spacepopecoast2coast ago

Fucked up... this is why I stopped checking in here. I don’t want to face these bizarre, harsh realities anymore

lopus ago

Everyone knows that Twatter allows PEDOs to network.

Just look for the hashtag #MAP or #mappositivity - You will find lots of pedos.

You can see, that many of the pedo accounts are rather new. Maybe they always start new ones, because of getting kicked out. Or because they do not want to be tracked. (maybe twatter regularly kicks a few of them out, so they can say: "Look, we do something against them!") -

- but I guess, they are soon back with new Accounts...

And this happens on Twitter", the social network, that bans us conservatives for "Hate speech".

I could laugh my ass off, if it was not so disgusting!!

think- ago

attraction towards minors

This is very ambiguous. There is a huge difference between people dicussing pedophilia as a crime, or someone (a self-styled 'minor attracted person') sharing their thoughts about how they feel sexually attracted to children.

redwing14 ago

it says talks about exploitation.

Otto- ago

Yah, like Dorsey & Alwaleed were already on my blacklist, but this didn't seem particularly obscene at first, since they still don't allow content, but just for clarity:

*The new rule adds gray legalistic language that such pedophile content is allowed “provided they don’t promote or glorify child sexual exploitation in any way.”

“Artistic depictions of nude minors in a non-sexualized context or setting may be permitted in a limited number of scenarios e.g., works by internationally renowned artists that feature minors,”*

I don't personally have a problem with Neoclassical or Renaissance works of nude fairies featuring on twitter, but then again I don't have any stakes because I don't give a fuck about twitter as a platform or a company. I agree that the letter written to director Starr is quite an unusually purposed request though:

“In our professional opinions, terminating the accounts of non-offending, anti-contact MAPs is likely to result in the opposite effect of that which Twitter may expect or intend. Rather than reducing the incidence of child sexual abuse, if anything, it increases the risk that some pedophiles will be unable to obtain the peer or professional support that they may need in order to avoid offending behavior. It is also likely to increase the stigma and isolation associated with pedophilia and thereby increase the likelihood of some MAPs acting on their sexual feelings,”

maaaxheadroom ago

(((Twitter))) fucking jews just doing jew shit.