Cruise

Samson134 ago

Could you supply a link for that letter please, thank you in advance .

Otto- ago

Y'know, I didn't know it was 65,000 words, I must have read an excerpt, but I really don't want to read it again. The affiliations & context of the accussed alone is complicated enough for me to struggle with.

BagofLies ago

fugg I looked but couldn't reproduce it...I came upon it researching the /222/ pedo/cult/club that was outted on masterchan. 2 is 2 young 2 die...montagraph...it all seems tied together one way or another. really very dark shit. It was a peek into the mind of a pedovore..I really wish I never did read it.

volunteerwork2020 ago

There was a cult in Brooklyn in 1977 ran by a preacher that was located at 222 Brooklyn Ave.


volunteerwork2020 ago

Didn't some sick couple from CA have something to do with that?