volunteerwork2020 ago

"What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

That takes a whole new meaning with this.

QBoomBoom ago

I know someone who was trafficked at a strip club and later casinos in Vegas, Shreveport, private country clubs as a "cart girl" to entertain guests, and . All the businesses are connected. Some of her customers at age 16, 17 and 18 were politicians both domestic and foreign, the mafia and business men. The casino considers it part of the expected perks provided as "comps" to visitors. At this level, the girls come from any state you can name. They are often flown in and provide special services BDSM and whatever was required. Most of the girls are on drugs just to get through it. So if you dig into Casinos, it's a wide and far reaching system. She didn't name clients. Honestly, I think she was afraid. She finally was able to get out.


About thirty years ago when I just started in the hotel business, a hotel manager told me "prostitution is good for the hotel business". Like many others in those days, we kind of shrugged our shoulders and considered it a "victimless crime". I soon found out nothing could be farther from the truth.

Thanks to some high-profile scum bags that have made the news, we now know it to be Human Trafficking, Sex Trafficking or Child Trafficking. What we used to consider discreet acts among consenting adults, we now understand to be exploitation. It is neither consensual or adult, and hotels are involved up to their mattress pads.

Except for billionaires with private islands, where else are these acts going to take place? Chances are it is in your hotel and the hotel next door. We can no longer say it's good for business, or it's a victimless crime, or what happens in the privacy of a hotel room…. Those days are over.

So, let's all agree what the problem is and how it involves hotels.

- By Darrell Clifton, CPP, CSP, Executive Director of Security at Eldorado Resorts in Reno, Nevada overseeing the security departments at three local casino hotel resorts. In addition to his duties there he also works as a university instructor, consultant, and courtroom expert throughout North America for Hotels, Casinos and other industries.

cont..: https://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4096143.html


Casinos, Civic Buildings, Clinics, Travel Agencies, and Hotels


QBoomBoom ago

Planned Parenthood used to have a clinic near the strip bars, hotels and casinos in Shreveport.

Vindicator ago

Anons, we need to dig more into the casinos.

Giving this the Help! flair accordingly!

carmencita ago

Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo in 2018 failed to report numerous MS 13 gang murders. They had been finding dead bodies in fthe sett and one with it’s heart roped out. Ugh that’s nasty

Lombardo was in charge also during the Las B has Shooting. When a Sheriff holds back on reporting crimes he can’t be trusted. Covering for the casinos and their sex trafficking would not be a problem. Sheriff Joe also would have ties to Mafia. Mafia controls Vegas. Joey the Clown Lomnardo a big kingpin in Mafia just passed away He was in charge of Vegas.

fogdryer ago

we aren't surprised are we? I mean the local police are always involved in major Local crime. Everybody

gets paid...…………..

carmencita ago

Last year in June a woman Gigi Mitchell was charged with trafficking an 11 yr old girl that was soliciting sex on Vegas Strip. She took men to the hotels and there were many. If there is money being made on prostitution the mafia and hotels know about it. The Bellagio was one Paris Las Vegas theStratosphere and Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.