carmencita ago

After all his preaching to others on how to live their lives his son Richard was charged with embezzlement another committed suicide because of drug problems and being gay. Now we find daughter has been to bed with 16 yr old boy.

Good Lord.

carmencita ago

He and son were sued for 15M by patients in their Med. Center. They said they never came to visit nor did they heal anyone. I have a feeling there is much more to uncover about this family. Since the daughter seems to be a pedophile possibly there is sexual abuse within this family.

carmencita ago

Someone comments Who would name their son Oral Roberts.....Who indeed. Was this his given name or a name change? If given name then his parents should be looked into. Daughter needs to be hauled in and charged. Sick bunch.

Baichu ago

There is something in that name....Oral Roberts..

Mmmhmm ago

The flaw in Paul's command to blindly trust authority.

jesspietre ago

There is no command to blindly trust. Acts 17:11 says to test. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 says to test. I trust no "church leader".

Mmmhmm ago

Hebrews 13:17

jesspietre ago

Yes, Hebrews 13:17, assuming they're not a false teacher or a hireling. The Bible comes as a whole, and the warning is to watch out for false teachers. I will submit to letting the pastor run the church building if he's truly a pastor (he's not given any authority over my life). But if he's a false teacher, I will expose him.

Mmmhmm ago

This kind of confusion is exactly what a lack of structure and true law provide. You may be as diligent as you say, but you have no immediate structure to lean against for error correction.

The burden to police the clergy is placed solely on the individual. It's an obviously exploitable hole.

jesspietre ago

Whatever. The point is, I stand with my Bible and the Lord Jesus, and I don't care who is or isn't pleased with that. It would become what we call, their problem.

Mmmhmm ago

I know. People are curiously attached to their religion regardless of logic.

My God finds that very useful for my people.