Proudarmygal1 ago

I’m fucking done! They’re not even ashamed. Death to peeps!

siegnagel ago

How the hell dare he hashtag stuff like gaypedo and no one bats a fucking eyelid apart from autists on /pol. And they call us deplorable. Fucking clown world.

notanexit ago

I wonder if he was the guy that was caught with child porn that worked in the hospital in that area?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Keep this going, one of our socialist politicians will be involved somehow. Sick, degenerate fucks.

Call_Of_Goat ago

I'm so sick of these bitches

Gothamgirl ago

Not saying it's the case here, but skate is also used as street slang for crystalline drugs such as cocaine, pcp, etc, but it is most commonly used for meth.

SearchVoatBot ago

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I was given this as gift, I haven't had time to check this submission yet, to see if it will help. Hope it's useful.

The law firm is across from an underground restaurant called The Rabbit Hole

(Same guy owns the restaurant next to it and a half dozen others)

Theres an unknown number of tunnels

Some right down the block by city hall

The law firms founder is a celebrity lawyer who owns hotels+restaurants in the area

There's patterns to these clusters of places like dentists, coffee/pizza, art, kids orgs,

This isn't the tattoo parlor from your post but there's dozens of parlors with egregious stuff, like owl + kabbalistic tree of life, so it's a big scene

BlowjaySimpson ago

Do we have enough millstones?

sirRantsalot ago

"leap forward" is a commie slogan.

Sitnikoff ago

Wrong. All communist leaps were leaps backwards.

tokui ago

Legally, he's within bounds.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

That’s why we’re digging - Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

altro87 ago

Hey I repeat do not directly connect your source of funds slash credit card accounts when it comes to funding against this evil!!! They will use this to connect you and many others who are trying to hunt them down. Especially since they are in positions of power in those institutions them selves.

If you are going to help fight these fuckers and try to get together be careful and do not have anything attached to your self or family members that they them selves will try to intimidate you to shut the fuk up.

These fuckers are Evil fucks so there's is nothing they wont try to stop us from getting to them.

Buy ccards in cash off the supermarket, GameStop or places that won't be suspicious for obvious. Research in boards like QRV where they can't do a search of your history. And of all else do not pursue this for your own sense of Glory or fame. Be the quiet professional.

I wish everyone good luck on this hunt, be safe and pray to God for those that have been hurt and burned by these sick fucks of shit.

MysticMa ago

Reminder: Whatever you find back it up as files were scrubbed from way-back machine & other media forums like Utube or FB, SC, IG, users, once outed blocked their accounts.

altro87 ago

Also this!

86753090100 ago

This (the ruining of children) is the line in the sand for a great many people.

blueskywins ago

Yes, thank God a great majority of us across all races, sex, etc. find it abhorrent and horrific in the extreme. Unconscionable. Unforgivable. It is indeed the line for a great many people.

Wait until they hear about the cures, the anti-aging, the technology withheld... the inventions shut down, history a lie...that God, Jesus, Satan, Demons, Angels, Giants... it’s all REAL.

I’m betting upon huge irrefutable revelations, normies and even many libs will be like us, hungering for more information the more our eyes are opened.

We are past the tipping point in more ways than you can imagine. When Q says “nothing can stop this” it is true across all dimensions and timelines.

gerberlyfe2 ago

Why are we not hanging these people?

MysticMa ago

Many of us 3+ yrs ago asked that very ?... MSM jumped as well as many other's from family to DC labeling us as crazed Conspiracy Lunes... the rabbit hole is deep & depravity wide.

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plaguebearer666 ago


WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Let's make sure this liberal, leftist pervert gets the treatment his other leftists will get soon. A prison cell or up against a wall if needed. Fuck the socialist, communist, liberal left and stop them at all costs.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Was thinking more like ... strung up in a tree?

RabbiRabbit ago

I have 12k followers on Instagram. Over 30 have been blocked by the POS from moment I posted.

Sent 2 emails to the law firm as well.


(((Sanders))) law

Sitnikoff ago

Thank you.

notanexit ago

After looking at Keram Christensen's mugshot and the pic of him with his shadow doll watching nascar, I'm thinking they are the same person.

Wynterwhisper ago

I'd say send something to his workplace

darkknight111 ago

carmencita ago

Perry R. Sanders Jr. founding partner of law firm well I think he’s the same guy with same name also lives in Colorado Springs. He’s a song writer and a couple of the songs well Sleeping next to my babies and Squeezing my behi (I am assuming the last two letters of that last word are nd making it behind. This guy is a song writer of funk music. He hails from Louisiana. I think those song titles are suspect considering the connections. I bet there is at least one other pervert in that firm. Also the pu on an album has a guy holding a naked baby up high by his hand. Beyond strange.

Also this lawyer is involved in paying off a witness to lie in the trial of the murder of a rapper Biggie in LA.

300lbCreeper ago

I normally only lurk, and don’t have time to do much research. however, there were “26 Children Found Hidden Behind False Wall At Day Care Owner’s Home” In Colorado Springs on Nov. 14th 2019. I have no idea if this information has already been posted ekes. So if it doesn’t follow the normal posting guidelines please for give me mods. I am just trying to make this connection aware to people Incase it has not been made yet because there might be Something there. I also do not have enough voat karma to post URLs, so you’ll have to look the story up yourselves. Please keep up the work you guys are doing the Lord’s work. My usual battle ground is T_D so my research is more generalized in exposing the swamp in general versus Pizzagate specific. Please keep up the great work. We are all in this together and the great awakening is coming.

I’d also been wanting answers to where all this evil pizza shit, destruction of the nuclear family, etc garbage was coming from. It took me three years to find the answer. I found it watching a ted gunderson video. If you guys aren’t familiar with him. He’s THE guy who literally worked the Franklin coverup case in Nebraska and the finders keepers cult stuff. There is a video you’ll have to dig for it from the 90s but Ted actually sent his original finders cult findings to the Attorney General at the time, BILL BARR. My point, we are in good hands.

The book is called “pawns in the game” by William guy carr. If you want the back story to how we got here and everything that is going on. It’s in that book.


carmencita ago

Thanks so much I def will check out the book. Many of us have been here for 3 years fighting this fight. We all do as much as we can and you will do yours by spreading what you have learned. Bill Barr. Hmm. As in William. Just like Muller. They both scuttled the investigation to protect their elite friends. There are no words evil enough to describe the crimes they have committed and covered up. Thank you again my friend.

Truthseeker3000 ago

That rapper was The Notorious B.I.G. he was really famous so this lawyer was well connected in the music industry. Interesting.

carmencita ago

He’s also a song writer. Yep he’s connected alright. I think in many ways. He’s trying to sway the outcome of a trial. For whom? Did some mogul want the rapper out of the way? He has connections evidently with elites. Since he has perverted ways he hangs with others that do too. Maybe even pedo elites.

SearchVoatBot ago

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LostandFound ago

Digging here the 'The instapedo's alternate IG page:' appears to be another person who is taking the some of pictures, not the guy with the pedo tat. Interesting digging as much as i can here, the photographer appear to also work in UC Health as a decision support analyst in Cincinnati.

EricKaliberhall ago

Help flair is activated.

NaplesTennisDiva ago

Indeed !

think- ago

Maybe you guys might want to sticky it for a while.


GoodGodKirk ago

Is this pedomon? Pokemon "gotta collect them all" game involving pedos?

volunteerwork2020 ago

You are defending people who rape and molest children. You need to kill yourself.

GoodGodKirk ago

So asking if 4chan is making a game of this when finding pedos? You’re pretty sick thinking that...

darkknight111 ago

A wild Pedophile appeared.

Pedhuntitar I choose you.

Pedhuntitar used Noose.

It’s Super Effective.

Pedophile “fainted”.

GoodGodKirk ago

I like the way you think. Nooses for them all.

darkknight111 ago

You mentioned pokemon so I had to go all out on that one. Including the super effective joke.

Pedhuntitar is basically a pedo hunter play on the pokemon Tyranitar (an especially nasty piece of work rock/dark type known for being a walking can of whoopass).

GoodGodKirk ago

Gotta out them all, nooses can be reused. Screw catching them! Still liked your take on it.

Blacksmith21 ago

@molochhunter @vindicator @darkknight111

New code/hashtag for the files.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

The guy actually uses the hashtag gaypedo.

They need to be afraid.

Thats_not_my_dog ago

Wonderful! Is that the guy from the 4chan thread?

Heartdisease ago

Looks like him.

i_scream_trucks ago

No such thing as a slippery slope guise.... guise?

Blacksmith21 ago

They should be dragged out of their homes and hung from the streetlights as a reminder to all. #pedosarentsafe

Yaboooi ago

Fucking a

ghost7777 ago

Its coming. You can feel it.

RebeccaSugar ago

Inside or outside the baby?

ghost7777 ago

Be a little bit more clear next time.

BlowjaySimpson ago

How can I help fund what is coming?

plaguebearer666 ago

buy the least stretchy rope you can find.

Blacksmith21 ago

Considering where we were 3 years ago, definitely. It may be a few more years before people are really awake to this evil.

awildbanannaphone ago

Thanks for your work, hopefully the good ones left at ABC aagencies like @NSA and @FBI are ontop of this

gerberlyfe2 ago

The agencies will protect these pedos.

BlowjaySimpson ago

They likely are "these pedos".

NotHereForPizza ago

Have you ever wondered what religion is most popular in all of the big organizations?

Have you ever wondered what the second most popular religion is in all of the big organizations is?

I'm glad you're all still here. I just wish you knew of the kinds of people who actually come here and try to help you.

Despite the faggot, pedo-apologist mods getting in the way at times, you guys do great work. Believe me when I say this, you guys do important work, work that is noticed by important people. It's my belief they're still watching.

Keep up the fine work, gents. You will undoubtedly be rewarded handsomely one day, even if not monetarily.

salumi ago

Nice find.