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user9713 ago

Qtards are here to undermine Pizzagate. They're clowns that no one takes seriously, so it's no surprise that when more people began seeing the truth behind Pizzagate, you're starting to see more qtards.

Crensch ago

Yep. About what I'd expect.

Your bedfellows are an interesting sort.


user9713 ago

Do you have a counterargument? If not, good bye.

Crensch ago

I don't need one. Nothing of yours was an argument. It was a list of opinions that match our greatest shill and his buddies.

user9713 ago

How does that post have -10 SCP, which somehow has an upvote from me?

Seems like the PG subscribers turned against you, which doesn't bode well for your red-herring or credibility.

Crensch ago

Weren't you paying attention? ESOTERICshade does vote manipulation with alts.

Nobody turned against me that mattered. Nice try on demoralizing me, though, Jew.

user9713 ago

Let me guess: he also created all the top comments and replies calling you out?

Crensch ago

The only two calling me out were you and literally ESOTERICshade username.

But keep at it, low-IQ Jew.

user9713 ago

But keep at it, low-IQ Jew.

😂 imagine that: a q-tard that hates jews. Your favorite politician is considered The King of Israel, was honored with a Good Goy award, says he would be elected in Israel with 98% of the vote and says anyone who doesn't support Israel is a democrat.

Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? You're not in /v/GreatAwakening; no one here is retarded as you and q believers and it's insulting that you would even try to pull off such a stunt.

Latinatrumplover ago

Its so obvious who you are, Ben. We know your kind.