Truthplease5 ago

Where's rebelskum? Where's pgate wiki??

Vindicator ago

I have not heard from RebelSkum in over a year, unfortunately. The last I heard was here. His last tweet was June 7, 2018.

NoBS ago

Pretty sure this sub have a few dozen Topics shut down for optics.

Pretending censorship is for rules, regs and emotional problem solving. Because controlling the narrative can be called red tape.

Shillaxe ago

2.5 yrs for me , Pegasus was just getting uncovered, short break but im back .So many pervs to expose & so little time, happy hunting in 2020 everyone šŸ• šŸ”« šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘

Vindicator ago

Welcome back :-)

TippyHome ago

Wow, was here at the beginning, mainly because I didnā€™t ā€œgetā€ the Chanā€™s. Felt like it took forever to get to voting privileges!!

Vindicator ago

I remember when the chans seemed intimidating, too. :-) It's pretty amazing how many OG pizzagaters are still around.

TippyHome ago

Yes, it is because we recognized the truth very quickly, but knew we couldnā€™t just ā€œlet it go.ā€ I remember in the 70ā€™s how devastated I was over the takedown of Pres Nixon. Now, I see they (the dems and tptb) were not going to let him succeed. So when they started going after Pres Trump it was right comforting to know that the dems were staying true to pattern, but fbianon, voat pg, /the Donald and then Q-voat ga explained what was going on. Ethernet these places and a Leo friend and a heart doctor friend, the coup was exposed this time. I have to say, though, I never, never thought it was tied to the human trafficking. They had covered their tracks well. My bossesā€™ son is doing research and writing a hs senior project on human trafficking. We talk about it some. The son is buying what the liberals in the liberal state justice department and when I realized that, I stopped talking. They were telling this 17 year old kid that on trafficking going on is adult trafficking. I just backed away and said I hoped he was right. And if the son stays in forensics and medical studies this is what he finds to be true. You and I know it will not be. That my stateā€™s liberal judges and attorneys are gaslighting this young boy, I should not be surprised. The other possibility may be that the children never get a chance to tell their stories because they have already gone. My boss asked me if didnā€™t I think that his son being interested in helping like this was good- I said I guess so-thinking, omg, this kid is going to lose his mind when he realizes the truth. Kind of like us in Oct-Nov 2016.

Vindicator ago

Hopefully more of it will be exposed to the mainstream in the next couple of years. I would really like to see Hollywood and the MSM taken down.

edkh ago

Happy Bday from a long time lurker! I counted literally the days voat was off. So happy to be able to register after all (wich i didnt had before).

Awake to pedo-crime since Belgium/Dutroux surfaced, studied the X-Dossiers long time ago. Everyone that hasnt, please do it.

For me the blueprint becose its the best documented case i know. And heartbreaking if you believe Regine Louf and the other victims (what i did).

In earlier times even germany TV aired few dokus like this "Satanismus: Ein Opfer erzƤhlt von ihren Erlebnissen mit Satanisten" (ytube) which is about satanic abuse and the following mental disorders. But that was years ago.

Havent seen any submissions relating nicole junkermann, was this a dead end or missed i something?

Vindicator ago

Glad you finally made an account edkh. We got DDoSed for Nicole Junkermann research. You can easily find all research on any topic by key word by searching at Check it out. Make sure you select all the various little buttons such as NSFW and Search post body so you don't miss anything. :-) Welcome!


I don't know whether to make a post about this on v/Pizzagate. I suppose it is connected by regulars Corey Feldman, Macaulay Culkin and Michael Jackson being a paedophile, but from the beginning of 1980 onwards it wasn't the real Michael Jackson. Neither was it the real Jacksons.

They were all killed and replaced by doppelgƤngers at the end of the Destiny tour which came to an end in January 1980. I have suspected MJ was replaced for about a year, but only started doing a thorough dive into the history for a couple of days. I am 110% sure they were all changed - the what, where and how I do not know, but I do know that the Triumph tour and album (and everything following) was made and performed by completely different and talentless lookalikes.

It is quite unfathomable how the Wacko Jacko psychodrama of the past 40 years loaded with a paedophile circus has changed the world and brought us to where we are with pizzagate and fake news.

Sucurri65 ago

Probe Gamergate and MS XBox Live, too. Itā€™s not an accident that they shut down XBox Live for three days in in July, 2017. Microsoft tried to purge the Microsoft Store data literally showing these sick assholes ordering Pizza, but the Patriots already had it. Panic ensued when Microsoft realized that they didnā€™t control Crowdstrike anymore. Key company information ended up in Beijing Microsoft. They used a datacenter called Mooncake which was totally separate from US-based Azure resources and didnā€™t back up to Azure datacenters. Resignations followed after some of the Pizza info was leaked.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. You should do a post, if there are any links that support this info. I remember a couple years ago there was a local news kerfuffle about several Microsoft ex-employees who were suing for PTSD related damages because they saw such horrible pedo shit as part of their job policing Microsoft forums of some sort. Not sure which. Don't know if they won their suit, but it would be interesting to read the court docs if they didn't settle and get them sealed.

kazza64 ago

now all we need is a share button

Vindicator ago

That is a great idea. You should suggest it to Putt in v/IdeasforVoat or v/Voatdev.

toutedesuite ago

šŸ‘Thanks for making this index. Just a screenshot of these topics could be an excellent red pill.

Vindicator ago

It's pretty crazy, isn't it?

Joe10jo ago


Heebro ago

How many crimes have people reported to the authorities from this sub?

Vindicator ago


YogSoggoth ago

This, right after my birthday, makes me feel like I need to start saving for ... depends.

ESOTERICshade ago

This thread took a lot of hours to put together, compose, and make sense. I appreciate what you do brother. Thank you for caring enough to do this. Happy Thanksgiving. I wish you the best brother. Keep on keeping on. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

Vindicator ago

If you mean this board well, you should delete your account. You are an evil, scheming manipulator with a mouthful of lies.

Babylon5 ago

Happy 3rd Birthday everyone!

I've been a lurker from the start, but decided to join in properly to add my voice.

I already knew a lot about elite paedophilia & child trafficking - but even still - the Podesta emails and Comet Ping Pong shook me to my core. It's scary to think a Comet-esque place could be in your local neighbourhood with no one really noticing.

Vindicator ago

Yes, it is. Thanks for saying howdy :-)

racmo ago

What about the infamous "Elsa gate" the weird and creepy videos with millions of likes which featured children's familiar characters (Spiderman etc) in exremely questionable circumstances.

Vindicator ago

Good call. That would fall under the YouTube subject header.

Onetime1 ago

I thank you for all your time and efforts in this work, Vindicator.

I think the spirit and memory of Jen Moore would be a great model with which we continue to fight this battle.

A big shout out to all the posters, commentators, and lurkers.

Never. Ever. Give up.

Vindicator ago

Thanks Onetime1.

rooting4redpillers ago

v/Pizzagate has forever changed my perception of almost everything outside of my own familiar sphere. Congrats for all thatā€™s been done to save kids and out evil. More to come, no doubt. Iā€™m sorry I canā€™t be here to help much anymore. Important people are reading your every word. Satan surely hates this place. I love it. Godspeed as v/p heads into a new year.

Vindicator ago

Good to hear from, R4R!

rooting4redpillers ago

Thanks! One more thing... BIG thanks to all you mods, present and past. Especially those who have been in this since the beginning. Your big commitment of time and patience. Holding so much info in your heads. Politely wrangling, putting up with, and/or putting down jerks, trolls, snowflakes,... and the occasional simpleton. While keeping up and contributing to the research. Whew. Cheers to ya. šŸ„‚

think- ago

BIG thanks to all you mods, present and past.

Thank you. Much appreciated. :-)

I feel that now that everybody talks about elites being involved in sex trafficking - on Twitter and elsewhere - and some MSM articles read like Pizzagate posts, nobody can really relate to what a mad ride it was to mod this sub when we were one of the few places on the internet where child rape by politicians and wealthy men was discussed.

TippyHome ago

Truly was weird ! Remember we were so upset and worried about the young researcher in Hawaii! Talking about weird airports(Denver) , weird eating establishments. Is ā€œHungerGamesā€ real? Agenda 21 and changing the makeup of the populace to destroy a whole class and race.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Nice to see everyone still here. Itā€™s been an unbelievable eye opener since the beginning and life is never the same. As much as this stuff is so evil and so vile, there is nothing more powerful than the truth and shining a giant spotlight on these people in positions of power and great wealth who do not want to be known and found out. That is our greatest power.

SearchVoatBot ago

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3141592653 ago

Happy birthday mates

lamplight ago

Great research compilation Vindicator and all. If it is all controlled by the agencies and is as vast as it appears to be, the best hope we have is to pray that the good folks are able to wake up enough of the masses and continue to fight this evil in every way possible until it ends their control. Stay strong.

argosciv ago

Happy cake day to you, too, Vindicator :)

@EricKaliberhall @Crensch @MolochHunter @MadWorld @kestrel9

Vindicator ago


MolochHunter ago

happy 3rd birthday folks

I still believe deep in my heart that this community severely overlooked the merits of my post where I alleged that Rebecca Black's song 'Friday' was a cryptic reference to Black Friday = Satanic Ritual nod to the elite

you'll all thank me one day

Vindicator ago

Link it up for us, MH! I don't even remember that one. I thought Black Friday was a shopping thing.

Your executive summaries rocked, though!

MolochHunter ago

lol mods deleted it

was prolly you ;)

Vindicator ago

Sometimes ya gotta 'slpain the pg connection for retards. What can I say. :-)

Should still be in SearchVoat though, right?

MolochHunter ago

nah that kills deleted posts

thegirlinquestion ago

can you make a post about that please, i'd like to read it.

MolochHunter ago


izzat you?

TippyHome ago

My guess is the 10 sectioned you tube videos by a Dutch ā€œnow a believer in Pres Trumpā€ lady reporter-posted in voat great awakening. You tube took down section 5 about the children and cpp. Serious Streisand effect. I sent to a friend and told her to be careful with watching, because it is so disturbing. Then, it was gone before she could see it. Just my guess.

Vindicator ago

'The Devil exists' says exorcist

DETROIT ( - Almost 50 years since the release of The Exorcist, actors and experts continue to weigh in on the strange and uncanny events that surrounded ā€” and continue to surround ā€” the film.

Linda Blair, who played the 1973 film's "possessed" lead character, 12-year-old Regan, recalled a number of eerie incidents for E! True Hollywood News this week. Blair remembers feeling "challenged by the physicality" of the role, which caused her to "fracture [her] lower back."

Especially unsettling was a fire that tore through the movie set midway through filming and nearly demolished it. Oddly, the only portion left intact was Regan's bedroom, the site of her possession in the movie.

Other creepy incidents were kept from Blair at the time to avoid her becoming frightened.

Ellen Burstyn, who played Regan's mother, claimed that several people associated with the film died during production.

Actor Jack MacGowran, who played the alcoholic director Burke Dennings in The Exorcist, died from a heart attack related to a case of the flu shortly after completing his work on set. Vasiliki Maliaros, who appeared as Fr. Damien Karras' mother, also died during post-production from natural causes at age 89.

Linda Blair's grandfather and actor Max von Sydow's brother died during filming.

The son of Mercedes McCambridge, who voiced the demon, murdered his wife and two daughters before taking his own life after being accused of fraud in November of 1987.

An extra in the film, Paul Bateson, a real-life X-ray technician at NYU Medical Center, was found guilty in 1979 of the murder of film critic Addison Verrill, whom he stabbed in the heart. Bateson has also been accused of the murder of several other people.

Concerns about the subject matter and the mysterious events led the production to enlist a priest to bless the set during the filming.

The film itself is based on real life.

The true story of The Exorcist harkens to the late 1940s when a 13-year-old boy, often referred to as Roland Doe, mourned the loss of his aunt, Harriet, a spiritualist who had schooled him in things occult, including how to use a Ouija board.

Shortly after his aunt's death, Roland began to hear scratching sounds coming from the floors and walls of his room and his mattress would inexplicably shake.

Roland's family sought the help of doctors, psychiatrists, and their local Lutheran minister. Finally, they contacted the local Catholic priest, who asked permission from his superiors to perform an exorcism on the boy. The priest stopped the rite when Roland broke off a piece of spring from the mattress and slashed the priest across his shoulders.

The family moved to St. Louis where two Jesuits agreed to perform an exorcism on the boy with the help of several assistants.

The bizarre scratching and shaking of the mattress continued. Objects would also fly through the air. Roland would scream and blaspheme for prolonged periods, mostly at night. He would react most violently when he saw sacred objects like the priests' crucifix and Rosary.

One night, Roland's behavior reached a fevered pitch, with his urinating all over his bed and his shouting and cursing at the priests. His parents took him to Alexian Brothers Hospital in St. Louis for more treatment. On that evening, the attending priests called on St. Michael to expel Satan from Roland's body.

Shortly after, Roland simply said, "He's gone." Then the boy recounted how he had a vision that St. Michael vanquished Satan on a great battlefield.


The Demon of Brownsville Road

Church Militant has reported on possession and oppression of evil previously, speaking with the author of The Demon of Brownsville Road, Bob Cranmer, for example.

Cranmer told of the misery he and his wife and children suffered at the hands of an evil spirit possessing their home in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, starting in the late 1980s.

"Good exists. Evil exists. It's no joke," Cranmer said as he narrated the series of bizarre and frightening events that led him to discover that the home he and his family lived in was the site of a 1920s abortuary with the abortionist an integral part of the underground life of rackets and prostitution of the day.

Cranmer and his wife had to fight ā€” and continue to fight ā€” the war with the devil. He said they "outed the evil that was infesting their home" through exorcism and prayer and the sacraments. Both are practicing Catholics who pray the Rosary every day, ask for and find "divine Providence and intervention" that allows them to continue to live in their home.

Father Gabriele Amorth, one of the Catholic Church's most experienced exorcists, said before he died in 2016, "Of course the Devil exists and he can not only possess a single person but also groups and entire populations."

The Italian priest told La Repubblica that The Exorcist gave a "substantially exact" impression of what it was like to be possessed by the devil.

His experiences corroborated the film's dramatization of people possessed by evil needing to be physically restrained by half a dozen people along with their screaming and uttering blasphemies. They also spit out sharp objects, he said.

Father Amorth said the evil influence of Satan was evident in the highest ranks of the Catholic hierarchy, with "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus and bishops who are linked to the demon."

The exorcist added that the assault on Pope Benedict XVI on Christmas Eve by a mentally unstable woman and the sex abuse scandals which have plagued the Church were proof that the anti-Christ was waging a war against the Holy See.

"The Devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences," said Fr. Amorth, who had been the Holy See's chief exorcist for over 25 years.

Vindicator ago

Well this is interesting. What do we know about this Aussie news outlet?

argosciv ago

Murdoch-owned if I'm not mistaken.


I can't believe how much my worldview has changed since 'pizza' emerged from the Podesta emails. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg though.

I personally believe big tech, social media and the NSA were well versed in this pizzacode and used it to both monitor and control not just elite paedophilia, but mass paedophilia. They were also using agents in the field to signal boost this language and get prospective targets joined up with trafficked children.

The intelligence agencies have powerful software that can read every touch you make on a screen or read every keystroke. They put this data through algorithms that place you (an avatar of you to be more precise) in a disposition matrix along avatars of people who are doing the same things via their internet connection. They can use this technique to see if a secret code language is being used.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. How do you know this? Where can I read more?


It's my own research into people I suspected of being pedophiles on twitter and the people they connected with using the pizzacode.

A lot of people were coming into the #pizzagate hashtag trying to squash it an humiliate investigators as conspiracy theorists, so I would put their @(username) in the search engine along with the word pizza. It would give me all the tweets that mentioned them and the word pizza - their own tweets and other people that mentioned them and the word pizza - so I would search their account for the word pizza. You can then sort by 'latest' and arrange the tweets from latest down to the first time they mentioned pizza. I must have searched hundreds of accounts in the UK and America. I studied famous people and complete nobodies and I was reminded of my time at university studying bird populations of mixed species using computer programmes called 'detrended correspondence analysis' (DECORANA) . After entering my collected bird data into the programme it presented a read out that while looking like a screenful of numbered dots, me and my tutor could instantly see that it was showing these populations of bird species leaving the woodland in the morning, feeding in the fields during the day and returning to the woodland at night to roost.

Now that might sound like a weird digression, it was because I knew the data being entered into the algorithm that I understood the graphical analysis. With pizzacode I didn't have the programme or the graphs, but what I was looking at was data and the more accounts I looked at patterns appeared and a vocabulary began to emerge. Pizza with pineapple means sex with a minor who has orange hair, cauliflower pizza blonde hair.

There was one thing that kept cropping up as I looked through peoples timelines of pizza and that was a company called "Shmapp" . After an account had made a few mentions of pizza, this Shmap would tweet mentioning their name and that they were talking about pizza. Then after they'd been mentioned by Shmapp their tweets about pizza became more innuendo heavy and numerous. There was a difference in disposition before and after Shmapp. I don't think this was the only front company doing this sort of thing either.

I better stop before I ramble on too much, but I wiil conclude by saying such activity can't get this past the NSA, FBI and CIA without them noticing. It must be coming from them. They are the child sex slave network. Now doesn't that explain the inaction of the authorites, the stonewall silence of the media and the censorship by big tech? It's not the majority against an elite minority here - we are vastly outnumbered and outresourced by this network.

Vindicator ago

A lot of people were coming into the #pizzagate hashtag trying to squash it an humiliate investigators as conspiracy theorists, so I would put their @(username) in the search engine along with the word pizza. It would give me all the tweets that mentioned them and the word pizza - their own tweets and other people that mentioned them and the word pizza - so I would search their account for the word pizza.

This is brilliant! You should make a submission about this

I frequently retweet stuff with #pizzagate and I still get blowback from those people. I think I'm probably shadowbanned, as well.

TippyHome ago

Absolutely. A whole class of people (mostly wealthy and always looking for ā€œsomething newā€)are conducting business in a dark web, we canā€™t see. I think satellites are being used. Way more sophisticated than cell phone correspondence. They are doing this stuff all day everyday and I have to take classes monthly about how safety with children. And the stories I have to read written by social workers and counselors-break my heart. If people thought pets were being mistreated Day In and out, it would be stopped. But with this, ppl just say, conspiracy theory!!

NoBS ago

Pedo-Blackmail was advance with the help of Pedowood wizz bang tech.

RG7_UK ago

Wow 3 yrs, I have only just rejoiced as I lost my original credentials. I did the piece about the Hampstead two and baby skin shoes.

When I was off Voat I found Sloan Bella on YT, she channels dead celebrities mainly who seem to be connected Pizzagate which fills in some of the missing pieces about the families involved. The Chester & Chris one's are particularly interesting.

argosciv ago

Happy Birthday, v/pizzagate!

3 years... amazing how much can happen in that time, when you're participating in something like this and watching the results as they happen.

ESOTERICshade ago

Happy Thanksgiving bro. You seem to have come a long way. I will continue to watch. I like what I see so far.

darkknight111 ago


Suggestions: Pedophilia in Islam. Voodoo Doughnuts. Sub categories under certain categories. Examples being specific pedos/victims in Hollywood.

Might I suggest an awards show thread for users to nominate exceptional threads and digs. Good for morale boosting. Threads from all the previous year are eligible. More categories to think about though.


Best New Lead:

Swamp Takedown of the Year:

Best Investigative Series:

Rookie of the Year:

Thread of the Year:

Goat of the Year:

lamplight ago

I'm not a big fan of making this a competition. For me, the focus is on doing research on pedophilia so it will be exposed, prosecuted and ended. Kids should not be preyed upon by adults.

darkknight111 ago

Itā€™s about morale boosting not competition.

Plus mark notable shit that happened that year.

argosciv ago

I love the idea of incentivizing (how is that not a word in spell check?) quality posting like that, but with the example of what happened when Putt tried to give props to a user who dedicated themselves to imbibing the same principals into a still-very-popular-and-active subverse, I would caution about the same faux outrage being levied at v/pizzagate / v/pizzagate moderators is the following 2 categories were included:

Rookie of the Year:

Goat of the Year:


darkknight111 ago

Good point. I just came up with a new category idea.