carmencita ago

Wow. He faces a maximum of 18 mos. in state prison. If found guilty. WHAT? That’s way too low for wanting naked pictures from a 9 year old Little Girl. He’s already being protected.

21yearsofdigging ago

I met the guy, slime bag

carmencita ago

Wow. You did? I’m hoping all those he raped come out of the dark and put him in jail for years to come. This guy should never get out. He is a danger to all Girls. With his temper he is dangerous to anyone. A seriously perverted pedophile for sure.

21yearsofdigging ago

He had such a 'nice' personality, always kissing up to me maybe he had heard I was a future star, but NEVER would I have suspected he was that. I can see though, that he wanted fame SO bad that he did things and yeah, maybe just a pervert from the beginning because how Carencita, does something turn into that. Just so ashamed I was ever apart of that world


You have nothing to be ashamed of. Best wishes

carmencita ago

You are right someone doesn’t just turn so vile overnight. And remember all that matters is you are on the right path now.

Drunkenst ago

There’s 5 minutes of my life wasted I can’t get back.