darkknight111 ago

This bastard deserves to have a small, thin barbed wire stuffed into his dick hole, then clip off the exposed wire so he cant remove the inserted wire.

4freedomsring ago

Must have decided the word “pizza” was too well known.

Used code word “wine” as a substitute for child pornography to conceal the nature of the conversations. The two had also worked out a code to add 10 years to the age of persons they referred to in their conversations.

Vindicator ago

Nader funneled $3.5 million to groups helping Hillary's campaign in 2016.

think- ago

Yep. And paid more than $ 1 million to an Israeli social media company to support Trump in 2016. He played both sides, as usual.

carmencita ago

Whether it was sex or deviate disgusting sexual abuse this Child is marred for life. His whole life is ruined. Forever. Nader is seriously sick and perverted. WTH other matter with him? Animals don’t do this to humans. A cell for life. No parole. Ever.

lamplight ago

These predators are sick and must be put away and the key buried in an active volcano.

MysticMa ago

So...Putin had good reason to stop adoptions too US???

Blacksmith21 ago

"Nader admitted that he discussed child pornography online over the years with an unidentified associated, using the word “wine” as a substitute for child pornography to conceal the nature of the conversations. the two had also worked out a code to add 10 years to the age of persons they referred to in their conversations."


There is nothing related to "sex" about what that sick, sick motherfucker was caught with. Child beastiality, and genital torture pics are not "sex," and anyone reading this SHOULD NOT pay lip-service to the media slimeballs by using their terminology to describe what Mueller's sick puppy (Nader) is involved with.

Blacksmith21 ago

With baby goats.

rapedbyanape ago