tech-adm ago

This is a story with layers and layers of sleaze

Cleareyes ago

Just read that private former SEALS are moving her around the midwest to keep her in hiding

Coloradical2 ago

She's MOSSAD. Where else is she gonna go?

Piscina ago

The FBI want Maxwell but the men protecting her are more powerful than the FBI.

rickman2 ago

Not worth starting a thread over but on the topic of questionable figures, did anyone know Justin Trudeau has been hiding away down in Costa Rica since the 20th December?

Otto- ago

No I didn't, thanks for that.

ThrowMeAVoat ago

Anyone remember that CDAN blind about Ghislaine and Espetin having a compound in South America?

solo7 ago

No one comes into Israel and is hidden from the government which monitors it's entries closely. If she's there, she can't hide. She may feels safer from prying eyes and the public, but she's not safe from legal extradition or consequences. If the US wants her, Israel gives her up. Israel is the last place she'd go if she wanted to really hide from justice. .People know so little about Israel and it's just amazes me the crap that floats around.

carmencita ago

In the hayom article it mentions Ehud B. took part in what Maxwell provided. If he did well I would imagine so does Netanyahu. Let’s say he still does and what she has on him is heinous. Just supposing here. Also we all suspect TPTB only allow those that can be blackmailed to be elected.

Again I’m supposing. .

kingdomhearts123 ago


Steinmacher ago

if you have dirt on US government officials you have dirt on Jews, so Israel is probably not the best place to hide.

kingdomhearts123 ago


shill narratives are my favorite... What religion is Maxwell in your narrative? Howabout her daddy? Did her Daddy steal the Promis Software in your narrative or was he just a newspaper man with a heart of gold?

Steinmacher ago

Dafuq are you going on about?

kingdomhearts123 ago

don't worry about it. you're doing a really good job. promotion soon!

Steinmacher ago

You have a reading comprehension problem. I never said the cunt isn't a Jew.

The story is bull shit exactly because of that.

kingdomhearts123 ago


You're doing such a good job.

Doobya ago

Hiding from the FBI... With the cia

Bottled_Tears ago

Fbi is such a joke. All the alphabet agencies are hypocritical. They all have done treasonous things yet advocate for those types of actions to be stopped? I guess so they're the only Ines doing it?

zxcvzxcv ago

Don't blame the whole agency for the actions of the jews who work in the agency. If you want to blame the agency for something, blame them for hiring the jews in the first place.

gamepwn ago

With Mossad.

zxcvzxcv ago

Is there a difference?

40KFTAGLView ago

ALL DS. /_\ Controlled.