YogSoggoth ago

If any plans like this leak out they will call it a crazy conspiracy theory copied from TV. Getting ahead of the narrative.

sAVAgeBeastN ago

Yup. Totally.. the Cooperative is the Illuminati. They changed it to something "more modern" they say in one episode. These people are sick.

user9713 ago

Side note: almost every season is about a women and fags fighting white males.


We are being prepped and programmed for a nuclear conflict between America and Russia and probably Europe and China too. The elites have the post-nuclear world planned out.

We've talked a lot about ritual sacrifice a lot in the past few years, but if we look at how the power elite have benifitted from a century of war and grown even more powerful, then you have to wonder whether human life is a kind of currency to them. This makes the objectives in the Korean, Vietnam and Afghanistan wars solely about how many Americans they could get killed.

All the other agendas they are pushing behind a Joker mask of humanitarianism through their mainstream media are designed to weaken us in preparation for a Apocalypse they are hoping to ride out.

gamepwn ago

I know all about this. The elites are planning a world wide genocide so they can get their murderous pedophilia utopia and control over the survivors. I'm actually also known as gamepwn in the survivalist community too on YT. My channel focused on apocalyptic clips in the media and survivalist tips. That channel wen't down long ago but I reached a good couple million people before it did.



There's some propaganda movies out now. They released a movie called Pearl Harbour just before 9/11 - I just saw a trailer for Midway which looks very similar. I think Israel is going to engineer a war between Russia and America from within both countries.

Deflo56 ago

I thought the same thing when I was watching it. It also made me wonder how much of this stuff coming out of Hollywood is cathartic especially for the writers and producers. These people are very sick.

Wynterwhisper ago

It's awful to think that babies are possibly being murdered tonight because it's one of their holidays

derram ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=dN8EHbn-6Ds :

American Horror Story Apocalypse is about the cabal and depopulation - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=1qpTEnp5dcA :

Satanic Ritual sacrifice in American Horror Story pt 2 - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=SDbnF_ilFCw :

Satanic Ritual sacrifice in American Horror Story pt 1 - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Vindicator ago

Yep. When we watched this at home, my entire family jumped up and said "This is totally pizzagate! It's exactly what you've been saying." Then they all started lurking here.

They were pretty butthurt when Putt closed Voat to subscriber only. So yesterday, they all made accounts. :-) Today, they are spreading "And Epstein didn't commit suicide" memes.

ridleychozo ago

Cute. But 'Epstein didn't commit suicide' is another psy op. It should be 'Epstein didn't die'. The body in the picture released wasn't him. Different nose and left ear. Ears are like fingerprints.

21yearsofdigging ago

Man, if you can believe this Carlo Rota, who plays Anton Levy, actually bought one of my paintings back in 2000. I am just sick he was in this

21yearsofdigging ago

Fantastic!! Love that!

gamepwn ago

Haha thats awesome! Redpill them all Vindicator! I have my own family to the point my brother is a major pizzagate follower as well and he doubted it in the beginning. Their programming the cabal uses is blowing up in their face.

Vindicator ago

My youngest daughter (teen) was regaling me this evening about all the Epstein Didn't Commit Suicide memes she saw today on ifunny.

Three years ago, when I agreed to mod this board, she was worried I'd get suicided. We had a family discussion about it and came to the conclusion that the kids with no parents who were being trafficked by these fiends needed our family to help them. She gave me the green light, and we upped the life insurance policy and never looked back.

She recently decided to major in Computer Science in college with an emphasis in unmanned aerial systems. :-)

Judgejewdy ago

well now they know who she is.

JesusRules ago

Show them the FBI release about the Finders and CIA