Lansing-Michigan ago

Barclays withdrew support , this is huge.

think- ago

Yes, other companies as well. The times, they are a-changin'...

tech-adm ago

He should be stepping down right into Prison, General Population. Even better, interrogate the prick so he can identify everyone else and take them all down.

Vindicator ago

...and Twitter just suggested 'Prince Andrew Pizzagate' as a search term to me...


Swamp Takedown flair activated and a round of Tequila shots for all!

EricKaliberhall ago

Skål broder! :)

More pain is coming.

Lowbatt34 ago

Royals are all sweating now. The story won't stop with Andrew... Wouldn't we love to be a fly on the wall as they all scramble and freak out. Justice will be served. Thanks to Andrew, new light will be shed on Prince Charles' very close relationship with notorious pedophile Jimmy Savile. He was knighted, for God's sake. Royal family deserves to be strung up and executed.

twistedmac11 ago

I'm just wondering....should we be concerned that there are 3 (correct me if I'm wrong) Epstein accusers being represented by Gloria Allred?

gamepwn ago

He's going to be talking to the FBI as well!

ToFat2Fish ago

Ha what royal duties the crown hasent been useful in centuries

plancktonne ago

How will England open any new hospitals or art galleries? The poor queen will be overburdened and she's in her 90s.

Should we start a pool on predicting Andy's demise. Will he go the way of Epstein with "somebody" suiciding him or extracting him to Belarus? Or will he just disappear like his dear friend Ghislaine? I still opt for an unfortunate stumble from the Eiffel Tower while all surveillance cameras are momentarily out of order.

Is everyone aware that, unbelievably, all surveillance cameras were out of service at the White House when Vince Foster left his half-eaten lunch to go suicide himself in Fort Marcy Park. As were the cameras in the Pont d'Alma tunnel when Princess Diana was murdered. And now there are no cameras when Epstein did not kill himself.

There were also no cameras (or we were not allowed to see video) of much of the Las Vegas mass shooting. We only saw a few seconds of "something" zipping across the hiway when a 9/11 plane hit the Pentagon. Then there's the business of a street camera being turned away from CPP before the shooting took place and later turned back.

On Epstein: "The arrest of Jeffrey Epstein’s prison guards “proves his death was a suicide” and “should end all the conspiracy theories surrounding” his death, said ... Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik." So they arrest two patsies and everybody is supposed to go, "They're right, that proves Epstein did kill himself!"

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent points.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

"On Epstein: "The arrest of Jeffrey Epstein’s prison guards “proves his death was a suicide” and “should end all the conspiracy theories surrounding” his death, said ... Former New York City police commissioner Bernard Kerik." So they arrest two patsies and everybody is supposed to go, "They're right, that proves Epstein did kill himself!""

Took the words right out of my mouth, rofl

volunteerwork2020 ago

They found a corpse on the Queen's estate in January 2012 shortly after Christmas.

Anti-Stupid ago

if required


Google prince andrew father lord porchester

CaJuN-M8 ago

Dont worry guys on the day the virginia said she had sex wit the prince he was at a pizza party. These people are stupid. Has to be secret comms that hes basically fuckd if they keep digging.

Madwack ago

Have a seat, have a seat over there prince.

that's it??

The photo's of him show he was into it....this is pushing it under the rug.

carmencita ago

Read that he got JE to pay off Fergies debts. How does Epstein owe Andy a favor? Payback with more customers. Jeff is too valuable to let him die. Wonder where the prince will hide out while laying low. This is a huge embarrassment for him to “step down”.

Xax ago

Maybe the band can get together again and Andy and Jeff can lure minors into their lair in Tel Aviv?

fogdryer ago

I find this just crazy. England is very powerful, cant believe she is allowing this to happen to her baby.

Him being the fall guy, idk

knockoutcheesepizza ago

They’re not nearly as powerful as Rothschilds and the elitists eventually want one world govt. So maybe bringing down the monarchy as surplus to requirement - see image

fogdryer ago

I don’t agree. Prince Charles is like no 1 nan in the UN

Agenda. Very powerful.

Shieldmaden ago

Everyone needs to watch the Body Language Ghost video on Prince-pal-pervert Andrew. He’s a royally incompetent liar, it’s hilarious to watch.

Vindicator ago

Link us up! :-)

Vindicator ago

Upgoat 4 u

Shieldmaden ago

Much obliged.

MrBrizola ago

Thanks for the info and optimism but i cant get much joy over a voluntery work break after he has been caught largely red handed and his excuses were "i dont remember, I didnt sweat back then and pizza express"

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Totally agree. Not good enough.

hollywood2020 ago

kill him

QShakaLaBoom ago

burn him Hunt him down with dogs like the elites do teens.

Anomalia ago

More time for Pizza Partys?

SearchVoatBot ago

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carmencita ago

No money from the Sovereign Grant will be forthcoming. But surely Queen Mum will slip him a few bucks from her pocketbook now and then. But not much is needed to entertain his dates. Kiddie parks, ice cream cones, and a trip to the zoo now and then.

hillaryisanigger ago

Is this when we celebrate a premature victory vicariously through an arbitrary classification like "royal duties" and not arrest/prison?

SearchVoatBot ago

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think- ago

No, this is when we collectively show a perp the middlefinger. :-)

hillaryisanigger ago

I'm sure that will really grind his gears...

think- ago

You aren't British, are you? This has never happened before.

Considering how pedo infested the Royalty is, it's huge.

Xax ago

Huge would be spiking his head on London bridge.

hillaryisanigger ago

So... he’s free...

And he’s still the prince of England...
