plancktonne ago

The Prince Andrew BBC Interview is a good example of how ancient and stale the propagandists have become. Andy's scripted line, "I've let the side down..." smells of pre World War II propaganda, when most people in England still rallied around the royals no matter what.

Now that this has all blown up in Andy's and his mum's faces, Andy's advisers are saying, "We warned him not to do it."

DBentonSmith ago

Now Epstein and Prince Andrew have one more thing in common. They have both hanged themselves.

DBentonSmith ago

Shouldn't you rephrase the headline to something more like "BBC allows Prince Andrew to hang himself"?

Lansing-Michigan ago

Arrogance on steroids.......Andrew thinks if he just speaks, everyone will think he is innocent. He needs a DNA test........does not look like anyone in the royal family.

V____Z ago

Pretty much, yes. Because he did. And it's beautiful.

think- ago

They didn't pressure him on Ghislaine Maxwell, although she is a rapist and sex trafficker as well, and he has been friends with her for decades.

think- ago

He partly told the truth. He said that he told Epstein they shouldn't be seen together in public anymore. This was the alleged 'break-up'.

He doesn't even pretend he split with him because he found out Epstein was a sex trafficker. (And of course, he stayed friends with him anyway, he just made sure they were not seen together in public.)

mariaregina ago

Somebody said on youtube that they actually fell out over some money Epstein loaned to Duchess Fergie and at the time they were papped in Central Park they could've been talking outside because Epstein's house might've been bugged.

Anyway this was a trainwreck of an interview because it was obvious he was lying through his teeth.

I think on some level they WANT people in the general public to know that they do these things. Hence all the terrible obvious lying in this BBC interview.

think- ago

I don't think they fell out at all. They just stopped seeing each other in public.

mariaregina ago

True. Just like he isn't really dead but that's offtopic.

cantfindmenow ago

The same BBC that allowed the Hampstead father/abuser an opportunity to claim his 'innocence':

Podge512 ago

Jimmy Savile, Paul Gadd, Jonathan King, Rolf Harris, Stuart Hall, Wilfrid Brambell, Chris Langham. Some of the child rapists/child pornographers the BBC has protected. Now, they openly promote child rape. And Satanism; filth who ritually rape, murder and cannibalise children.

Heisenberg123 ago Add this, BBC protecting James Alefantis in their new documentary about "fake news"

plancktonne ago

"Mark John Thompson is a British media executive who is the current Chief Executive Officer of The New York Times Company. From 2004 to 2012, he served as Director-General of the BBC, and before that was the Chief Executive of Channel 4."

That was the period when the BBC was denying and covering-up for Sir Jimmy Savile, Former BBC personality and then "conspiracy theorist" David Icke was the first to claim Sir Jimmy was a vile paedophile and was thoroughly mocked for it.

A few weeks ago, another ex-British media exec was mentioned as being now employed as a US media exec. Can't recall the details, but think it was at ABC or NBC in regard to the Epstein and Weinstein cover-ups. Like we can't find American pedo and rapist coverer-uppers that we need to hire foreigners for this important duty. Of coure, the British have hundreds of years more experience in this than we do.

AlexProkhorenkoLives ago

Jill Dando is another interesting case,except she paid with her life for trying to draw attention to this .

Podge512 ago

And whilst Thompson was Director General of the BBC, he personally wrote to convicted BBC child molester Jonathan King to apologise for the BBC removing King from reruns of old shows and assured him that it wouldn't happen again (the BBC also rehired King to appear in a documentary on the band Genesis in 2013 but Thompson had already moved on by then). Then under his leadership, the New York Times publishes its child rape apologia 'Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not A Crime'.

plancktonne ago

That's a new one to me. Thanks.

flyingcuttlefish ago

the famous photos of prince Andrew partying with beautiful women are getting scrubbed from search engines after the interview.

Here are some famous ones -

Userly ago

All I can see in those pics are adult women, Please don’t make it up.

IShallNotFear ago

That needed a NSFW warning

flyingcuttlefish ago

It doesn't have an auto-start video with auto-start sound playing (at least not my browser).

It has no sensitive images, just 2 people in chairs.

Everything on pizzagate topic is unafe for work if you have a problem with text or headlines. The whole subverse - so I disagree. Unless you had a video pop in with sound ... then I apoligize.

volunteerwork2020 ago

The same BBC that covered up Savile's crimes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Yuke ago

The media are giving him a little bit of a bashing on this though, I must admit.

Baichu ago

The media needs to bash the crap out of him. He deserves no less.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ababcb ago

There was a Voat thread about Pizza Express almost two years ago that got almost no views or comments/upvotes:

Sophie Dix BBC was accused of raping and eating children in Hampstead using instruments of horror - they allege they were abused in Pizza Express

MercurysBall ago

Just looking into Pizza Express Woking now. There's quite a story there.. here's a pointer... Pity I can't post links but the building that hosts the restaurant is at 65-71 Goldsworth Road . Pizza Express is at 65-67 and ARCHEE'S BAR is at 69-71.

The ground floor comprises a Pizza Express restaurant at 65-67 Goldsworth Road and “Archee’s” bar at 69-71 Goldsworth Road.

Archee's Bar opened in September 2001 and one of the directors was Keith Kahan. (That's a Barbara Kahan connection.)

Yup. Andy let slip something he shouldn't have. Just sayin...

ababcb ago

I'm unfamiliar with Barbara Kahan, can you fill me in?

MercurysBall ago

Barbara Kahan is a name synonymous with shell companies in the UK. It's a big scandal. Her name came up in the Hampstead case. If you do a search in Voat you will find many posts.

Also, here's on article about Keith and Barbara Kahan .. take out the space and brackets in the following url (I can't post links as I don't have enough points): [https://]medium .com/@blackbookjourno/russian-dolls-the-biggest-scandal-never-reported-f8f62a8f66d7

ShooterMcGavinn ago

He was out for pizza lol

flyingcuttlefish ago

in the interview he ignores the fact that his pal, Ghislaine Maxwell is a serial child rapist and maybe he shouldn't invite her to the palace quite so often ....

flyingcuttlefish ago

I just took a screen grab of the Little Black Book page with Duke of York - (anyone can use it) -

derram ago :

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein FULL INTERVIEW - BBC Newsnight - YouTube

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