Kannall ago

K3vin Spac3y was also on the plane. He's much higher level than many originally believed . 3 Spac3y accusers already dead .

LadyGlitterSparkles ago

Where is the pic of Epstein at Beatrice's birthday? I've been hunting all day for it.

MolochHunter ago

deserves its own post duder

plancktonne ago

It's noteworthy that much of the propaganda media still refers to Ghislaine as a British socialite, Epstein's gal pal or girlfriend, his Madame, his procurer and other more polite terms for what she did. The worst description is that she was Epstein's pimp.

In fact she and Epstein and those who assisted them were much worse: traffickers of underaged girls, torturers and probably murderers too. Considering the high number of victims over the years it's likely more than a few of them died intentionally or unintentionally. General all-around pigs would be appropriate too.

Imagine if Ghislaine and Jeffrey were minorities, poor people or people of color, not semi-billionaires and extremely close friends of presidents and royalty. Law enforcement would be all over their properties with ground-penetrating radar and digging up their basements. Tabloids worldwide would be screaming every insult imaginable, including Satanic cannibals, necrophiliacs and bestialitists even if there were no evidence of that.

teytin235 ago

imagine if they weren't jews

darkknight111 ago


Trump Jr has just tweeted about this.

Asking the question “What is the sex trafficking equivilant of I smoked but I didn’t inhale?”

Also, voat has been having A LOT of issues since this thread got posted. Someone doesn’t want this being seen.

plancktonne ago

"I did not have sex with that little girl!"

3141592653 ago

Isnt it as young as 12?

flyingcuttlefish ago

this is getting wide attention .... damning photos

carmencita ago

There are a lot of dead people that can’t talk now.

I wonder why Chaunteau can’t tell about what happened after that picture with BC was taken? C’mon. Arms around and nothing happened. Slick Willie wasn’t allowed to make a move? No massage. Sorry but I can’t really believe he kept his pants zipped.

Kannall ago

Shell never talk. None of 3psteins gals will ever mention cl1nt0n. Its an automatic death sentence

carmencita ago

Yeah. I know. Many have been silenced

plancktonne ago

Some years ago Rush Limbaugh told a story of how Bill stopped by Rush's table where he was seated with a date. Clinton proceeded to essentially proposition Rush's date. He was awestruck by Clinton's audacity. So it's most unlikely "nothing happened" with Chaunteau.

carmencita ago

My exact thought. Nothing he does surprises me. The only way to stop people like him is a cell. Lock him up He’s a danger to society. Audacity and Hubris and delusions of grandeur. All possessed by TPTB

flyingcuttlefish ago

I am following all the extra lawsuits of additional victims on the 971 blog ....

some victims became procurers themselves for bringing in high school classmates for a bounty so they may feel culpable....

use search term "victim" or "co-conspirator" or category "in court" here - https://9east71.home.blog/

carmencita ago

Wow. Thanks.