Joe10jo ago

Have we ever found out who exactly Rachel is? Wasn’t it debunked that she actually isn’t part of the LA Times Chandler clan? So then, who is she? Who is she to where she married in to the Guinness fam?

swordfish69 ago

Consider Marina Abramovic, Jeff Koons, Robert Mapplethorpe and their similarities to Bob Carlos Clarke. I'm of the opinion that most of these artists are deep cover spies for a large MI6/Mossad blackmail operation.

carmencita ago

Pic 4. Dressed as a Rabbit. When elites dress like Rabbits it’s got nothing to do with Easter. Even if it’s Easter.

fogdryer ago

Guinness family one of the daughters worked for and with Harvey #Weinstein. She has a recent story about him. Find it! My guess is they find ways to keep underage girls quiet. #HeirsWMoney

Truthseeker3000 ago

Rachel Chandlers ties to Guinness is that she married into the family!!

Truthseeker3000 ago

Look at Scarlet Carlos Clarke’s Instagram..... obviously, her photog father was taking more than modelling underage photos as his daughter is completely fucked. Poor thing. What about her newborn though?

This one has a lot of moving parts. It also shows you how everything all ties together. Back when the billionaire pedophile was first being investigated, There was someone who was really worried. He was a foreign born A+ list photographer in his own country. This guy was a legend. As big as you could get in the art photography world at the time. He was also someone who not only photographed underage models for the pedophile but also recruited underage models who came to him. He is the one who found one of the top models/recruits ever. The beer one. He used his daughter to do so and the beer one and the daughter are still great friends. The photographer? He didn't want anything to touch his legacy or have his family know what he had done, so he killed himself.

Jeffrey Epstein/Bob Carlos Clarke/Rachel Chandler Guinness/Scarlet Carlos Clarke