plancktonne ago

Coincidentally, a blind item re Tippi today. Concerning a notorious, almost unknown movie.

He was with Tippi Hedren at the time, and it stars her Lions and Melanie

Piscina ago

O'Neil has been a horrible father. He's the reason poor Tatum has been addicted to drugs all her life and can't keep a relationship. Redmond has spent time in jail. O'Neil has a violent temper and is abusive.

carmencita ago

Tippi was one of my favorite actresses at one time. My favorite was Marnie. Now knowing what I know about the background of Hollywood and the pedo culture I don’t really watch many movies anymore. So sad that the list gets longer each year. Tippi seems to have removed herself and is a real animal lover. Trying to make amends maybe. She did not do right by Melanie. She is still a mess I believe.

kazza64 ago

redmond is on his way to a mental health facility

fogdryer ago

wish there was more info