fogdryer ago

hope mom gets punished

3141592653 ago

Great article

Podge512 ago

Disney's relationship with organised child sexual abuse goes back a long way.

rickman2 ago

Hmm child trafficking going on at Chris Pratt's house party and he then goes on to defend James Gunn. Makes you wonder.

lamplight ago

Pass this on to everyone you know. There is enough exposure because of Weinstein and Epstein for people to finally see the pattern of abusing and trafficking kids.

flyingcuttlefish ago

yes, yes, yes!

blog, tweet ... whatever everywhere...

plancktonne ago

There's an opportunity for some entrepreneur to start a Tour of Famous Pedophiles' Homes. Like the Hollywood tours of grave sites and locations of infamous murders. "On your left is the notorious CM where AS and EB offed an 11 year old black kid... next stop, Nicholson's sauna where Polanski..."

Tour patrons could hurl imprecations at each stop, but no throwing eggs. Minimum charge for replacing imported Italian walls is $80,000 as Bieber found out.

darkknight111 ago

The woman who released this is an investigative journalist.

Total Disclosure (on twitter) is also someone to keep watch on. He’s a private investigator looking into Pedowood, with emphasis on the murder of Chris Cornell.

42times5 ago

And he played the role of a trafficked child in those films.

carmencita ago

I read the whole thing and it was stomach turning. I really tried to find some compassion for Ricky’s mother but it never came. What is making me sick is knowing new Kids and bands enduring the same perverted sexual rape that Ricky had to experience. So many times while reading 2 names kept haunting me. Heather and Judith. Yes the were murdered and Ricky still lives. But really what was coming down the line for this poor child? What if one of those rapes ended up with Ricky fighting back and ended up losing the fight. These people must be exposed at all costs. Please Send this to your friends and relatives with Children. And those that don’t too.

jealoushe ago

LAPD ignores again

21yearsofdigging ago

Of course. Went through all that with them. Sadly, this isn't new. Happened years ago to me

carmencita ago

So sorry you had to read that. I was going to suggest NSFW. I can’t imagine how you feel. It’s like reliving. And then to know it’s still going on. My heart ♥️ goes out to you. 🙏

21yearsofdigging ago

Oh thanks so much for that! Means the world

carmencita ago

Thank you so much for being here after what you have been through. ♥️

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Call_Of_Goat ago

I let my kids watch Disney movies


Blacksmith21 ago

This story could be repeated with ten thousand different names.

jealoushe ago

Anna Ferris? UGH no...

Baichu ago

Wow, this is a very detailed account of this poor kids abuse. What is really really sad is the mother involved, letting her child go on a vacation with adult men, without a second thought. All that is in these people's minds is fame and fortune. If only parents and kids could understand what is really going on with the "actors" and the various other "people" who will be "handling" them. The list of pedos grows every day in snottywood. I refuse to fund the degenerates in any way, shape or form.

fogdryer ago

his mom knew.

parents are just as sick as the pedos

carmencita ago

It’s sad but this mother was blinded by the things that the family could enjoy at the expense of her son. It’s just to evident. I mean ok we have been woke but her son allowed to go to those parties? Why did she not insist to go along? Hmm. When told no then she could have said No. That would n the end of it. 4 yrs? I’m sorry. No.

Baichu ago

What I've noticed as a common thread throughout these hollywood abuse situations is that it is usually women, the mother, who sell their children. Why is that? Is there something about women that need this attention. Are these women single without husbands or male partners?

21yearsofdigging ago

Man oh man you are so right. I was a Hollywood actor (wait before you hold that against me) and married a woman from France. I mostly kept to myself and was not a slave in Hollywood , but always wondered why I didn't get better roles. I came home to our farm that we lived on(I left Hollywood and had my children growing up on a farm, I thought it was better for them) and discovered bruises on my wife's face. Turns out she admitted to being a prostitute(years when I made really good money) and that my children were present when she was with men. She was more than likely seriously MKULTRA, French version(lots of reasons why I think this) but my children, it was always about my children. They were stolen and I became homeless for a couple years. My career was strangely finished(not to brag but I did some BIG movies) and I found out later that she had a phony orphanage in Cambodia and was involved in renting out or finding crew for luxury yachts in the south of France.Years ago, my heart was bleeding I was beside myself with guilt and concern that the children were taken and I didn't have a pot to piss in so I couldn't fight back. A partner in a production company told me we no longer had that company, never did and that I should "forget about your kids or you're dead". No one wanted to believe she was a prostitute sex slave or a child trafficker. The consensus was "women don't do that". I tell you, she could kill someone and not even flinch. She almost never cooked for them(I did and would prepare meals if I went to LA for work) and was absolutely not the caregiver. P.S. my partner in that production company bragged his father ran CSIS(Canada CIA). Didn't see them for years and every agent I have ever had in USA or Canada said, "forget about your kids and maybe you will work again". Yup, there are women, heartless soulless creatures that traffic children. Do I think that happened to my children? I don't know, I really don't but she was, with no exception, the most heartless person I have ever met and believe me, I have met some dirt-bags

Baichu ago

Whaat? And to think that she is one many.

Stolen children and then you were homeless?


21yearsofdigging ago

Yeah. Stephen Shellen, check out my IMDB page. It pretty much ended when I tried to protect my children and salvage my production company I had just formed.with that spook freak. If you like good films I just made one and put it on Vimeo. It is about the kind of harassment I endured. I know there are a lot of bullshitters online but I am not one of them and at this point I have little to lose other than my life. No I am not suicidal just fed up and unafraid. May get rid of this after you read it though as I don't need people to know exactly who I am. Really, just another concerned parent is all

Baichu ago

I do like good films, except not anything coming out of satan's lair, also known as hollywood, (snottywood). I will look for it.

There must be people still working that can't say anything or they'll have to give up their lives or careers and go into utter humiliation through the press. I despise snottywood more and more, especially seeing freaks like Spacey (Fowler to be exact) doing their little trips on YT. I would love to see it disintegrate, although I do believe it's starting to implode. I'm wondering what your take is on people like Robin Williams and suicided "actors".

21yearsofdigging ago

this is the film. Watch the trailer or clip and decide if it is for you. It is an 80 minute psychological thriller art film I guess. Most people absolutely love it, like I wouldn't have believed when I first put it out. It costs 3.99 to rent but if you are broke, let me know

Baichu ago

Thanks. No, not broke but cannot for the life of me subscribe to anything anymore. I don't do amazon, netflix, cable etc. only voat and YTube and the novelty of these two are wearing thin.

Btw, what does A.P.A. stand for?

Appreciate your time.

21yearsofdigging ago

agency for the performing arts

carmencita ago

This woman said her husband lost his income or job if you will so he must have been there.

Also if you remember Heather O’Rourke’s dad was there too. Judith Barsi’s dad was there to and died with them. It actually was Judith’s mom also involved in the murderous inferno. Are these moms that don’t have faith in themselves to support? Idk but it seems those Children were pulling in some hood money. This was not just for a bag of groceries. Things might have been getting bad. No money no food so she actually groomed herself into believing it was ok. A brainwashing of sorts to believe all was ok. This is horrible.

Baichu ago

OK, so that's helpful. I didn't see that part. I didn't realize about HO'rourke and JBarsi.

So sometimes the fathers are there. It just seems that the mothers are highlighted.

Yes, this is outrageous and strengthens my conviction to not support hollywood in any way. I live quite well without the nonsense movies and programs starring satan's club.

carmencita ago

Idk but if you think about it there are thousands living in and around who’s Children are not Child Stars. Their parents have not allowed it. It is the temptation for expensive cars homes clothes etc. Many years ago I could see at the start how they were fooled but as things progressed you just have to see what’s happening. But by then you are hooked. Now with all the info out there there really is no excuse imo.

Yeah I’m fine without all their hoopla now and movies. Never go.

jealoushe ago

It's so true, I used to be an actress here in Ontario, but I left the industry once I realized how it truly was.

Baichu ago

Well then you are one of the very few who leaves. Those that stay will be degenerate slaves for the rest of their lives.

jealoushe ago

I am still asked to this day why I left, how could I leave etc.

redwing14 ago

i think its a degenerate pyramid scheme..

Baichu ago

Most definitely it is a scheme and a degenerate one at that.

I just found out about the music industry and how it supports the private prison systems!!!

RedCoatTurnCoat ago

I had no sympathy for the mother reading this account. I don't care how destitute you and your partner become. Never sell your kids.

allonthesameteam ago

This happened within my family for years. They, perps, are very adept at their crimes. The most powerful thing they have going for them is the inability of good folks to even fathom these actions. My Mom could relate to her, I think, and berated herself for 40 years for not seeing what was going on. As well she was met with the same hurdles once she got activated to do something.

I don't write this to give her a free pass, but through my experience I can definitely give her some understanding. Her sentence will probably be greater than these psychopaths.

carmencita ago

I so agree. Get help from family from govt aid food pantries. Get pt jobs cut your expenses but do not depend on your Children to keep the family afloat. This is so so wrong and sad.