IShallNotFear ago

fogdryer ago

Symbolism will be their downfall

volunteerwork2020 ago


volunteerwork2020 ago

This pedo slave planet deserved to be nuked.

Vindicator ago

Anyone check the ukelele guy's hometown sex offender registry?

carmencita ago

Is the writer of the article related to the Wyss connected to Podesta? Jim Wyss Bureau Chief of Miami Herald. Is he related in some way to Wyss institute? Idk but it’s a could be. Odd thing that he’s asking that boy to repeat the words. In that square. Boy isn’t all that interested. Doesn’t act like he knows him either. Somethings all wrong.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

They ruined pizza. I don’t like when my teenagers ask for that. I would rather cook or order chilies or something else. Like gays took the visible spectrum of light. Do you Really need all those colors for a flag?

Heebro ago

Pretty thin But Masonic symbolism pretty in keeping with all that