doolord ago

“Pizzagate happened, but its not about the pizza parlor. Its about the global scale cover up and protection of people like Jeffery Epstein by the media and elite politicians."

This is literally what people have been saying. It was never strictly about the parlor

swordfish69 ago

Pizzagate also involves snuff, blood trafficking and possibly even espionage. Encouraging that a fairly big media outlet is able to say something like this.

Lansing-Michigan ago

It is encouraging........we are seeing progress in increments. A year ago,it was mostly not discussed in US criminal media.

user9713 ago

Pizzagate happened, but its not about the pizza parlor.

It was never about a pizza parlor. The reference to pizza was the code words being used in the Podesta emails. Of course, the complicit media needs to push the lie because they're complicit in all of this.

WHAMMO63 ago

Not true, there was evidence that children were being trafficked through them.

user9713 ago

Did you even read my post? I hate to block people but this is why the shit was invented.

WHAMMO63 ago

Oh you're gonna BLOCK ME 😥😥😥😥

Vindicator ago

Yep. We need to keep saying that and citing material like this that proves it.

Heisenberg123 ago

It is in very big part about Comet Ping Pong. There's no denying.

darkknight111 ago

CPP is but one head of the hydra.

The shit with Epstein is somewhere akin to intersection of a neck to the main torso.

Heisenberg123 ago

The most debunked head ; )

user9713 ago

There is denial on your part that the code word "Cheese pizza" is what sparked the term PIzzagate, and not some pizza parlor.

Heisenberg123 ago

Pizza parlor sparked it as well, without it - there's no Pizzagate. It's ( CPP, Instagram and so on ) what really support claims based on emails that Tony/John Podestas and James Alefantis are into something suspicious.

user9713 ago

Pizza parlor sparked it as well,

It was dubbed Pizzagate before the connection to Comet Pizza was made. Laters.

Heisenberg123 ago

How much earlier? few hours? Someone posted code words on 4chan on November 3 and connection to Alefantis was made in hours

3141592653 ago

I think this article is very good for our cause

Heisenberg123 ago

It is about pizza parlor too. They are trying to redefine it.

MeatballPizza ago

Also fails to mention Epstein was likely working for one or more intelligence agencies. G. Maxwell's father was a Mossad agent. Hence the visiting of pedo island by scientists, Nobel Prize winners, etc. Get them all compromised and available for blackmail later.

plancktonne ago

It follows the logic of the Soviet Union's old KGB who attempted to compromise foreign visitors, not only notables, but including complete nobodies at the time, just on the chance they might become someone useful way down the road.

SparklingWiggle ago

Holy shit, that's a lot of Jews in a single news article. I wish one of these authors would mention that coincidence.

PrepareForWar ago

That is anti semitic. You cant talk about the jews after a billion of them died at the holocaust.

SparklingWiggle ago

Thank God there were never of billion of them.

pby1000 ago

Interesting. They consistently get pizzagate wrong, but at least they are talking about it.

dundundunnnnn ago

They consistently get pizzagate wrong

Right? The consistent refusal to acknowledge the correct accusations sends a red flag up. They always make it about something it isn't and then laugh at the stupidity of such an idea. They never get it right and I'm pretty sure it isn't ignorance but instead it's an attempt to misdirect the public.

pby1000 ago

I agree. Also, a lot of them believe what they are told and don't bother to question it, unless us. LOL.