Angelis_Solaris ago

See Peter Hyatt's short video on statement analysis and how it relates to the Jon Benet Ramsey case:

Tiessa ago

The thread on Twitter was deleted it looks like.

Fateswebb ago

She's not dead it was all a haox ...

Piscina ago

THE CASE WHERE THERE IS A RANSOM NOTE---THAT TRIGGERS THE FBI's JURISDICTION. And this is a well-oiled machine of many decades standing. When it goes into action the local police are pushed into the periphery.

When its a wealthy corporate executive; and when the note in fact announces that these are foreign terrorists---now every bell in the "national security system" begins to ring ...

Pablolove ago

Didn't know there was an older brother who was at the house that night. Also John Ramsay had a daughter from another marriage who also died in mysterious circumstances. Poor wee lassie didn't stand a chance.

3141592653 ago

Never heard about the other daughter before

Pablolove ago

Yes this is excellent

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

The first three things that caught my eye amd made me do a doubletake in the Twitter thread:

-Yeast, and she did have vaginitis, which her mother did officially omit at first, and she did go to the doctor's 33 times in 3 years, and the poor girl's genitals showed signs of abuse, but the 33 doctor trips were not ALL for the yeast.

-Elizabeth Pasch Ramsey did die in a car crash, but I can find zero online to substantiate the idea that she accused her father of satanic abuse. That would be huge news. Not even a sliver of a message board thread. Seems like bullshit, although I'd be totally unsurprised if she was abused.

  • The video/book about How to Create a Mind Control Slave with a Stun Gun found in father's office. I was like WUT, and then discovered that it's just Cathy O'Brien's assertion. Now, she might be a legit survivor with horrific truths to tell us, but she's also capable of uttering lies, and this one I have to assume is a lie. How would she even know what the cops found and then made disappear? Bullshit.

So, of the 3 most eyebrow-raising parts I had read up to that point, 2 were bullshit and 1 was partly bullshit. Not good. NO BUENO. Mixing bullshit and non-bullshit is EXACTLY WHAT THE SHILLS DO. People who actually want to catch the evil scumbags have to be WAY MORE CAREFUL and try like hell to be 100% NON-BULLSHIT. A piece of the narrative that seems like a smoking gun but turns out to be bullshit is WORSE THAN NOTHING AT ALL because it serves to undermine the rest of the non-bullshit. Be paranoia, be skeptical, but don't stop being critical -- and that INCLUDES being critical of seemingly major Pizzagate news. Give the monsters NOTHING to use to discredit us. NOTHING.

Tiessa ago

I couldn’t find anything about the sister accusing the dad of abuse either.

Piscina ago

Autopsy report showed vaginal injuries that were healing, pointing to longterm abuse. There were also many visits to doctor for vaginal issues. Your quibbling over whether it was 33 or 23 or 20 is ridiculous..the fact is it was many times.

Elizabeth Ramsay purportedly no longer spoke to the father when she died.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

Not quibbling over the number. 33 is true. What's not true is that they were all visits about yeast infections.

Yes, the vaginal injuries are proof she was being abused long term. Sickening.

Richard_Kranium ago

33 is very Masonic. Also 33 appears in C-A planted stories, if you believe in that sort of thing.

If you are skeptical of this info, maybe there is a reason it is available.

darkknight111 ago

What’s your take on all of John Ramsey’s connections?

Come to think of it, looking back some of the stuff in that thread lacked sauce (the connections I’m asking about had sauce IIRC).

If John Ramsey is that well connected, then it would not be hard to arrange a cover up of some kind.

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

I have no doubt John Ramsey was up to his eyeballs in some top secret pedo blackmail ring, possibly involving mind control, possibly involving satanism.

21yearsofdigging ago

Went there and wrote it down. Perhaps a different take but along the same lines as other info.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Wooooooooooooow.... yes, the satanic ritual abuse fits perfectly in this case. Very telling that the woman you met had the friends that all died after going to the cops. The father worked for the gov with his computer business and Patsy Ramsey was apparently another Cathy O’Brien already programmed. The marks on Jon Bennet indicates a stun gun was used on her, which also fits for SRA. The hand written note was supposedly written by Patsy. The whole case is botched and most likely the police chief was part of their ceremony for that evening as it is a very important ceremonial day for them. I wonder if she was the family’s sacrifice for Johns job and moving up or if it really was an accident. If an accident then why did they have the party the day before contaminating the scene, I understand it was Christmas but it was essentially an open house for everyone to come in. What an odd place. I’d like to read your book you are a talented writer. Thanks for sharing this. Hope all is well.

21yearsofdigging ago

Ya wanna see something cool I did rent The Spark. Costs some money though, let me know if you are broke. it is 3.99

21yearsofdigging ago

You are great great great! Never understood completely why my story has been so overlooked. Thanks for taking the time and I wrote all this for that woman I met because I had promised her I would try to get the word out. She was so frightened and so even if parts of her story may not be right on, I am convinced all those guys that saw Ramsey at the cliff, were suicided. She was bit rough but you could tell, a good person. All these years later and still, even with people looking into it, my story is ignored. This world sucks

Piscina ago

There are a couple of investigative journalists who have spent a long time looking into this case. I posted links to their findings in previous posts about Jon Benet.

All police were given instructions to stand down on the morning of the murder. Female policewoman was left at residence filled with people. She received no back up for hours. This gave Ramsay and his friend time to contaminate the crime scene. Patsy Ramsey knew that John did it

Autopsy report indicated signs of long term sexual abuse of Jon Benet, who exhibited many symptoms of sexual abuse eg bed wetting and defecating.

Patsy had found out John was abusing Jon Benet. He had promised he had stopped but she didn't trust him. She really was the patsy.

John Ramsey was named as being a paedophile by a victim, who gave evidence to police. From memory her name was Nancy Krebbs. This information was never brought to light.

Police and Public Prosecutor had someone feeding info to L Lin Fox, attorney for Ramsey.

This was a high level cover up

Jon Benet had bruised head. Nancy Krebbs said this was done to children do bruises would be covered by hair. Rapes took place during holidays so that bruises on children disappeared by start of school. Garotte was to choke child while bring raped, as choking made child groan, simulating an orgasm sound. They usually had an 'expert' on hand at group rapes to manouvre garotte because there was a fine line between groan and death

These men will go to hell.

volunteerwork2020 ago

I recall that weird Youtuber Montagraph supposedly having something to do with her murder.

jesspietre ago

Yes, montagraph is evil and very involved

volunteerwork2020 ago

Remember that psychiatrist of the case was killed a year ago.

veteran88 ago

It was the kike I forget his name.

carmencita ago

In the tweet it mentions JonBenet was named after her father John Bennett. Her 22 yr old sister was Elizabeth. But they called her Beth another similarity to Bennett. Later he dated Natalee Holloway’s mother, Beth. I find this very bazaar.

i_scream_trucks ago

"Bazaar" so you found it at a bargain basement price?

Maybe you mean BIZARRE

NoBS ago

The spelling police are still employed around here? Fucking brown nosing suck ups who virtue signal a superiority complex over the English spelling.

Joe10jo ago

We all know what Carmencita meant, so lay off, and remember, given the topic.... who gives a shit how a word is spelled.

carmencita ago

Bizarre is of course what I meant. Thx


Had to stop reading at "South Park did an episode about it."

i_scream_trucks ago

Butbutbut the cartoon accurately show totally real satanic rituals!!!!!

derram ago :

human vibration on Twitter: "Guess which A-list celebrity has a DIRECT connection to the death of JonBenét Ramsey?

On the night of Christmas 1996, the Ramsey’s attended a party at the home of a close friend. It wasn’t your average Xmas party. It was a Satanic Ritual Sacrifice and this celebrity was present.…"

This has been an automated message.

21yearsofdigging ago

That is what I heard.