Truthseeker3000 ago

They call it Child Grooming but it should be called what it truly is Child Rape.

mendelbot ago

Officials from Police and child services need a helicopter ride.

And use the bodies of the rapists as a long, long row of posts that point the way to mecca.

siegnagel ago

It's not grooming of young girls.

It's Muslims raping white girls.

3141592653 ago

Im confused, it says the predators are Romanian


I think it goes completely over peoples heads that the UK media controllers use vocabulary that makes a gang of child rapists and pimps sound like a gang of barbers. Grooming products anyone?

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Vindicator ago

I've always wondered...why do they call them "grooming" gangs? Aren't these basically rapes?


Why do they call kidnapping "extraordinary rendition?" Are they doing a brilliant version of Frank Sinatra's My Way?

It's all to make the hypnotised sheeple "keep calm and carry on" - which is also a meme straight out of military intelligence. People who use the term 'grooming' to describe raping children are running propaganda for the pedo-sodomites that run our country. I don't care if they are "against" it.

MolochHunter ago

i dont mind the term Grooming

it alerts the public that there is a Process involved to entrap the girls


What a cunt you are.

MolochHunter ago

i have zero idea why you are chimping out

think- ago

These are totally rapes (often gang rapes), and not only rapes, but kidnapping, and threatening the life of their victims.

They've been called 'grooming gangs' because it sounds nicer.

Initially, the term was coined because the perps often approach their victims as 'friends', 'lovebomb' them, give them presents etc. Then they suddenly change their behaviour once the victim starts trusting them. They get gangraped in order to break them, and are being forced into prostitution.

They are often plied with alcohol and drugs, and often get addicted, because they will depend on drugs to ease their pain.

The rapists then is not only the sex trafficker, but also becomes their drug dealer, where they get their supply from. This way, it's even more difficult to break away, and flee.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for explaining that.

think- ago


carmencita ago

Many cringe at words or terms that are used to describe sexual assault terms regarding Child rape. But they watch movies with the rawest of sex scenes and hard core language. But when it comes down to hearing the truth about how gangs of pedophiles are raping Our Children Oh please! You must sugar coat for my virgin ears. When we start using real words to describe the nasty dirty details they will have to sit up and listen. At least I hope they will.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Tard Island.

veteran88 ago

That is reason enough to create a KKK like invisible empire and start disappearing the enemy. Including and especially any white traitors and any of the hook nosed clique standing in the way.

No bragging just disappear collect Intel and make sure they never are found.

I would not be surprised to learn it is already happening, check the missing persons reports and watch them rise.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Be careful about creating organizations. Lifelong friends who've shown they can be trusted, only. But it's ideally a hobby for a competent and resourceful single person.

veteran88 ago


Also be careful of lifelong friends who are brainwashed by the lying press, they will betray you sitting easily.

Are some point though down the line we will need organizations like the SS if we are going to be the ones in power. Got to replace the zog systems. Like they did to us, except we are actually doing it for our people so support should come easier after they see real results in their lives.

spaceman84 ago

At some point, 1 out of 2 Anglo kids will get raped and they'll still be saying "not all shitskins are like that" and the ethnic food is so good! Thank Churchill we stopped the Germans!

MolochHunter ago

Even supporting families are powerless.

the girls are trapped by death threats and rape threats against their mums if they tell

one dad (father of survivor / campaigner Ella Harper - who was doxxed by the fucking BBC) banged on the pedos door demanding they hand his daughter over to him

the paike called the cops, and the cops came and arrested THE FATHER.


I've even spoken to the guy on twitter

siegnagel ago

They choose vulnerable white girls. One's in (((care))) one's on the streets, ones who have no Dad in the picture. No pakis will target a white family with a Father in the picture. This shit has gone on since the early '90s. I knew two pakis in 1991, they were both my age. Had a flash car, back then, an Astra GTE. They'd hang around the high school and have vodka and weed to get young girls in the car.

The_Crusader ago

They often target troubled kids too. The kind who just disappear for days on end and the parents have no idea where they are.

That’s why the police just write them off. Target the kids that “nobody cares about” if you follow. As always its the poor that suffer.

19 fucking thousand. Bring back the BNP. How anyone can want Islam in the country at this point is beyond me.

3141592653 ago

It says the perpetrators were Romanian.

MolochHunter ago

there are grooming gangs of Romanian heritage, yes, but the largest and most prolific ones are orchestrated by the Sunni Pakistanis

3141592653 ago

But this article is about Romanian perpetrators, right? Thanks

MolochHunter ago


it isnt

read the damn thing, whats wrong with you ?

it mostly talks about rotherham and the Home Secretary's admission that pakistanis are over-represented as the perpetrators

Mike-Hunt ago

Sajid Javid promised a review into the characteristics of grooming gangs in 2018, saying high-profile cases included a “high proportion of men of Pakistani heritage” and that “cultural reasons” could be at play.

3141592653 ago


Call_Of_Goat ago

We also will see this in Australia in the next 30 years

963189_137 ago

It is already going on, they are just hiding it from you.

Charilko ago

If I recall the Rotherham situation, the fuckers deliberately targeted lower class children whose families lacked resources. The families that did go to the police were labeled racist; I think there was at least one father who was almost arrested.

MolochHunter ago

Ive actually spoken to that father on twitter. His daughter is a faitrly effective survivor campaigner by the handle Ella Harper.

He was arrested TWICE for banging on the pedos apartment door demanding they hand his daughter back to him

so to answer your question @963189_137 , thats where their families were. In police lock up

Talc ago

In Rotherham there were as many police doing it as pakis, and most of those police went unpunished, are still police. Going to the police is not a solution, it's a recipe for making things worse.

shillaccount3344 ago

Working to pay for the invaders... or broken families because of gangstalking/emf stress.


THANK YOU @shillaccount3344 The EMF stress & triggered mental issues and impairment play a bigger role than we think, and will continue to grow as the tech becomes stronger and more invasive.

think- ago

Almost 19,000 children have been sexually groomed in England in the past year

Dear Independent, it's called 'rape'. 19,000 children have been raped.

according to offiicial figures

Which means the actual number is much higher. At least x 10. These are only the victims who were actually identified.

But the findings may not be published and the Queen’s Speech, which set out Boris Johnson's legislative agenda, did not include any mention of a public review.

Of course. Johnson and his gf are currently holidaying on Mustique with a couple that is in Epstein's Black Book. (I'm currently writing a post about it.)

Go figure.

weak_penis ago

Children without parents to take care of them have the genetics of parents who don't take care of their children. Why should I care? Very different from children being kidnapped and trafficked to Epstein's island.

spaceman84 ago

This is natural selection. High probability these kids will go gay or transmogrify so effective removal from the gene pool, at least until artificial wombs are affordable.

think- ago

I see how your username makes sense.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Unusual user name. Like tongue in cheek perhaps.

MolochHunter ago

oh hai Donkey