fogdryer ago

what an idiot

sAVAgeBeastN ago

Hey guys.. I got put in Twitter Jail, because of this assHat Pedo, from the NYT.. check out the screenshots.

Vindicator ago

Well done

siegnagel ago

What's the sauce on this picture??

3141592653 ago

Just a reminder: new user with a name extremely similar to mine....

314159123456 ago

Define new. Your name is the first digits of pi. Hardly random.

plancktonne ago

This is all a big mix-up. They've mixed-up Krugman with Klugman. NYT fact-checkers will have it straightened out shortly.

"A Salinas dentist was arrested Tuesday after Monterey County Sheriff's deputies said they found hundreds of images of child pornography on his computers. Gary Klugman, 65, has a dental office at..." From 2016.

This is like Vanity Fair editor Kurt Eichenwald being humiliated after admitting he and his son were looking for tentacle porn on the internet. It was never determined if the tentacles they were searching for were even underaged. Ocotopi live only 5 years so viewing them would be octo-kiddie-porn, but some jellyfish live for 20 years and pics of them could be legal.

3141592653 ago


darkknight111 ago

Iโ€™ll have to find it, but now heโ€™s trying to blame Qanons for the CP.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Of course, it's the KAZAKS who are behind this,... facepalm

volunteerwork2020 ago

Another filthy fucking pedo demon kike.